Kill Bill: Volume 2

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I think that the two films shouldn't be compared as really they are all just one film.

One thing I would like to see though would be the two volumes put into chronological order.

Might be good might be absolutely awful but still worth a watch.

Sir Sean Connery's love-child
Kill Bill 1 GOOD, Kill Bill 2 VERY VERY BAD!!!!! Tarantino on a huge ego trip, the worst equal with Jackie Brown. David Caradine's speech at the end was horrible, I would rather gouge my eyes with blunt teaspoons and then rub salt in them, than subject myself to this crap again. Most people either love it or hate it, I've even met people who prefer Vol.2!!!!
Hey Pepe, would you say I have a plethora of presents?

Toga, toga, toga......

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour?

Movie Forums Member
Originally Posted by Darth Stujitzu
Kill Bill 1 GOOD, Kill Bill 2 VERY VERY BAD!!!!! Tarantino on a huge ego trip, the worst equal with Jackie Brown. David Caradine's speech at the end was horrible, I would rather gouge my eyes with blunt teaspoons and then rub salt in them, than subject myself to this crap again. Most people either love it or hate it, I've even met people who prefer Vol.2!!!!

ego trip? hell no Volume2 had a much better story then Volume1.
All volume 1 was Was a alot of action scenes which were mediocre btw and the japanese version was a hell of a lot better then the crappy american censored version.

Movie Forums Member
Originally Posted by Maniac
Kill Bill was good to see how Quentin Tarantino is experimenting with his craft. But it's definitely not a winner for me.

The characters where too dry and too similar for me to care who lived and who died.
There was the occational overkill.

The only great character that i thought stole the show was that "Mei Pei" charater.

Other then that I was mildly thrilled. I thought there could have been alot more done to make the film a superior in Kung Fu films.
the movie isn't really a Kung Fu films it's a Martial Art film.
Samurai's are not kung fu, the thing is if you ever do watch old school kung fu flicks the charachters were always dry and also a bit overkill, thats how the style was back then with the shaw brother flicks. So in a way he was paying homage to the old school kung fu style directing ways. Not only that but also with the samurai flicks about honor and what not the charachters were good but you never really knew much of there past. i might be getting a bit ahead of myself but thats just how i see it. When you have a martial arts flick
just don't expect too much charachter developement.

Here to support the villians.......
Excellent movie, not quite as good as vol:1 and I was slighty disappointed by Bill's death having said that Kill Bill:vol 2 does feature one of the best bitch fights ever.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
First of all let me just say that if you are going into this film to see the violence that Vol 1 had, you'll be disappointed big time, this movie is heavy on the dialogue, that being sad, that would have to be one of the weak points in the film, too many scenes where Bill and The Bride are just talking. Don't get me wrong, I loved the Tarantino Dialogue, I was laughing 50% of the time through the movie, based on the brilliant dialogue that Tarantino puts in everyone of his films. David (Bill) was awesome, he was perfect for the role, he IS BILL, no one else can play bill, he has the perfect voice, the perfect look, and the perfect humour for it, I loved every minute he was on the screen. Another character I loved every time he was on the screen....Pai-Mei (sp). He was great, awesome comic relief for an intense film, which leads me to my second disappointing part. NOT ENOUGH PAI-MEI, and what a ****ty way to die, this guy is the mother f*cking guy to kick your ass with his finger, this guy will f*ck you up, and he dies from food poison?? That was really lame for me, although the small amount of screen time he did have, was great.

This leads me into my third disappointment, the way Budd dies. Again at the hands of Elle (same as Pai-Mei) and she doesn't actually kill either of them (Budd=snake, Pia-Mei=poison) Come on b*tch, Budd was a great character and kicked some ass too, he has balls to bury her alive and we get to see no fight between the two? Which leads me into my final disappointment of the film, talking about final battle between The Bride a.k.a Black Mamba a.k.a Mommy a.k.a Beatrix Kiddo. and Bill? As soon as he told her at the camp fire scene about the heart explosion, I knew that is how Bill would die and I wanted yo see some blood, but he just falls down, that all disappointed me. BUT!!! The movie is so good, that all that disappointment doesn't take the film down that much.

This movie felt more like a Tarantino movie than the first Vol did, and that's a good sign. The fight scene between The Bride and Elle was great, didn't expect the eye pluck part, then to top it off, she STEPS ON THE EYE (laughed me ass off when the question mark came up on her name in the credits). I felt bored at one scene, the talking of the fish dying, other than that, this film had me cheering for the Bride (and Budd for some reason). So see this flick not to see Vol 1's "orgy of blood", to finish the movie, see a great Tarantino flick and see some awesome acting.

"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I thought both were great. Part 1 was a complete shock to the system, but after about the first 30 minutes, your senses get numbed by the effect, and you get the gist of it, and just set back and hang on tight for this wild ride. It clearly shoed Tarentino's homage to the martial arts film genre. Consider it a live action anime.

Part 2 was great in that it tied up all those unanswered questions from Part 1. An animated prequel? Intriguing idea.