How rare are great movies?


@Powdered Water: sorry, I really liked Benny & Joon, just not as much as any of the ones I highlighted or underlined. But you might not want my endorsement anyway, for I thought Sharkboy & Lavagirl in 3-D was an instant classic.
No Sweat sir, I was just bustin your chops.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Welcome to the human race...
I certainly believe there are more great movies than rufnek (he says ONE), but I believe too many people think that most movies are "Great". I find a relatively few great movies, at least percentage-wise, especially as time goes by. I realize that many viewers find older films lacking somehow, but that seems to be an insult to all the filmmakers, film watchers and critics who have lived before. I still think there are many Good films, now and previously, so that's what I recommend you try to find. Just remember, there were several great films made before you were born, no matter how old you are. On a side note, if you think a
flick is not worth watching, then you don't like movies.
For some reason, I get the feeling this has something to do with me.

I watch relatively few old movies for a couple of reasons - one, I'm used to more recent fare (my own personal definition of "old" is any film made prior to 1970 - yeah, I know, sue me) and that makes up most of the movies I view. Second, I only make the effort if the film is truly worth it. If it's a well-known classic, I'll watch it. If not, I probably won't.

Of course, I think they're a little cheesy, but I can accept that that is how films were made. Anyone who gets hung-up on how different they are to modern films is missing the bigger picture, and I know I'm guilty of that sometimes, but for me it's a knee-jerk reaction.

As for how rare great movies are...I'd guess that on average they come out about three or four times a year.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Welcome to the human race...
Actually, no, it wasn't directed at you, but I like it when people think that.
Must've been the similarities to that post you made in my review thread.

I certainly believe there are more great movies than rufnek (he says ONE), but I believe too many people think that most movies are "Great". I find a relatively few great movies, at least percentage-wise, especially as time goes by. I realize that many viewers find older films lacking somehow, but that seems to be an insult to all the filmmakers, film watchers and critics who have lived before. I still think there are many Good films, now and previously, so that's what I recommend you try to find. Just remember, there were several great films made before you were born, no matter how old you are. On a side note, if you think a
flick is not worth watching, then you don't like movies.
Maybe I should say one obviously great movie--at least obvious to me. Despite my personal opinion that no other movies can match what Citizen Kane accomplishes on so many levels, that doesn't mean there are not other films that I enjoy seeing either because of the ensemble cast (Bad Day at Black Rock, Sleuth) one particular scene (the military execution in The Victors), one particular actor (any Randolph Scott oater in which Lee Marvin played the heavy], A particular director (The Maltese Falcon, Treasure of the Sierra Madre), or simply just because it makes me feel good (Love, Actually). Are those great movies or simply well done by all of the people who worked so hard to bring together all of the elements so well?

I submit that there are probably great films out there that none of us in this forum--especially the younger members--know nothing or at least very little about. People who know movies still talk about Lon Chaney's London After Dark (I've probably even got the title wrong) although no copy of that film has existed for years. All that remains are some still shots of the characters and some part of the script. My own grandkids think watching black and white films is at the far edge of civilization, so they've never enjoyed the impact of of films that lack both color and sound -- like Greed or The General.

A system of cells interlinked
The general really needs to be seen if people can get the chance. I didn't know what to expect, and what I got was sheer genius in physicality. A must see, and yes, probably a great movie.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Originally Posted by question
How rare are great movies?
Silly billy: great movies aren't rare. They're well done. Or rather, done well.

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra