Rocky VI: Another blockbuster or just another sequal to the flop of 5?


Django's Avatar
Originally Posted by Hondo333
WOW how exciting
That's pretty funny!

Cyberdine Systems Model 101
Originally Posted by Stallion06
Hey, look.....Sly isn't the best actor out there...The only real good thing he had for himself in his career was the Rocky series...
Sly is shot, he needs one last hit to fall back on....and he might as well make that hit another Rocky....he needs to atleast end the series on a better movie that 5...
Rocky 5 was a mistake and should have never been released...
Rocky 6 will be another mistake.
Last 5 films I’ve seen

An American In Paris ****/*****
Once Upon A Time In China *****/*****
Father of the Bride ****/*****
Spartacus *****/*****
The Hidden Fortress ****/*****

You can view my review for each of those films at T-850's Reviews

I have not seen any info on on it can anyone give me a link?

three words

Dear God NO
The wold is full of kings and queens
Who blind our eyes and steal our dreams
it's heaven and hell

i dont think they should make Rocky 6 but if they do i might see it

it's on imdb now with a ? for release date.

Sly's career is gonna be ruined with a Rocky 6. Im surprised the fifth one didn't kill his career. He got lucky. Can he do it again?

Well, I loved all the Rocky movies and i thought four was the best next to the first one. The let down i think with the fifth one was he didn't have a good opponent. Also, they took all his money away in the script and dumped him the gutter but I still think 6 is a bad idea. I'll see it naturally and who knows maybe it will be pretty damn good. I never took the Rocky series too seriously anyway. The first got the best picture award so the series is in concrete. The sequals i believe were all good except the fifth and the Rocky series are undeniably the best sports movies of all, especially the first.

Why oh why god! Why another Rocky sequal?! When I heard about this I was just wondering, "why would they make another one if 5 was a flop?". I really liked Rocky and Rocky 2, but the rest of them were just horrible, and I feel this one will be even worse.
Each Rocky film was fantastic. You're Just not looking at the series the right way. It's a progression of this man's life over a 30 year period, it's just done in six installments. Boxing has nothing to do with the point of this series. It's all metaphor and symbolism. Maybe you're just too shallow.

A system of cells interlinked
First day on the forums and you are already taking pot shots at veteran members?


Cool man, we get it, you like the Rocky films. No need to be a jerk about it.

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I used the word "maybe." In other words, I left room to be mistaken, because I very well may be.

sharkfan's Avatar
Registered User
Each Rocky film was fantastic.
Each film--even the blatantly racist ones?
You're Just not looking at the series the right way. It's a progression of this man's life over a 30 year period, it's just done in six installments.
Is there a "right way" to look at film or the Rocky series specifically? Maybe you can say more on that.
Boxing has nothing to do with the point of this series. It's all metaphor and symbolism. Maybe you're just too shallow.
Boxing has nothing to do with it? Hmmm. Why have boxing in there at all?

Maybe you can expand on "[i]t's all metaphor and symbolism." What stands out to you? Of course, every film can be said to be made of the stuff of "metaphor and symbolism." Rocky is no different.

Perhaps you could approach this film series from an approach that asks the question, "Why would someone not like this film?" One may find that this more objective approach, honestly addressed, can enhance a film's meaning as well as highlight the shortcomings. This can't be a bad thing to do.

I certainly agree that Rocky was a good film, but they seem to fall apart after that for various reasons. I thought that the last film brought back the "feel" of the original film though. However, I do not see any more films in this storyline being made without negating the major point of the last film.

let the final film rest in peace