need the name


Registered User
it had young teens and a little boy who all rollerbladed, and i remember that water was scarce and the little boy wore ear covers and talked to a little blue glowing ball or something, i also think they played some kind of game on theyre rollerblades in a cage with a ball or something, im looking foe the name of this movie, thank you

A system of cells interlinked
Oh man... I vaguely remember some thing like this from the 80s... I think the ball had a name, Bodai maybe? I THINK it may have been Solarbabies (1986), if my memory serves...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Registered User
yep thats it, thanks

Its not rape if its DEAD
What a blast from the Mullet past!!!! I rented that movie on PPV (18 years ago) when i was a kid lol. It finally got released on DVD this year.

Now that I've dated myself, Hello!