Music Industry caught "Faking" View Count on You Tube.


We've gone on holiday by mistake
Title says it all, seems likely given that I always wondered how some of Katy Perry's trash songs got so many views so quickly and really good less mainstream music gets 90% fewer views.

Gangnam Style really 1 billion?

Smells mystical, doesn't it?
I'm too old for this world now. This might matter, but I don't see how.
Likewise. I don't even know what Gangnam-style is...
Let's talk some jive.

Youtube can worry about fake views on their videos, yet I'm ridiculous for worrying about getting too much neg rep here?

The world as I know it has ceased to exist... Whatever shall I do??

I believe it's the lifestyle, especially the ladies, of Gangnam, a suburb of Seoul. Well, you did ask.
My brother works as a Pilot for Korean Air, though he wouldn't know...he hates the food there and most things!

Smells mystical, doesn't it?
My brother works as a Pilot for Korean Air, though he wouldn't know...he hates the food there and most things!
That was random, lol.

Gangnam style - if you live under a rock, you won't know what it is...

Smells mystical, doesn't it?
Gangnam style - if you live under a rock, you won't know what it is...
Oh, well, that explains it then.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
The thing is they (music industry) cries when people get music for free, then it turns out they are increasing their revenue by using view faking software.

The higher the view count, the more money they make.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
The latest douche manoeuvre from You Tube is just after the video you have searched for appears, 2 advertisement vids appear just above it RIGHT at the moment you click on your chosen video. So ****ing annoying and such a mega douche move by YT!

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Gangnam Style really 1 billion?
I don't doubt that figure in the slightest. Considering it was a popular annoying novelty song which also came with a popular annoying novelty dance (which you would presumably have to watch the video to learn). I think the amount of times just my kids watched it must have run into double figures.