Popularity Meter • Do You Know Them?


Trouble with a capital "T"
No magazines, no papers?
Nope. I use to watch alot of news when I was in my 20s. I even called into some C-SPAN political interviews and asked a question. But as I got older I got tired of reading about all the pain and misery and horrible crimes in the world. I watch movies and old TV shows, that's about it, keeps me happy.

Good grief.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

I don't know if this is widespread culturally illiteracy or face blindness, but it is genuinely scary how few of you can recognize these folks.

Another 10 out of 10 for me.
Some people just aren't into the whole show-biz, staying up on who's-who, current events, cult-of-celebrity thing as others.

I get to feeling I'm becoming too overwhelmed with or by politics when I talk to my some of my neighbors and they don't know who ANY of the candidates are, what state the country is in or that there are multiple wars going on in the world. Then I ask myself, who has the problem? They seem much more blissful in their ignorance as their attention is on the mediocrity of their own lives.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I used to know all the countries in Europe on a map, but that was back when lots of them were the USSR...

Slightly shocked at the people who can't even identify their own country

I got seven this time. The ones I didn't get are a sharp dressed man, a Real Housewife, and a French actress.
When do we get the answer key?

Oh, i just realized who #16 is.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I got seven this time. The ones I didn't get are a sharp dressed man, a Real Housewife, and a French actress.
When do we get the answer key?

Oh, i just realized who #16 is.
Sharp dressed man? Surely you meant that fashion plate #29...Wait a minute he has a g on his hat, must be one of those Google spies

Three recognized here. Doesn't bother me at all not knowing some of these people. They probably don't know me either.

I recognize #30 but don't have a name to go with the face.
In that case I could say I recognize the majority of them (as in I know I've seen them before - and with many I can tell you a little something of what they're known for... actress, musician, writer, athlete, politician, etc.), but it's that whole knowing WHO they are and their "label' (their name) based on visual identification that seems to be the operative & desired correlation... or at least the only one countable to score a success on a match up of photo & name.

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
Group 1
(index of popularity: arithmetic average 1-10)

OK, the two most popular of G1, both with index of popularity 7.8/10:

7. Tom Petty (1950 – 2017) [7.8] - Pop-Rock star
9. Donna Summer (1948 – 2012) [7.8] - Disco Diva

Next two, a step behind with index 6.7/10:

4. Billy Wilder (1906 – 2002) [6.7] - Filmmaker
8. Sir Peter Ustinov (1921 – 2004) [6.7] - British Actor

and, the fifth:

3. Silvio Berlusconi (1936 – 2023) [5.6] - Italian business magnate and politician (prime minister). Media tycoon, owner of AC Milan, one of the world biggest sports clubs.

others follow in the next post
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

From G1, 7 and 9 were the only ones I recognized. Tom Petty's been my favorite musician since I was like 8 years old. I would've been ashamed of myself if I didn't recognize him.

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
Group 1 part II
(index of popularity: arithmetic average 1-10)

...Well, to continue, next in the line:

6. Linda Evangelista (b. 1965) [4.4] - fashion model, photo model

1. Hans Christian Andersen (1805 – 1875) [3.3] - Danish writer
5. Carl Lewis (b. 1961) [3.3] - Track and Field Athlete, numerous Olympic and World Championships gold medals.
10. Pablo Picasso (1881 – 1973) [3.3] - Spanish Painter

2. Alain Prost (b. 1955) [2.2] - French Racing Driver, four-time Formula One World Champion.

To sum up, the biggest surprise for me was the low knowledge about 5. Carl Lewis. He's been a huge name world-wide for more than decade and he is an American?!

Thanks to all people who participated!
G2 reveal coming soon.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I recognized Carl Lewis face but couldn't remember his name probably because I'm not a sports fan and never follow or or watch sports at all.