Actor/Director combinations you'd like to see.


I made this forum simply because I have a wet dream for a movie. A Christopher Nolan film starring Jennifer Lawrence and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. My favorite director actress and actor. But got me thinking what combination of actor/director that haven't worked together would you like to see? And Why?

Mine is obviously Jennifer Lawrence/Christopher Nolan. They both just pump out nothing but quality work, I'd love to see them team up. Maybe Nolan could center a movie around a girl for JLAW ha.

Conversely, a frequent Jlaw collaborator now, my other combination I'd like to see is Joseph Gordon-Levitt/David O Russell. Simply, because they both do quality stuff but Russell seems to have a knack for getting Oscar nominations for his actors. I believe he has had 7 nominations and 3 wins in acting categories in his last two movies, The Fighter and Silver Linings Playbook. I'd love to see JGL get some Oscar love he deserves at least a nomination. Still think he should have been nominated for 50/50 but thats for another thread.

Anyways who is your Actor/Director combo that haven't worked together yet?
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I would love to see Damon work with either PTA or Tarantino. Both those directors get so much out of their performers. I can't think of a truly awful performance in any of their films. I have loved Damon since the Good Will Hunting days, so seeing him do something with some heavy lifting would be great.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Rachel McAdams- Christopher Nolan
Denzel Washington- Martin Scorsese
Ellen Page- Alexander Payne
Love the Washington-Scorsese combo, has to be a crime flick.

Ang Lee directing Idris Elba in a film about Paul Robeson

Director: Martin Scorsese

Actors (all in the same film):

Jake Gyllenhaal (of course) -- as Ed
Adam Sandler -- as Richard
Jodie Foster -- as Gwen
Leonardo DiCaprio -- as Malcolm
Whoopi Goldberg -- as De De
Neve Campbell -- as Kate
Robin Williams -- as Stan
Ben Affleck -- as Holt
Kiefer Sutherland -- as Buster
Rose McGowan -- as Samantha
Arnold Schwarzenegger -- as Tyson
Tom Hardy -- as James

Movie Title:

Prostitutes for Farmers

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
Quentin Tarrintino/ Jackie Chan

What, is there a character named Jackie Chun?

Edit: it seems there is, lmao (I've never watched Dragon Ball). I actually misspelled Jackie Chan's surname on purpose, because he misspelled Tarantino's. And I've seen many people do that.

What, is there a character named Jackie Chun?

Edit: it seems there is, lmao (I've never watched Dragon Ball). I actually misspelled Jackie Chan's surname on purpose, because he misspelled Tarantino's. And I've seen many people do that.
I see. lol Yeah old gag in the first Season of Dragonball.

I am the Watcher in the Night
Tom Hardy and Quentin Tarantino!!! Come on, I can't believe these two haven't worked together already.

Would also love to see Spielberg and Jennifer Lawrence, she's definitely one of the best female leads out there and had proven box office worth.

Bela Tarr + Michael Fassbender + Liv Ullmann

Austere tale of a plague doctor (starring Fassbender) walking, walking, walking, and WALKING, did I say walking? Yeah, walking on the streets in this scary plague doctor's mask, and then without and then talking with Ullmann, then each one of them gives 10-minute-long monologue and the movie ends with everything fading into darkness.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Marlon brando directed and starred In. One Eyed Jacks.Not a bad movie.just old now
Clint eastwood directed and starred In A couple of movies that I thought were great.the one with the girl boxer was good.
I wonder how deniro would do it.deniro and pacino.

deniro directing pacino.
Or pacino directing deniro.

David Fincher-Michael Fassbender

Martin Scorcese-Edward Norton

Clint Eastwood-Christian Bale

Christopher Nolan-Jennifer Carpenter