Most passionate actor


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What's your most passionate actor/actress of all time, and why?

How can you spot passion in acting? What does it to you?

Any good examples/movie clips? Thanks!

I am the Watcher in the Night
david hasslehoff

but on a serious note, Pacino, at the point of overacting on occasion, can really show some real passion in his movies, scenes in Scent of a Woman, Godfather Part II, Heat and of course Scarface, all attest to that.

Tom Hanks is another one, you seems to put his all into the role and I have yet to see him give a bad performance.

I think John Malkovich is one of the most passionate actors but to a flaw. He almost seems like he is performing on a stage in a lot of his roles.
Why can I not stop playing this game! Please help me! Reely

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Or is it just that he manages to pick the right franchise to make films about, basically guaranteeing it'll pull in the crowds, regardless of how rubbish his films actually turn out to be?

Maria Falconetti in The Passion of Joan of Arc
Michael Fassbender in Shame
Lars Rudolph in Werckmeister Harmonies
Liv Ulmann & Ingrid Bergman in Autumn Sonata
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

His dedication and passion for a role in which he completely immerses himself into his character makes him one of the greatest living actors today.

Tom Hanks. Very passionate, and very good at what he does. Even though his last couple of films weren't the greatest (correct me if I'm wrong), he has a love for his art that makes him truly gifted in what he does.

Maria Falconetti in The Passion of Joan of Arc
Michael Fassbender in Shame
Lars Rudolph in Werckmeister Harmonies
Liv Ulmann & Ingrid Bergman in Autumn Sonata
After seeing The Passion of Joan of Arc, I agree completely. I was BLOWN away at the emotion!

His dedication and passion for a role in which he completely immerses himself into his character makes him one of the greatest living actors today.
I agree, even though I've only seen two of his films so far, but his performance in There Will Be Blood... just wow.

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Leonardo DiCaprio

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Interesting question. My first thought was in the realm of Al Pacino, or explosiveness-as-passion, but than again, some of the finest subtle performances denote great passionate. Gotta think more on that one