Jim Carrey


Female assassin extraordinaire.
Bruce, Almighty was boring for me. Not really funny.

'Me, Myself and Irene' was funny in that, ohmygod i can't believe they DID that, kinda way. But low on his comedies list.

I'd say his perfect blend of mainstream, approachable, and even family oriented - and my faves:

- The Mask (yes, the perfect blend of all his skills in a film, which neither he nor us will ever get to see again)
- Liar, Liar
- his latest, Fun With Dick and Jane (which is the best he's gonna get now that he's getting up there and not in the ranks of Vince Vaughn and the Owen Bros. I don't mean he's not as talented, I mean they're the ones who bring in the $$ and the teen audiences - he used to.)

All time fave funnies for his zaniest while still remaining just this side of disgusting:

Ace Ventura, Pet Detective

Dumb and Dumber is like, at the very bottom of my "like" list for him, but I did like it. At the time. I can't repeat watching it though. I think it's the tongue frozen on the pole thing. I just ... can't do it again.

I have never been able to face seeing Carrey in something serious. Thus, I have never seen any of his serious flicks all the way through. Yes. I know. I'm bad.
life without movies is like cereal without milk. possible, but disgusting. but not nearly as bad as cereal with water. don't lie. I know you've done it.

trust me buddy, both of them(me myself and irene + bruse almighty) are so bored and wasting for your time.
but that deosn't mean that jim's karry movies not good

Man on the Moon is Jim Carrey's best movie.

A system of cells interlinked
My favs:

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The Truman Show
Liar, Liar

The rest I can do without, I guess...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Cable Guy
Truman Show
Me, Myself, and Irene
Liar Liar
These were all good, just not
better than Man on the Moon

I love Jim Carey , but he has taken some unflattering roles.
In the past few years it's like he is just put somewhere.
The roles he takes don't make much sense.
Princess j.t.

Me myself and Irene were pretty funny!

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by Princess j.t.
I love Jim Carey , but he has taken some unflattering roles.
In the past few years it's like he is just put somewhere.
The roles he takes don't make much sense.
Which roles are these? Eternal Sunshine? One of the best films of that year, IMO, and, one of his best roles....

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I'm counting down til the number 23 is released. OMG.
This will really solidify his ability as a dramatic actor. It's great to see how these guys know for amazing comedy can pull of serious drama with perfection! It's hard to see them out of the element they first became know for, but I think Carrey has long since burried Ace Ventura... even the Cable Guy!

Registered User
I love Jim Carrey. Obviously the older stuff like Ace Ventura, Dumb and Bumber and The Mask. I don't think that he's got less funny with age, he seems to be exploring new things. Bruce Almighty is by far the best most recent film he has done. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a bit different to his usual stuff and his new film The Number 23 looks totally different. I do think that his worst films are The Cable Guy and Me, Myself and Irene. They were both good and he was his classic self but just weren't the best

I don't like his comedy stuff...except for Dumb and Dumber hahaha but I loved Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I am excited about seeing Number 23 as well. He looks hot in it too!