The worst pain you've ever experienced


The thread title is pretty self-explanatory. Name the worst physical pain you've ever experienced and the reason that caused it.

I myself haven't had too many serious injuries. I once had a crack (don't know the correct English word for this) in my pinky from goal-keeping, but it didn't hurt much. It annoyed me more than anything.

I also fractured my pinky when I was working the heavy bag. I had just picked up boxing and I was aiming my punches with my pinky instead of my middle and ring finger like you're supposed to do. That hurt more than when I had that crack in my pinky, but it was still bearable.

I had my nose broken in sparring. That wasn't really that bad either, though it hurt more than both of those other two injuries.

But the most continuous, intense pain I've ever experienced is when a guy kicked me in the balls as hard as he could. It felt like my balls were on fire and a bomb had gone off in my intestines. I was in sickbay all afternoon and it kept bothering me for like 2 or 3 days. The first 2 or 3 hours were the worst, I was in constant pain and felt like I had to throw up but I couldn't.

And the guy only got suspended for 2 gays. Pff...

So what's yours?

Honestly, nothing stands out. I've never broken a bone and I obviously haven't given birth. Never torn an ACL or sustained a concussion (that I know of).

There've been a few events that sound violent, but neither really hurt for whatever reason. One came when I ran over a piece of a cinder block while mowing the lawn; there was a spark, and the lawnmower spit a piece of of the block at my shin. The other was when I was playing touch football on concrete, went long, and caught a TD pass a split-second before smashing into a gate. I basically just caught the ball and was on my back within a second.

I don't recall either hurting, but it's not just because both were over a decade ago: I remember being surprised they didn't hurt more at the time, too. Go figure.

Maybe I'm on...the other end of the spectrum. Maybe I've been put here to protect the rest of you...

Have had some terrible pain in my life its not that important now as I am well thank goodness
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

natural child birth for 13 hrs... enough said
Emilee wins.
"Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and like it, never really care for anything else thereafter." - Ernest Hemingway

She does.

I tore all the ligaments on my left ankle one summer. 7 weeks after that i tore all the ligaments on my right ankle. Both of them were Gaelic Football accidents. Spent most of the summer on crutches. That was painful
Comment is free but facts are sacred

That sounds very nasty Silas.

A friend of mine once tore one of his abdominal muscles and he said it's by far the worst continuous pain he's ever been in. You don't really realize how much your abdominals are involved in everyday activities until you injure them.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
A Fibromyalgia, Gout and Reynolds Phenomena flare up at the sametime.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Childbirth is very painfu agree with you there Em! but really you forget it pretty quickly cos the result is so lovely. To be in continuous pain due to an ongoing condition is terribly debilitating, and anyone in that position deserves lots of hugs.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Mine would probably be having my big toenail pulled due to it being ingrown. Sure, they numbed me up for that, but it was the three needles (one on each side, then a nice long one right under the nail) that did it for me.

Of course, that has nothing on childbirth. I'm thankful I don't have to experience that little gem.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

I watched 2012 -- beginning to end. And I didn't have to. That should win the Self-Inflicted Pain award.

No broken bones or anything, but having a dog rip my ear was pretty painful.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Mine would probably be having my big toenail pulled due to it being ingrown. Sure, they numbed me up for that, but it was the three needles (one on each side, then a nice long one right under the nail) that did it for me.

Of course, that has nothing on childbirth. I'm thankful I don't have to experience that little gem.
Man I feel your pain, just reading this post made me shudder! I have a phobia of nails coming off or anything to do with them. I am nearly sick whenever I see finger nails coming off in films, I have to look away.

When I was about 19 I had both sides of both big toes in-grown and infected and I wouldnt go to the drs about them because of my phobia. So everyday when I came in I would take my shoes off carefully and then my socks, but the socks were stuck on to the nail due to the blood etc, so I would have to rip them off the easiest I could. But My wife (then GF) dragged me to the drs and I had to have an out patients procedure where they cut out the toe nail on each side of the toe, the dr was putting the injection into the where the nail was ingrowning and the pain was so intense there was 2 other drs holding me down. I can say it was horrible. This didnt help at all and was a waste of time as I had to go back to a different dr to have the beds taken out of each side of my toe on each foot. I told the dr what the other one had done and he said it was completely wrong when adminsitrating anisthetic it sould be at the bottom of the toe not in the infection/ingrown area.

Since having the beds either side of my big toe nail taken out, I dont get any ingrowing toe nails anymore, but the experience has just added to my phobia of nails grr

I once got hit in the head with a shovel when playing 'find-the-treasure'. My sis didn't see me stand next to her when she swayed around with it! Had the mother of all headaches
I'd never given much thought to how I would die... But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go