

Just a girl who loves movies
well I always seem to do this .. register, post and the remember I should have said Hello before breaking into your house like that. Sorry for not behaving ... will try to mend the situation

My "real" name is Ramona. I am 27, I live in a small country called Romania. That's somewhere in Europe, SW of Russia ...

I started Karate Shotokan some years ago and this is why I call myself Dojo. I post in more than 80 forums (not all daily, cause it would take too much) and I use the same nick .. started being a brand more than a simple name

I am trying to find my way through this life and music, movies and Karate have helped me a lot. I worked as a radio Dj for 6 years and now I am a designer at an advertising firm. In my spare time I create sites (some for my clients), but lately more for me. I have 6 forums now with a lot of topics to discuss and it seems that i get more ideas each day. I love posting in forums (mine or others) and work on my projects.

Hope I didn't bore you too much

Glad to be here. Love the intelligent topics and people. Prepare to see me a lot
Movie Reviews

hahaha...i love how you felt the need to explain where Romania's really not that small.....
hello and welcome....( i'm from Croatia by the way which practically makes us neighbours.........or not....)

A system of cells interlinked
Welcome to MoFo
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Just a girl who loves movies
Adidasss you're right, we're indeed neighbours .. nice seeing someone so close to my country

And ... thank you both for the warm welcome

Hi there and welcome to MoFo...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Randomly visiting for now
Hey there & welcome to Mofo! it's cool that you run a bunch of forums yourself, could you tell me what they are called?

And yeah it's the intelligent discussions that draw me in even more than the movies.

Just a girl who loves movies
Musicbanter .. nice forums. The problem is that I'm registered in more than 80 forums now. I help some with posting, I have 6 forums myself, I post about: martial arts, general topics, music, movies, web design and some more .. I don't have the time to stick to them (some are on my daily list, but not all). Since you reminded me, will head there too and post some more.

welcome Ramona, even though I'm late

(I don't suppose you'd mind if we fight in you?) sorry, I had to say it