Cyborg Soldier



A cyborg escapes the facility where he was created. With the help of a local sheriff, he tries to run from the dangerous scientists that created him.


Bruce Greenwood
Tiffani Thiessen
Rich Franklin
Aaron Abrams
Wendy Anderson
Jim Annan
Steve Lucescu
Simon Northwood
Fraser Young


Theaters: October 7, 2008

I am the Nightrider!
Hmmm this sounds familiar

You know, I have to admit. I really liked Cyborg 2, it was my first introduction to Angelina! I'm from New Jersey, but I worked in Manhattan basically all my professional life. As you know, New York (as well as L.A.) gets all the theatrical releases. Back in September/October '93, I remember reading the New York Times and in the theater showtime listings, one theater was showing Cyborg ad for it, no promo, nothing but the showtime listing. I had no internet back then, so I could only assume that this was the sequel to that Jean Claude-Van Damme flick, Cyborg from four years prior. Sure enough it was, I slapped down my $6.75 and I was one of three people in the theater. It was a pleasant surprise. And Angelina left quite an impression on me.

When I left, a few people stopped and asked me about the film. I'm guessing that it was a test screening for the public that day, because the next day it was gone. I've been to test screenings and private screenings before, but this was different. Never is a test screening publicized in a newspaper with showtimes and open to the general public. And I couldn't tell you how many others turned up for the other screenings that day, but I told them that I enjoyed it, and that is was much better than the first film. I said other things about Jack Palance, Angelina Jolie and director Michael Schroeder whose work I was familiar with in another B-flick called Out of the Dark, but I can't recall what I said exactly.

I remember Cyborg 2 went to video like a month or so after that, but I'm glad I saw that on the big screen in it's original 2.35:1.

Ah, memories...

Most recently, Schroeder wrote and directed an independent film called, Man in the Chair, which is a rather interesting film about a retired, alcoholic gaffer (Christopher Plummer), who worked on Citizen Kane, helping out a nutty, film-crazed teenager (Michael Angarano) with his student film.


I saw Cyborg 2 on video, I think the full title was Cyborg 2: Glass Shadow. All I can remember is Billy Drago having problems with his face, and Jolie's character falling in love with a human, I also remember being disappointed as reviews had said is was a lot better than the first (which I liked at the time).

My favourite trashy cyborg film would have to be this: -

A system of cells interlinked
I saw the original Cyborg in the theater, and I LOVED it at the time. I think I was about 16 or 17 at the time. Haven't seen it since, which is probably a good thing. I am sure it's terrible.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I am the Nightrider!
I saw the original Cyborg in the theater, and I LOVED it at the time. I think I was about 16 or 17 at the time. Haven't seen it since, which is probably a good thing. I am sure it's terrible.
Well, it is terrible, but as Used Future and I would tell you, it's a good terrible!

I always said that Van Damme was best in sci-fi, Cyborg, Universal Soldier and opposed to the other horrendous crap he's dished out before us...Bloodsport and Hard Target excluded.


Well, it is terrible, but as Used Future and I would tell you, it's a good terrible!

I always said that Van Damme was best in sci-fi, Cyborg, Universal Soldier and opposed to the other horrendous crap he's dished out before us...Bloodsport and Hard Target excluded.

Whoa there!!!

I liked Cyborg when I was fifteen, but thought it was absolute garbage when I watched it again a couple of years ago.

I am the Nightrider!
Whoa there!!!

I liked Cyborg when I was fifteen, but thought it was absolute garbage when I watched it again a couple of years ago.
I stand corrected.

Although, I must say that even though it is pretty bad, I'm probably more partial to it because I love post-apocalyptic theme flicks. But Vincent Klynn is a god-awful actor and is one of my main complaints on the flick.


A system of cells interlinked
I actually thought TimeCop had a cool premise, and would have been a good film without JCVD. I just can't stand that clown.

For Post Apoc trash, gotta have me some 2019 : After the Fall of New York. Parseval in 'o8!

Hell, I want to see Metalstorm again soon, so I can bask in its complete terribleness.

I think I need to watch Molly Ringwald call people "Earthers" in Spacehunter, too...

Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone

Naturally 2019: After the Fall of New York is also my favourite post nuke trash film 'I haven't got time to jaw with anyone who wont identify himself' Parsifal kicks ace!!!

Mel Gibson? never heard of him.

As for Van Damme? I've never hated him, I used to love his movies as a teenager, especially Universal Soldier, and A.W.O.L. (aka Lion Heart aka Wrong Bet). Then he went and spoiled it all with Double Team.

Originally Posted by Aquadias
Tiffani Thiessen




If this doesn't make sense to you, remember that math can be a difficult language.

I am the Nightrider!
2019: After the Fall of New York is great trash, hahaha! I remember renting that at my old "Mom & Pop" video store growing up! I bought that Media Blasters Post-Apocalyptic box set that came with 2019 and two other italian gems. Media Blasters is great for these old trash flicks!

You know, Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone and Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared Syn (both released in summer '83, when I was 10, ) actually had some real money behind them and big time studios distributing them, trying to bank off the success of Star Wars, Star Trek II and the sci-fi explosion of 1982 (although some of those flicks were flops, like my beloved Blade Runner and John Carpenter's The Thing). That's why they somewhat look better than anything from the cheapie independents.

Critics ripped them apart, but kids at the time loved them, and now those kids are in their 30's, and they remain immortal guilty treasures. At least, that's how I feel. God, I love talking about this *****.

This would be a great double feature to revisit!


\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I think new ideas are called for here dont you?
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~