Horror Movies


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Originally Posted by Nexus
Just saw Session 9 for the first time - absolutely brilliant. Easily my favourite modern horror film so far.
It would have been a lot better if it wasn't shot on digital. A film like that needed the grainy film style to create it's atmosphere. It seemed to clean and sharp for me, but still a good film.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

The Fabulous Sausage Man
Yeah. I was surprised by its digitalness; I was expecting a more grungey look like the DVD cover had, but it was still a very effective horror film. Reminded me of Silent Hill in some places, visually.

Yo house of a thousand corpses was awsome. I loved the fact that the good guys lost. Evil over came there certain lose. That plus some of the things done in the movie were so gross and wrong they were awsome. Thats only my opinion.

How ever my fav. horror movies have to be Freddy. I also enjoy 80s style like Christine and IT. Stephen King RULES

The Fabulous Sausage Man
Originally Posted by thejosh3585
Yo house of a thousand corpses was awsome. I loved the fact that the good guys lost. Evil over came there certain lose. That plus some of the things done in the movie were so gross and wrong they were awsome. Thats only my opinion.

How ever my fav. horror movies have to be Freddy. I also enjoy 80s style like Christine and IT. Stephen King RULES
Is this some sort of attempt at humour...?

Originally Posted by Nexus
Is this some sort of attempt at humour...?
Which part?

If you're refferring to House of 1,000 Corpses I agree....if it's the Stephen King part, you are wrong. He is legend and his films are true horror classics.

The Fabulous Sausage Man
Yeah, Stephen King is very good. Damn - this means that he was probably serious...

Corpses was very good in its own right, especially for a first time effort. It didn't exactly change the genre or anything, however it did provide some great gruesome kills, memorable one liners, interesting cinematography, and solid performances, most notablely those of Bill Moseley and Sid Haig. Plus it provided the foundation for The Devil's Rejects, my favorite film of all time so Corpses holds a special place in my heart.

freddy rules

actualy sources say that yes he does
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

The Fabulous Sausage Man
I'd like to see these sources...

Out of all the 80s slasher icons, Freddy was by far the most irritating. And I mean that before he even became a comic relief - even in the first movie (which is absolutely awful and horribly overrated, imo), he is not the least bit frightening. His over-the-top "scary" voice and stripey jumper...he's a joke.

Thehottestlovehasthecolde stend.
Horror is most definitely my favorite genre.
I love the feeling of being scared.
Some of my favorites are Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street & The Hills Have Eyes (2006)

I like Horror movies. The Shining is one of my favorites. I don't know if you consider that a true horror movie in the context of Friday the 13th or would it be more like a psychological thriller, but none the less it scared the hell out of me.
See Ya In The Movies

Originally Posted by The Taxi Driver
actualy sources say that yes he does

I love horror films here is my top 5.

1.The Exorcist (Ive seen it about 20 times and it still scares the crap out of me)
2. pet sematary( Zelda freaked me out)
3.An American Werewolf in London(those weird dreams he had was pretty scary)
4.Creepshow(A little funny but still scared me alot)
5.The Blair Witch Project(When I saw it I thought it was real)
Booger Presley on a mean guitar.

I love horror movies

hmmm....one of the best old horror movies? - The Exorcist (Linda Blaire)!!!

i love the genre
here are some of my favourite
Friedkins Exorcist(1973)
Masters of Horror:Cigarette Burns(John Carpenter)
o and of the latest im not sure if have watched it The Descent(belive me its far better than The cave) and with some actresses that i never heard before but belive a movie where women are sloughtered
I'm in movie heaven

The Shining is my favorite, too... I was never a fan of the big bad mmonster type.