Actors You Avoid At All Costs


The bolded part is absolutely true. Sadly Depp made the character to be rather annoying, and sadly it was popular. Just like Avatar, boy bands, and several other annoying things that become popular.
I Agree re: Depp. That kind of character works well in a supporting role, but then when they go onto make sequels quickly becomes annoying.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
as for flat out, will not watch if they are in it, top of the extremely low list is Ben Stiller. Even cameos make me re-think some movies, or say "screw stiller" and go on enjoying the flick and ignoring the few seconds of film time
nails on chalk board, that @ss wipe

Never liked sean penn.

The other one for me is Heath Ledger.
i'd not been that fussed on him pre joker but was pretty blown away by his performance there.

I then made the mistake of watching another of his films and it was such a huge disappointment i've avoided him ever since.

Miley Cyrus although she should hardly be considered an actor.
Why can I not stop playing this game! Please help me! Reely

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Will Ferrell, Jack Black.

I was at a loss for an answer until I saw photonshot's comment, and I have to agree. Any movie with Cyrus will probably not be worth watching.
Also, I'll avoid anything with Steven Seagal, Gary Busey, or Vin Diesel in a starring role. If they're just supporting characters or making cameo appearances, that's fine. I even tolerated Diesel being part of the ensemble in Fast and Furious 6, the only film of the series I've seen.

^ Have you seen Pitch Black? Diesel is fine in this science fiction film, it's an excellent film and he suits the role perfectly.
I'll admit I haven't, but I've seen The Chronicles of Riddick. I think someone listed that as one of the worst prequels ever made.

Justin Timberlake.

Because: Friends with Benefits, Bad Teacher.
Not seen Bad Teacher but Friends with Benefits was better than I thought it would be, not bad at all, and I also really liked his role in The Social Network. I am looking forward to how he does in the Coen Brothers' new film Inside Llewyn Davis, too.

I'll admit I haven't, but I've seen The Chronicles of Riddick. I think someone listed that as one of the worst prequels ever made.
Don't let that put you off Pitch Black, very different films. I didn't think much of Chronicles of Riddick but Pitch Black is one of my all time favourite science fiction films.

Not seen Bad Teacher but Friends with Benefits was better than I thought it would be, not bad at all, and I also really liked his role in The Social Network. I am looking forward to how he does in the Coen Brothers' new film Inside Llewyn Davis, too.
For me Friends with Benefits was a total waste of time. It really is a pointless movie.

Bad Teacher is much, much worse. Had the misfortune of seeing it this Sunday. Sundays suck anyway, but Bad Teacher made it worse for me. Felt severely depressed for the rest of the day.

I'll admit I haven't, but I've seen The Chronicles of Riddick. I think someone listed that as one of the worst prequels ever made.
Pitch Black is a very different film and awesome!

The director David Twohy put a lot of his ideas for his script for Alien 3 into this movie. And all his ideas were much closer to horror and the original Alien.

DeeVeeDee's Avatar
Not Enough Time
..... ummm.... i think i may be the only Jack Black on the planet.... i personally love him and think he's funny and awesome, though not a great actor, he does roles specifically for him and I like the movies he's in... High Fidelity?? Come on.
"so i turned away, because i didn't want to see. just like everybody else."

"If dreams are like movies then memories are films about ghosts"

Don't let that put you off Pitch Black, very different films. I didn't think much of Chronicles of Riddick but Pitch Black is one of my all time favourite science fiction films.
Pitch Black is a very different film and awesome!

The director David Twohy put a lot of his ideas for his script for Alien 3 into this movie. And all his ideas were much closer to horror and the original Alien.
I'll check it out sometime. I think that Walmart has a limited edition of it right now. Thanks.

I just Googled it, and they have the steelbook for $10 so I'll go ahead and get that

I advise you to stop avoiding him and watch Black Snake Moan.
I might, but only if you admit that he was awful in both Bad Teacher and Friends with Benefits.