The Movieforums Top 100 War Movies Countdown

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Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Ed, sorry to hear about your loss But good to see you back at MoFo and posting again Thanks for sharing some of your family war related stories. The stories the MoFos have retold have been among my favorite part of this fun countdown. I guess I need to tell my own families war stories.
Thank you.

I've loved reading the stories as well. Quite wondrous. And I'd be honored to hear yours.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Ed, sorry about your godfather's passing. Prayers and comfort for your family.

Another film from my ballot made it. The Hurt Locker was for me a great movie, with the main character being a man not feeling normal unless he's putting himself in harm's way disarming bombs. Very tight and exciting and the first movie where I was aware of Jeremy Renner, whom I've come to really admire as an actor. It's #10 on my list.

Haven't seen Jo Jo Rabbit.

#8Hacksaw Ridge On point #67
#10The Hurt Locker Bombs away! #58
#21Tora! Tora! Tora! In the vanguard #63
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

I forgot the opening line.
Only two from my list so far - things are set to get interesting.

58. The Hurt Locker - Seen this a few times - the last time around 2018 when I was looking after my mother and it happened to be on television one night - a very odd film to remind me of her - we discussed what was happening during every ad-break (I'd walk over to her room), and we both seemed to get a lot out of it in an analytical and entertainment way. I guess with streaming and DVDs, we've lost a lot of that opportunity we used to have when films aired on television and were constantly interrupted by advertisements - they were a perfect opportunity for discussing a film with others while watching one. Anyway, The Hurt Locker presents an interesting case of the kind of personality who is addicted to the adrenaline-rush that risking your life provides in this setting. We often think of people yearning to come home, but there are many out there who can't readjust to real life after the intense experience of battle, and some can't wait to get back into the action, or else bring the action back home with them. The Hurt Locker squeezes into my Top 50, but was crowded out of my Top 25.

57. JoJo Rabbit - An insane idea for a film, in which Taika Waititi takes on the role of a boy's imaginary best friend - Adolf Hitler. Look, there was a lot about the regime that was ridiculous and couldn't stand up to scrutiny. We think that a lot of what's going on today is unique to the modern world - conspiratorial insanity, bizarre theories, paranoia, racism, anger directed at the intelligentsia etc, especially on the internet, but Germany during the period 1918 to 1945 was a hotbed of wacky, silly ideas that would have lent themselves to comedy if the results weren't as horrendous as they were. Kids were sent out to fight, and Jews were considered a subspecies. Somehow, JoJo Rabbit doesn't cross over into feeling like it's in bad taste, which is one of the biggest cinematic marvels I've seen in recent years. I would have been advising Waititi not to make this film - and I would have been wrong. My thinking about what a war film really is meant I couldn't include it on my list - but it's fair game, and I don't begrudge this gem another entry - it's great.

Seen : 27/44
I'd never even heard of : 10/44
Movies that had been on my radar, but I haven't seen yet : 7/44
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

I forgot the opening line.
How are things looking for my list? I'm a lot less assured than I was at the start. I started with 24 sure things, now I'm down to 8 certainties.

1. 100%
2. 80%
3. 100%
4. 5%
5. 100%
6. 99%
7. 5%
8. 100%
9. 100%
10. 100%
11. 100%
12. 50%
13. 95%
14. The Caine Mutiny (1954)
15. 5%
16. Shoah (1985)
17. 20%
18. 100%
19. 1%
20. 90%
21. 95%
22. 90%
23. 80%
24. 40%
25. 0.5%

Hey the first movie from my list to make it. Hurt Locker was pretty high up there too. In addition to being a terrific war film that focuses on a specialty that I haven’t seen portrayed in movies before, it did a great job of making me better understand what soldiers are feeling when they return home and have a hard time acclimating back to normal life. The cereal aisle scene told me everything I needed to know so effectively with one shot.

I liked Jojo Rabbit well enough but it didn’t really stick with me.
Me too. Aside from the multiple mine scene it's the only thing from the film which has stuck with me So why make it so bloody long if you can some it up with a few scenes?

TBF to it, though, I saw this at the start of my dead time and so I can safely say I wasn't in a good place mentally when I saw this. A rewatch might alter my opinion, but I don't see that happening.

Not seen Jojo.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I've seen Jojo Rabbit twice and I flat-out hate it. Unfunny, cutesy bullsh*t that I have trouble believing anyone put up with, let alone showered with acclaim and awards. Won't be surprised if it ends up being the worst film to make the list.
The worse has already made the list, "Tropic Thunder".

I enjoyed some of Taika Waititi's work, but it tends to be too goofy for me to really get into. Turns out he just needs subject matter like this to force him to balance it out.

2. Jojo Rabbit (2019)
5. Wings (1927)
9. The General (1926)
13. The Killing Fields (1984)
19. The Caine Mutiny (1954)
21. Hacksaw Ridge (2016)

#56 #56
86 points, 8 lists
Ivan's Childhood

Andrei Tarkovsky, 1962


Nikolay Burlyaev, Valentin Zubkov, Nikolay Grinko, Yevgeni Zharikov

#55 #55
86 points, 8 lists
Black Hawk Down

Ridley Scott, 2001


Josh Hartnett, Eric Bana, Ewan McGregor, Tom Sizemore


56: The Billy Joel song was
WARNING: "Spoiler" spoilers below
Only the Good Die Young.

55: Reference to shooting birds.

Cricket got Black Hawk Down right and gets one point.

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