What Should Have Won


Gladiator only came to life when Joaquin Phoenix was on screen.

Crow and Harris and Hounsou and Reed were good.

25 years later and this still looks better than most of what you see with CGI

It is strange that there is still a lingering backlash against this film, like it is some villain which escaped justice, a fugitive bad film. I cannot be moved to really love or hate it, but I find that I am entertained by it, and as a spectator at the Colosseum I find that that is where the bar is set.

Everyone of those is better than Gladiator, even Chocolat, which is pretty terrible.
I agree; never liked Gladiator. I presume that you and I represent quite a minority here, though.

Trouble with a capital "T"
My guess as to the love/relationship with Gladiator is due to CG.

When the film first came out people were impressed with this new CG and its ability to bring the Roman Coliseum to life. We thrilled to see gladiator fights, surrounded by this colossal Roman construction. I watched Gladiator first run in the theater. I was duly impressed!

Flash forward to today and we moan and groan with the overuse of green screen and CG...We crave real sets, real stunts. So now Gladiator the poster child for the wonders of CG, has become the poster child for the dismal overuse of the dreaded two letter effect.

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Gena Rowlands - A Woman Under The Influence

Ellen Burstyn won it. That was one movie that wasn't bad, but it seemed very ordinary for me, and the acting wasn't memorable, either. She seemed to get a lot of cheers, and by reading her lips, she says, "Oh shit". It seems like she thought she'd get it, and her husband John Cassavetes sitting next to her probably wanted her to win it. Not because he liked prizes, but because it might have helped him raise money, and I don't think he was corruptible.

Full movie is available (for now).. I think it's the best performance I've ever seen, along with a number of Brando performances. It's a tough watch, though. I'm too exhausted to see it now.

Gena Rowlands lost because the Academy had to make up for robbing Ellen Burstyn of the Oscar she should have won for The Exorcist that she inexplicably lost to Glenda Jackson for the rather ordinary A Touch of Class. And you're right, Rowlands was extraordinary in A Woman Under the Influence.

2008 Best Picture

Winner - The Hurt Locker


- Up
- The Blind Side
- Up in the Air
- Avatar
- District 9
- An Education
- Inglorious Bastards
- Precious
- A Serious Man

In my humble opinion the correct movie won. I thought 'The Hurt Locker' was an extremely powerful and dramatic war movie. Everything about the film was terrific including the directing and Jeremy Renner's performance.
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi​