Blu-ray players to be obsolete by 2007!!


You ready? You look ready.
Actually, I'm fine. I have a PS3 and it's the only player on the market that isn't effected by that news. Hehe, I love Sony.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Actually, I'm fine. I have a PS3 and it's the only player on the market that isn't effected by that news. Hehe, I love Sony.
Hm, reading the article it seems to me that the PS3 is certainly effected, but might be able to correct the problem with a firmware update. Nothing firm (no pun intended), however. Relevant quote:

Surprisingly, even the cerebrally-advanced PlayStation 3 is unable to offer full BD-Java (although this could possibly be enabled via firmware) and there’s certainly no dedicated player available to access BD Live (aka Profile 2) – the as yet un-realised online interactive option theoretically possible with the format.

You ready? You look ready.
Hm, reading the article it seems to me that the PS3 is certainly effected, but might be able to correct the problem with a firmware update. Nothing firm (no pun intended), however. Relevant quote:
It's not effected in the same sense that all other players are. Every player out there would need to be replaced, while the PS3 just requires an update. And sure as *****, Sony's going to update it.

an article on the internet...then is MUST be true!!

but this is hogwash...a solution will appear and everything will be bubblegum and lollypops again
DVD Collection


I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
I'll just stick with my good ole DVD. Hasn't failed me yet.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
DVDs look very good up-scaled but, HD transfers look outstanding.
Unless I go and buy an HD tv, I will probably never buy HD DVDs, until the regular DVDs go out of style like them ole VHS tapes.

I'm still not convinced DVDs need updating. Better picture quality for an extra grand, not to mention price of swapping discs, not worth it for me.

You ready? You look ready.
HD DVD is the laser disc of 2007
Right you are.

I'm still not convinced DVDs need updating. Better picture quality for an extra grand, not to mention price of swapping discs, not worth it for me.
You say that now but, you should see one HD transfer of a movie you've already seen on DVD. Even if it's a s**ty transfer, it looks amazing.

For comparison, DVDs average video bitrate (the speed at which data is transfered) is 5-7MB/s while Blu-Ray and HD-DVD's average bitrate is 25-30MB/s. Five times the quality of DVD is worth 10 bucks more on a movie title, to me anyways.

If those who are into'll be dissappointed by x-mas. Blu-Ray players won't starting by then will not be able to upgradable at all making the HD-DVD field accessible. (HD-DVD kicks ass) . If Playstation 3 wasn'y available at all, Blu-Ray would pretty soon be lyin on its death bed.

Meh, picture quality doesn't seem to me like a worthy reason to upgrade all my 600 DVDs just so i can spend more money on equipment just for a slightly cripser picture. I'm content.

VCR to DVD player was an investment ultimately because picture quality was drastically improved. Who wasn't annoyed by flickering tapes, magnetic blank spots and stuck videos on eject. The DVD really revolutionized the home theater but dvd to blu ray - the improvement makes me yawn.

Lost in never never land
VCR to DVD player was an investment ultimately because picture quality was drastically improved. Who wasn't annoyed by flickering tapes, magnetic blank spots and stuck videos on eject. The DVD really revolutionized the home theater but dvd to blu ray - the improvement makes me yawn.
I got to agree, this improvement in technology isn't that huge. Yes there can be more bonus features and the quality is a little bit better, but there isn't a huge jump in medium, the disks are still basically the same to the average consumer. I don't think that there will be a clear winner in the Blu-Ray HD-DVD thing for a long time just because the consumers aren't seeing it as enough of an upgrade to get rid of a whole DVD collection and shell out money for the newer more expesive technology.
"As I was walking up the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
I wish, I wish he'd go away."
-From Identity

Meh, picture quality doesn't seem to me like a worthy reason to upgrade all my 600 DVDs just so i can spend more money on equipment just for a slightly cripser picture. I'm content.
I'm with you here for sure. No way I'm trading in my 500 plus for the hi def dvds. I may be tempted later on once the prices for both hi-def players and hi def t.v's themselves drop in price to trade in a few blockbuster sweet ginger brown special effects films for the hi def ones but that is as far as I'd go.

Also I noticed it's the animations like Chicken Little that have the best picture quality when it comes to the hi def dvds. The others seem to have this wavy like streams now if you look closely at the picture. I have seen quite a few in stores to judge this as well so I'm not sure what's going on there. Does anyone else notice this?

I think if blu ray can get themselves in gear and take advantage of their much larger capacity for space on their discs soon enough then they will be the ones I'd invest in as well.

Yes, Blu-ray players will to be obsolete in 10 minutes. All will be downloads and internet based. Wait to get one when they sell them for 20 old spanish pesetas or are included with a packet of socks.
Stuff the turkeys!

You ready? You look ready.
You can keep your DVDs, that's the beauty of the new hardware. VCR to DVD meant a complete change, DVD to HD just means an addition. For example, if a new movie comes out that I want, I see if it's on Blu-Ray. If it isn't, I either hold off or buy it on DVD. In fact, I haven't bought a DVD since we switched to Blu-Ray.

See i'm still up in arms about this whole HD, now I myself dont really notices that much of a differences aside from Gaming in HD cause you see a big jump in that. But i'm not going to start forking over 40+ for one dvd when i could get it and another for about the same price on a normal transfer.

Right now its a waste of money for me. I'm satisfied with my home theater the way it is now.
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