Musicians: Let's Talk DAWs!


I'm always curious what DAWs my favorite artists use.

I have always used Ableton, and still love it, but got Cubase recently and have switched to that for now as it's better suited for film composing. I'm enjoying it but there is more of a learning curve than I expected. For years I have heard that the DAW doesn't matter, the sentiment of which I understand, but I do think it's important to find the right DAW for yourself because in my recent experience here Ableton and Cubase operate quite differently. Alas, as I adapt to Cubase more and more, I also like it more and more. In measuring pros and cons between the two, it does make me appreciate Ableton's strengths, too.

Anyway, I'm gonna need to learn Pro Tools eventually if I want to get anywhere in film composing. Anyone have experience with that one? I'm bummed it's a subscription model now.

Lots of great DAWs out there. Which do you use? Pro Tools? Digital Performer? Logic? Voice Memos?

That's an ableist name for this thing! We have to change it! *SHRIEEEEEEEEEEEEK*
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

Reaper. Because I'm a cheapo and and it's cheap. I used to use Ableton but found it a little clunky.
Nice, I've heard good things about Reaper. Less expensive is always good. Pro Tools is so damn expensive.

Funny you mention Ableton being clunky. I feel the opposite, especially now that I'm learning Cubase. Ableton feels very intuitive to me.

Nice, I've heard good things about Reaper. Less expensive is always good. Pro Tools is so damn expensive.

Funny you mention Ableton being clunky. I feel the opposite, especially now that I'm learning Cubase. Ableton feels very intuitive to me.
It has probably changed alot since I used it which was about 10 years ago.

What sort of tunes are you making?

You ready? You look ready.
Started in GarageBand for iOS

Graduated to Tracktion Waveform

"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

A system of cells interlinked
Reaper: Also a cheapo!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
technically, wouldn’t it be Fender now?

yeah =\ unfortunately. waiting to see random discontinues or subscription requirements.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

You ready? You look ready.
i think some of y’all should give Waveform Free a try. i think it might convert at least one of you. bring your VSTs and muck around.

here’s a run down of the features.

if ya like it, i’d wait til black friday to upgrade, tho. they typically only put it on sale then and it’s usually 50% off

i originally got an OEM copy of 11 with my Seaboard, but a couple of new features in 12 got me to buy a license.

It has probably changed alot since I used it which was about 10 years ago.

What sort of tunes are you making?
Right now I'm focusing on film composing. I have some stuff on YouTube right now if you want to check it out. First two were done in Ableton, and KOASD was my first time tackling Cubase.

I've been working in Reaper today as it happens. Fiddling about making some electro-indie stuff:
Really nice production, very mellow vibes.

Right now I'm focusing on film composing. I have some stuff on YouTube right now if you want to check it out. First two were done in Ableton, and KOASD was my first time tackling Cubase.
Nice, I like that Suspiria one especially. What plugins you using?

Nice, I like that Suspiria one especially. What plugins you using?
Thanks man. I have a good amount of plugins, I'll give a shout-out to two that I have been throwing on just about everything (so much so that I'm trying to break the habit ) - HalfTime, from Cableguys, and Little AlterBoy from Soundtoys. Both are good ways to add life to a bland sample/recording. I also use Valhalla VintageVerb for my reverb.

What sort of stuff do you use?

Thanks man. I have a good amount of plugins, I'll give a shout-out to two that I have been throwing on just about everything (so much so that I'm trying to break the habit ) - HalfTime, from Cableguys, and Little AlterBoy from Soundtoys. Both are good ways to add life to a bland sample/recording. I also use Valhalla VintageVerb for my reverb.

What sort of stuff do you use?
I'll check those out nice - Valhalla are amazing. I use the free shimmer reverb. Depends what I'm making really I have alot of spitfire stuff but they are expensive. I use Labs, Olafur Arnaulds stratus, composer toolkit and chamber evolutions. Also use Native Instruments Noire piano, Arturia tape mello. That's all based on top of getting samples from LoopCloud and Splice. Then I pump a bit of live gear into it like Circuit tracks synth and sometimes a bit of guitar.

Ends up sounding something like this: