Life Changing Movies


i guess there is a movie which changed my thoughts and the movie named The Final Destination .It had changed my ability to think even as earlier i used to think that we can do anything but this movie has taught me that if anything has been decided that is going to happen for sure !

Here, There and Everywhere
Why? Did you used to be a racist Nazi?
Haha, nah, I guess I used to be very critical of racial minorities in society but this movie kind of opened my eyes on how corrupt the legal system is in regards to the degree of their sentencing and treatment. Anyway, I'm doing law at University next year so I'm sure I'll experience plenty of corruption for myself when I finish my 5 years of study and go into a practice.

Bleh. I've got to raise an eyebrow to anyone who's politically infulenced by Stone's movies. Anyhoo, not many movies have changed my life...and the ones that have haven't done so dramatically. Only three come to mind just now:
  • Braveheart
  • It's a Wonderful Life
  • 12 Angry Men

Matches exactly 3 of mine. Anymore - since then -you can add Chris?
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Savannah Smiles made me realize I really need to talk to my kids about things we watch on TV. We watched the movie for Family Movie Night one day and everyone really enjoyed it.

The following Sunday morning my daughter woke up earlier than usual. I told her to go play in her room for about a half an hour and then I would get up so we could get ready for church. When I got up I found an unlocked front door and a missing 8 year old daughter and 4 year old son. She decided that since no one was up she would run away and take her little brother with her.

I ran around the neighborhood frantic and screaming for a few minutes before I found them a block away where they had knocked on some stranger's door looking for a new place to live. The neighbor was kind enough to flag me down and let me know where they were.

Now we always make sure to have a talk about movies being pretend and that bad things could happen if you try to do those things in real life. We haven't had any repeated incidents.
"I made mistakes in drama. I thought drama was when actors cried. But drama is when the audience cries." - Frank Capra
Family DVD Collection | My Top 100 | My Movie Thoughts | Frank Capra

Kenny, don't paint your sister.
This is hard for me to talk about, but after a year, I think I can now. The movie Falling Sky haunts me to this day. My throat is tightening up just thinking about it.

My mother is a functioning alcoholic, and after she and my sister had an ugly fight, I watched the movie, excited for a relatable plot line and one of my favorite actresses, Karen Allen, in a lead role. I quickly saw similarities between my situation and the daughter's. The depiction of the mother was frightenly accurate. However, I never finished it because a certain scene was far too disturbing.

WARNING: "*Spoiler Alert*" spoilers below
When the daughter storms out, fed up with her mother, it was the exact thing I always saw myself doing. I was proud of the character. I suspected that the mother had killed herself, but I didn't want to believe it. When I did see it, I was horrified.

At first, I regretted watching it. But then I realized it was something I needed to see. I came from it with a more...sympathetic and less harsh view of my mother.
Faith doesn't make things easy, just possible.

leicamaster's Avatar
The DM
The Elephant Man

A Passage To India
Specializing in cult and art films.


Grand Canyon

Koyaanisquatsi. It let me know that I was not alone in my view of the world at the time and this gave me deep comfort. I haven't watched it for years but I will never get rid of this film. It is part of my life.
"Thats right, you ARE a baby."

I'm not sure about them being "Life-Changing" but they've certainly had an emotional impact on me that lasted for... well, ever since I've seen them. A few that come to mind:

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Before Sunrise
Before Sunset
Vanilla Sky
The Girl in the Café

... maybe Sigur Rós had something to do with those last two. I love their music.

ETA: Oh yeah, and not to sound like a goober--I seriously loved Avatar. Definitely has an impact on me every time I see it.

The Butterfly Effect. Not that I would want to change anything after watching that one.

Wristcutters: A Love Story definitely changed my view of the world quite a bit. Oddly enough the movie itself seems to ease depression rather than create a bleak outlook on life like its title would suggest.

Ink- perhaps it didnt change my outlook on life but it was definitely a revolutionary film that changed my outlook on cinema and how well you can make a set with 15 dollars and a hundred white sheets. (one of the best films ever made definitely a must see if you havent already)

American Beauty is one the very top of my list for that. Come to think of it, most of my top ten would be on that list.
Equilibrium because it actually got me into history. I couldn't see the importance of history or what other people live(d) through until I saw it.
The Crow would have to be another due to the romantic aspect of it.
Blade Runner, just recognizing what really makes us human. I mean, there really is a ton.
But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet, Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. W.B. Yeats

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
When I was about 8, a movie came out called Escape from Witch Mountain. I never did see the movie. But because the movie came out, the bookk was offered through one of those school programs, and I read the book. Just knowing that there was a girl who got to be Tia in the telling of that story made me want to be an actor.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

For me it's Collapse ... It is very touching movie....

Edward Scissorhands always made me cry (even as I got older) and never gets old. First movie I watched also.

Dead Poet Society. Seize the Day, Carpe Diem.
Braveheart. Inspired me to love my country, freedom and kick arse!
Rocky. Inspired me to work out.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Taught me, memories no matter how cruel and painful will always serve as reminders and lessons.
8 Mile. Follow your dreams, no matter how hard they are to reach.

There are more, can't think of them all at once...

Is white trash beautiful
Fantasia (1940) I first saw this film when I was about 5 and I remember that I fell asleep in the movie theater but I watched it again a about a year later and I was just amazed. This was first film in my entire life that really made me feel good.