The most unfunny comedian actor of all time?


I totally get finding Jim Carrey grating. I sure do sometimes. But I also can't deny his brilliance. He has low lows, when you're not finding something funny, it's aggressively obnoxious, but when he's got you it gets ya' good, usually because you're caught off guard that you're laughing at something so silly. Reluctant laughter is often the best kind.

Anyway, he takes big swings and that means some big misses. I mostly admire it.

My vote goes to Adam Sandler.

I totally get finding Jim Carrey grating. I sure do sometimes. But I also can't deny his brilliance. He has low lows, when you're not finding something funny, it's aggressively obnoxious, but when he's got you it gets ya' good, usually because you're caught off guard that you're laughing at something so silly. Reluctant laughter is often the best kind.

Anyway, he takes big swings and that means some big misses. I mostly admire it.

I remember when Vanilla Ice came out with "Ice, Ice, Baby." You couldn't escape the song. Everyone loved it. It was one of those tracks that you would hear people reciting the words to regularly. You can do a few lines of it today and old heads will know the tune. A year or two later came the backlash. All the sudden, the masses pretended that they hadn't loved the song and generated all that airplay. All of the sudden, NO ONE liked that song. Even Jim Carrey did a skit mocking it on In Living Color.

I also remember when The Mask, Ace Ventura, and Dumb and Dumber appeared. The public loved these movies. At that time, he was "the guy" and his talent was quite apparent. And how many people did you know in your own life who affected his mannerisms around that time? But as the crowd moved on people increasingly started taking shots at him.

“Here lies a toppled god.
His fall was not a small one.
We did but build his pedestal,
A narrow and a tall one.”

I don't like everything about Carrey, but I think it's silly to call him out as the unfunniest.

To be charitable to, well, everyone in this thread who's listed anyone at all, I kind of assume there's an implied "...relative to their general level of esteem" attached to all of them. Kind of the same thing with "worst movie." The real worst movies are butt recorded iPhone things or awful student films or whatever, and the least funny actors are people we've never heard of. The only interesting answers are going to be ones people find unfunny relative to how many people feel otherwise.

To be charitable to, well, everyone in this thread who's listed anyone at all, I kind of assume there's an implied "...relative to their general level of esteem" attached to all of them. Kind of the same thing with "worst movie." The real worst movies are butt recorded iPhone things or awful student films or whatever, and the least funny actors are people we've never heard of. The only interesting answers are going to be ones people find unfunny relative to how many people feel otherwise.

Sure, and the hotter the take the more surprising, and possibly the more informative/interesting. Also, there is a natural amount of hyperbole involved. If someone is on the radar, they're probably not uniquely unfunny unless we're talking about the singular untalent of a Hannah Gadsby (or is this hyperbole? No, Hannah is cancer ). Even so, the hot take often gets the quick rebuke, which is also part of the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
How does this one set: Robin Williams was the most unfunny comedian actor in movies of all time.

*He was hilarious on stage and in interviews but as a comic actor, I'll take any and all of the above unfunnies.

Most of these selections wouldn't even be top ten picks in my eyes...

Ashton Kutcher.
I think we have a winner here!

With a lot of these other choices, it's like they were funny here or good there. I struggle to think of one film where he was merely OK. Nor is he particularly funny unless you think Jobs was a comedy.

How does this one set: Robin Williams was the most unfunny comedian actor in movies of all time.

*He was hilarious on stage and in interviews but as a comic actor, I'll take any and all of the above unfunnies.

He was a notorious joke thief and his shtick of being in a frenetic impromptu delirium kind of wore thin after a time. I think he got a lot of laughs on his coattails "Oh, he's doing that thing, it must be funny. Ah yes, Ethyl Merman is a funny reference." in the way that Dennis Miller did by just confusing people in rants "Hmm, if I don't laugh, it proves I don't get the reference. Better give a sensible chuckle."

In a lot of his comedic acting roles he was just leaning into his shtick. However, he did have some very strong films which would not have been as strong without him. I agree that he was overrated, but most unfunny is a Mt. Rushmore with one face. It can't be his.

My vote goes to Adam Sandler.
The last movie I went with Sandler starring I walked out it wasnt funny at all. He was sitting on a couch, I didnt get past that sceme. I think it was 2011-2012.

The last movie I went with Sandler starring I walked out it wasnt funny at all. He was sitting on a couch, I didnt get past that sceme. I think it was 2011-2012.
Sandler is an exercise in laziness. He started off strong and then just melted into a caricature of his caricatures. I guess he made that money, but his work is a linearly descending line of "funny."

I totally get finding Jim Carrey grating. I sure do sometimes. But I also can't deny his brilliance. He has low lows, when you're not finding something funny, it's aggressively obnoxious, but when he's got you it gets ya' good, usually because you're caught off guard that you're laughing at something so silly. Reluctant laughter is often the best kind.

Anyway, he takes big swings and that means some big misses. I mostly admire it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
That was really funny....not! Ha, I'm funnier than the skit. Butt you know what? Carey was the only thing in that stink-a-fest that was worth watching. Who wrote for that show, 10 year olds, ugh! I haven't seen SNL since Chris Farley and the gang was on and it looks like I didn't miss much.

That was really funny....not! Ha, I'm funnier than the skit. Butt you know what? Carey was the only thing in that stink-a-fest that was worth watching. Who wrote for that show, 10 year olds, ugh! I haven't seen SNL since Chris Farley and the gang was on and it looks like I didn't miss much.

Citizen desperately looks for way to report a skit to SNL mods...

I'll have to go with Chevy Chase on this one, I find some of his movies unfunny and just boring to watch. The ones that I enjoy watching that are funny is Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler and Owen Wilson. There's a few others that are funny too like Jack Black and Vince Vaughn.
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Carey actually started out as an impersonation comic. And his impersonations were insane.
I've never seen anyone else do Bruce Dern!
That was a damn good impression. I miss seeing impressionists. Years back there were dozens of good ones: Frank Gorshin, Rich Little, John Byner, and many others. Geez, there'd be a boatload of celebrities to impersonate today. Although with everyone having such short fuses today, maybe no one wants to take a chance..

That was really funny....not! Ha, I'm funnier than the skit. Butt you know what? Carey was the only thing in that stink-a-fest that was worth watching. Who wrote for that show, 10 year olds, ugh! I haven't seen SNL since Chris Farley and the gang was on and it looks like I didn't miss much.
You think that was bad, look up the same family reunion skit they did for Adam Sandler!
(Actually, the Christopher Walken family reunion is pretty funny because everybody tries to imitate his voice.)

Adam Sandler doesn't have ten great comedies yet but he's close

Punch Drunk Love, Airheads, 50 First Dates, Spanglish, Billy Madison, Happy Gillmore, and the Wedding Singer

Andy Kaufman.
That's right.
You heard what I said.
Kaufman wasn't a comedian, he was a performance artist.

Speaking of Kaufman and since Pee-Wee Herman just died, I have to reference this thread once again...

Andy Kaufman.
That's right.
You heard what I said.

If Andy Kaufman were alive, he'd make this part of his bit and join in the criticism.