The worst pain you've ever experienced


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When I was a kid I had an abnormally short tongue so I had to get that string underneath it cut. That wasn't so bad with local anesthetic and whatnot but overtime the wound had healed around the stitches and had become infected. When I had to have the stitches taken out the nurse tugged on it a couple of times and then she just pulled. That's the only time in my life where pain has actually blinded me. Everything just went white and I wanted to die. I remember thinking afterwards that that's what it must be like to have the Cruciatus Curse put on you.
The Freedom Roads

I'd sooner go through natural childbirth once a week, than the crap I'm going through now.
Aww sweetie sorry to hear that, a big from me
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

I had abdominal surgery back in 1979 and they had me in my hospital room when I started waking up as two nurses, one on each side, were doing their damnest to wrestle these surgery hose over each of my legs (has something to do with preventing bloodclots I think). Anyway I'm coming to, but still have my eyes closed and I see in my head this big red wave of pain just come sweeping over my body, pain like I never felt before or since, with these two nurses just yanking and tugging on these hose like they were putting a too-small girdle on a fat woman. I'm lying there feeling like a turkey's wishbone, groaning and saying "ohhh, ohh." I hear someone in the room say, "He's waking up."
And one of the nurses who's submitting me to sick-at-my-stomach pain with ever yank on those hose, says, "Oh, no, he's still out. He can't feel a thing." At which time I say, "The hell I can't! Get the fug away from me!!!"

As bad as the pain was at that moment, it later got much much worse the first time I coughed! Felt like I had just ripped out all the stitches. Later I was talking to my dad about, and he says That ain't nothing!" Seems that the day after he came out of abdominal surgery one time, he sneezed! Man, can you imagine how that would tear at you!

Later my dear ol Mom who always had such strange illusions about me, tells me, "Well, at least I know you're religious because while you were out after surgery, I heard you saying 'Oh, God' Oh, God." Told her, "I wasn't being religious, I just didn't finish the sentence." If saying Oh God is an indication of religion, if she had been outside my apartment some nights, she would have thought I was having a revival in my bedroom!

Man I feel your pain, just reading this post made me shudder! I have a phobia of nails coming off or anything to do with them. I am nearly sick whenever I see finger nails coming off in films, I have to look away.

When I was about 19 I had both sides of both big toes in-grown and infected and I wouldnt go to the drs about them because of my phobia. So everyday when I came in I would take my shoes off carefully and then my socks, but the socks were stuck on to the nail due to the blood etc, so I would have to rip them off the easiest I could. But My wife (then GF) dragged me to the drs and I had to have an out patients procedure where they cut out the toe nail on each side of the toe, the dr was putting the injection into the where the nail was ingrowning and the pain was so intense there was 2 other drs holding me down. I can say it was horrible. This didnt help at all and was a waste of time as I had to go back to a different dr to have the beds taken out of each side of my toe on each foot. I told the dr what the other one had done and he said it was completely wrong when adminsitrating anisthetic it sould be at the bottom of the toe not in the infection/ingrown area.

Since having the beds either side of my big toe nail taken out, I dont get any ingrowing toe nails anymore, but the experience has just added to my phobia of nails grr
N3wt and Spudracer will appreciate this: When I was in the Army stationed at Irwin Army Hospital at Fort Riley, Kan., one of my duties once a week was to go down and handle the paperwork at an outpatient clinc. Most of the surgery was in the form of treating ingrown toenails. Most of the work was done by this mean-ass captain who claimed only people without good personal hygene develop ingrown nails, and he wasn't at all sympathetic to what he saw as sort of a "self-inflicted" mess that he then had to clean up. As a result, he didn't give those poor guys anything for the pain before he cut those nails out!!!

Years later I went through a period where the nails on my big toes often became ingrown. So I was down at the doctor for the second or third incident of ingrown nails and I asked him if instead of cutting them out time after time, was there someway to permanently prevent ingrown nails. He said, "Sure, we can kill the nail or just that part where it becomes ingrown." Gave me a couple of shots in the toe on the side where it would become ingrown, and it has never occurred again. The rest of the nail apparently is still alive because it still grows, but that section on the left side hasn't changed a bit since that injection. In fact, he had taken out part of the nail on that side that had become ingrownand that missing section of nail never grew back. Man, it's great!

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If saying Oh God is an indication of religion, if she had been outside my apartment some nights, she would have thought I was having a revival in my bedroom!
lol bra

When people say "oh god", I think they generally mean "oh universe", as in "why universe!? why!?" The general sentiment, religious or not, is one of summoning the fates, whatever those are. The same thing with the F word, which is also widely understood to mean "sex". A lot of ancient creation theories spoke of a literal cosmic birth where birth can imply the act of sex, or rather, cosmic sex. So when we curse our lives with the F word, maybe we're recalling these ancient tales of cosmic sex creation, again a way of blaming the fates for our predicament.
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

lol bra

When people say "oh god", I think they generally mean "oh universe", as in "why universe!? why!?" The general sentiment, religious or not, is one of summoning the fates, whatever those are. The same thing with the F word, which is also widely understood to mean "sex". A lot of ancient creation theories spoke of a literal cosmic birth where birth can imply the act of sex, or rather, cosmic sex. So when we curse our lives with the F word, maybe we're recalling these ancient tales of cosmic sex creation, again a way of blaming the fates for our predicament.
When my girlfriends said it, I assumed it was in appreciation of an outstanding performance!

Registered User
natural child birth for 13 hrs... enough said
Natural child birth for me too, but only 12 hours.

an infected absess inside the nerve of my tooth, that would randomly knock me on the ground in pain. With panadine, codine, asprine and morphine it only took the edge off the pain so I could function. Much more intense pain then any broken bone or illness Ive ever had

You ready? You look ready.
Winged scapular. My left shoulder isn't sitting in the right position and I use my shoulders a LOT at work.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

I've had loads of bad injuries.

Was into bmx and skateboarding when I was a kid. Had tons of breaks, fractured my shinbone right down the full length of the bone, broke my sternum once too when my chest slammed into the bike's handlebars, that was bad, couldn't breathe properly for about six months.
My sternum still plays up even now after nearly 20 years as it hasn't healed properly, it clicks when I sneeze too.

Worst pain though was about five years ago, I was on a motorbike and was working at an airbase. Had to stop at the gate and get my pass out, so I took my gloves off and then dropped my pass under the bike. When I reached down to pick up the pass, the part of my wrist where my thumb attaches to my hand got welded onto the exhaust pipe.
Even though I tried to pull away my wrist was stuck fast and I had to wait till my flesh literally boiled away before I could move. You could see the tendons and the bones in my wrist but very little blood as the heat had sealed the wound.
Never when to hospital though, just patched it up using the office first aid kit and went back to work. Took about 3 months to heal fully.

Well,there was a fire in my kitchen and I was panicked about my house,and everything went very fast,but still it was pretty painful.I remember when I had to visit a doctor so he could take off the burnt skin off my hand.I felt much more pain during the procedure probably because I was calm and didn't need to worry how to save my house anymore.

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier
In September '11 when I had to get one of my testicles removed. It's something I don't always feel comfortable talking about but it's something I hate looking back on. I was experiencing pain down that area, from whenever I walked, layed down, and sat down and I had to ER from Eurologists or whatever the heck they're called to get it checked. I remember being put to sleep, being in the hospital..all of it. I felt like I lost alot of things after that surgery and it isn't just my testicle. I feel like I lost my chance at having a girlfriend because I'm worried that girl won't like me for having 1, and that I'll be a freak. Everything is wrong with my life, and I know I won't last long in it.

I can't remember my coma and in hospital, you are hopped on drugs all the time. Though I remember my eye socket fracture..

The worst pain I've ever experienced was after surgery to remove my gallbladder. I went into the E.R. last November with excruciating abdominal pain and was diagnosed with a gall bladder attack and gall stones. So they went laparoscopically to remove it. When they do surgery this way, they pump CO2 gas into the patient's abdomen so that they are able to see to perform the surgery. Once the procedure is over and the instruments have been removed, some of that gas remains trapped in the abdominal cavity with nowhere to go. Once the patient has recovered and begins to move around th gas shifts and the resulting pain left me screaming. Much, much worse than pain I experienced when I entered the hospital.

In September '11 when I had to get one of my testicles removed. It's something I don't always feel comfortable talking about but it's something I hate looking back on. I was experiencing pain down that area, from whenever I walked, layed down, and sat down and I had to ER from Eurologists or whatever the heck they're called to get it checked. I remember being put to sleep, being in the hospital..all of it. I felt like I lost alot of things after that surgery and it isn't just my testicle. I feel like I lost my chance at having a girlfriend because I'm worried that girl won't like me for having 1, and that I'll be a freak. Everything is wrong with my life, and I know I won't last long in it.
Sorry to hear that Tripod at least you still have one Surely a woman is not going to reject you just because of that I couldn't have children but it didn't seem to worry the Men I have been with
Your here with us so that is one good thing in your life

A blade ripping up my stomach and then staying there for about an hour.
I was trying to hail a taxi and they wouldn't stop, seeing a guy walking around with a portruding knife in him, but I knew if I had pulled it out, I would have bled to death. At, first I didn't feel anything but as time went on, I felt as if someone was slicing me with a razor blade. It all ended well.

A blade ripping up my stomach and then staying there for about an hour.
I was trying to hail a taxi and they wouldn't stop, seeing a guy walking around with a portruding knife in him, but I knew if I had pulled it out, I would have bled to death. At, first I didn't feel anything but as time went on, I felt as if someone was slicing me with a razor blade. It all ended well.
OMG Why didn't you just ring an ambulance