The Top of the Bleeping Obstacle: MoFo Top 100 War Movies Prelims!

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Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Got a tight list of old favorites with a few new ones and a couple I was hoping to catch before sending it in. The majority of which seems to be World War II for me. Not sure why; just always watched them since childhood.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

I watched about 50 movies for this ballot and I don't feel the need to watch many more. Having said that, I'm still going to Oppenheimer on Oppening Day. I might do a double-feature with Barbie with a friend.

Anyway, with Thursday Next's ballot, we've reached our first ten.

Barbie could technically be considered a war film. Somewhere.

UPDATE: Hacksaw Ridge is on Prime and Tubi here in America. If you haven;t seen it, GET TO IT. That is the ONE movie I kept looking for before I decided I had seen enough last month.

After much debate with my war council and a team of dedicated advisers and spending days in quiet reflection, I have submitted my ballot. I have films from 10 different decades on my ballot.

After much debate with my war counci

Is it bad that this made me think of a scene in my literal written attempt at an improved Loonatics?

"Rev stepped out of the lab quietly and met all the other Loonatics in the war room. Yes there was a war room. I mean, come on, if you had a futuristic tower with 134 floors, wouldn't you have a war room? They built theirs right under the Pizza Hut."

Wondering where the ballot count for this thing will land, this is just about the time when the ballots start pouring in down the stretch. 89 has been the average during the previous five countdowns since I've been around. War seems to be somewhere along the lines of the foreign language countdown. I'll guess somewhere between 65 - 75 ballots.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Wondering where the ballot count for this thing will land, this is just about the time when the ballots start pouring in down the stretch. 89 has been the average during the previous five countdowns since I've been around. War seems to be somewhere along the lines of the foreign language countdown. I'll guess somewhere between 65 - 75 ballots.
I'll guess the number of ballots will be between 50-60.

So did anyone make a base top 25 at the start of the thread and change it overtime like I usually do? I only had a couple of changes overall so far, before I got bored, decided that I had enough five-stars and decided to wait for Oppenheimer. But overall, I have to say that this has been a lot of fun, helped teach me quite a few things about critiquing, got me through some major classics and even helped me with my own writing.

We have 10 DAYS LEFT before we reach the end of the obstacle course. Hope all y'all Private Gomers and Desmond Doss's had fun on this war game!

Trouble with a capital "T"
So did anyone make a base top 25 at the start of the thread and change it overtime like I usually do?...
I initially made a list of all the war films I could remember seeing, I don't log them. That first list had 180 films on it. Right at the start I put about 35 of those that I thought were extra good, at the top of my list so I could give them more attention for my ballot.

I did rewatch a bunch of my potential ballot choices and a couple ended up getting booted as I didn't think they were nearly as good as I remembered. I still have 5 movies on my ballot that I need to rewatch so I can evaluate them...and I'm still watching war movies that I've never seen before. I really, really needed a ballot with 50 spots!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I initially made a list of all the war films I could remember seeing, I don't log them. That first list had 180 films on it. Right at the start I put about 35 of those that I thought were extra good, at the top of my list so I could give them more attention for my ballot.

I did rewatch a bunch of my potential ballot choices and a couple ended up getting booted as I didn't think they were nearly as good as I remembered. I still have 5 movies on my ballot that I need to rewatch so I can evaluate them...and I'm still watching war movies that I've never seen before. I really, really needed a ballot with 50 spots!
How many movies have you watched for this? Seems like every list has a homework MVP, and that’s gotta be you this time.

Trouble with a capital "T"
How many movies have you watched for this? Seems like every list has a homework MVP, and that’s gotta be you this time.
I'm enjoying the countdown prep that's for sure. Even more important my wife likes war films too so that's a plus. I think I've seen about 125 since the war countdown was announced, some rewatches, many were first timers. I'm watching Dunkirk tonight, nope not that one

I forgot the opening line.
My ballot has just been submitted also - Private Phoenix has a full magazine that is locked and loaded, Sir!
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'm enjoying the countdown prep that's for sure. Even more important my wife likes war films too so that's a plus. I think I've seen about 125 since the war countdown was announced, some rewatches, many were first timers. I'm watching Dunkirk tonight, nope not that one
You should, that’s the good one.

Very impressive. Fun to see you enjoying it so much.