Baise Moi

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At what point does a film become porn? Or when does porn become a film? These were the main question battering my head last night when i watched Baise Moi.

Synopsis (as written on the back of the dvd case):

'Described by the British press as "the most sexually explicit film to ever reach our cinema screens". Baise Moi is the brutal and shocking tale of two young girls, who, after being subjected to violence, rape and humiliation in the degenerate society in which they live, break free to embark on an ultimateley self - destructive road trip of sex and murder, always staying one step ahead of capture, but always hell bent on taking more and more risk.'

Right then, it's a subtitled French film, coming in at a comfortable 1hr 13mins. Was told by the person who lent me the dvd that it was quite a disturbing film. Ok i thought, it's probably got some arty farty overtone to it.
7mins in and im sat there thinking this is what i was expecting a french film to be like, then it all goes a bit "WTF!".

WARNING: spoilers below
Its at this point that we get to see a rather realistic Rape. When i say realsitic, you have to remember, this film contains very real, close up, graphic sex scenes. We are talking close up oral sex, erections, and actual penetration. I class the rape scene as looking very real because it does look like the woman involved is actually being punched and headbutted.

It was at this point i sat up, interest had peaked. Cue the next hour of drug taking, sex, women satisfyingly headbutting blokes, shooting, sex, and drug taking.

I strongly suggest you all watch this film. It's not going to appeal to everyone, and believe me, you have got to be very comfortable with watching porn if you're going to get through this film (definetely would not recommend younger people watching it with the parents).

Im giving this film a tasty 8/10.

So........ is it a film? is it art? is it porn? can my missus moan about me owning it?

I am having a nervous breakdance
I haven't seen this one yet. Have you seen Ken Park? Are they comparable in terms of graphic sex, so to speak?
The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass. He realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, "seeing that his work was good".


They had temporarily escaped the factories, the warehouses, the slaughterhouses, the car washes - they'd be back in captivity the next day but
now they were out - they were wild with freedom. They weren't thinking about the slavery of poverty. Or the slavery of welfare and food stamps. The rest of us would be all right until the poor learned how to make atom bombs in their basements.

Movie Forums Member
bais moise is nothing but a horribly made film. can you write a more horrible review then that piece of crap?

I am having a nervous breakdance
Originally Posted by fireyhope
can you write a more horrible review then that piece of crap?
You just proved you can:

Originally Posted by fireyhope
bais moise is nothing but a horribly made film.
That is really one fantastic review of Baise-moi. You should talk...

Been tempted by the low price of it, though it does like intentionally excessive/provactive tripe, and the reviews don't say much (at least the ones i've read). Worth £7?

The People's Republic of Clogher
Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
Worth £7?
Nope, Razzle's much cheaper. Just flick through it really quickly while listening to an alternative radio station.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
I give it 3 out of 10.

A much better movie that blurs the line is In the Realm of the Senses .

Originally Posted by fireyhope
can you write a more horrible review then that piece of crap?
But in the meantime i'll keep a look out for the dummy you spat out.

And some answers to some other question.......

Have not seen Ken Park yet so cannot compare.

Is this film worth £7???? Rent or borrow it first, and if you likes then yes, £7 is a decent price for it.

Movie Forums Member
Originally Posted by The Sarge
But in the meantime i'll keep a look out for the dummy you spat out.

And some answers to some other question.......

Have not seen Ken Park yet so cannot compare.

Is this film worth £7???? Rent or borrow it first, and if you likes then yes, £7 is a decent price for it.
nah i rather go to the bathroom get out my playboy me and go Baise Moise on that instead of this wannabe "OMG IT'S SO EXTREME" porn movie that got good reviews from Porno Magazines! lol

Originally Posted by fireyhope
"OMG IT'S SO EXTREME" porn movie that got good reviews from Porno Magazines! lol
Sounds like you know whats going on in the world of porno.

Movie Forums Member
Originally Posted by nebbit
Sounds like you know whats going on in the world of porno.

also i think those 2 girls are PornStars

Movie Forums Member
Originally Posted by nebbit
Umm Errrr thanks

Hi anyway welcome to MoFo