Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Are You There God, It's Me Margaret, adapted from a book by Judy Blume - I have to say that I dragged to this, but I actually ended up being glad to be dragged. Girl Margaret is caught halfway between her Christian mother and Jewish father, family pressures, school pressures, and then she hits puberty. She doesn't look as alluring as the other girls yet, but it's happening anyway. She's not interested in religion, but pressure is on there too, given her mixed religious parentage. Her mother's parents opted out of any role in her life when her mother married a Jewish guy; they're completely unknown to her, flaming-hell evangelists. With all this going on, Margaret is also trying to just be an early teen kid, which is difficult in itself.

Once I got over seeing a movie like this, it really IS very good. Characters are well portrayed, conflicts are clear and, above all, you just want Margaret to come out of this OK.

Abby Fortson is Margaret, Rachael McAdams and Bennie Safdie are her parents, Kathy Bates, the father's-side grandmother.

I'm not generally a fan of that sort of movie, but this was, admittedly, very good, well worth seeing.

Puss In Boots - 2022

Figured I'd give it a whirl since it got such good word of mouth online from people I trust. It really didn't disappoint. Thought it was great. The animation was original, characters were cool, voice work awesome. I thought for the most part the humor hit. The Jimmy Crickets/James Stewart bit was probably the funniest I literally lol'ed alot at that bit. The strength of the movie is it actually made me feel something and stuck with me for a couple days after. Does some really cool stuff with mortality. The villain is really cool. Good little flick I'd highly recommend.

I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

So, it appears that they wanted to make a their own version of Watership Down or The Plague Dogs?

They really really wanted you to cry for this one. Thing is, I've never approached this franchise in the hopes of having a good cry.

If you have kids, don't take them to see this. The images are nightmare fuel.

At this point, I'm cheering for the writer's strike to last awhile.

One of the worst films ever made - but for me, one of the most enjoyable to watch. Completely nuts.
Indeed, one of the worst of its kind and I've seen plenty of them. It's worth noting that there was somewhat of a remake, the title at least, The Swarm, 2020. The first line of the Wikipedia listing tells you what to expect, like who the heck would have a locust farm....

"A single mother's business of a locust farm isn't doing so well. She discovers by accident that blood makes them thrive"

Kwaidan is a Japanese ghost story anthology. I watch this every few years hoping to love it, but I always come away moderately liking it. The movie looks fantastic and has some wonderful backdrops, but the stories are so slow and lack excitement. The best segment is the first, Black Hair, because it builds to a creepy finale. I don't like that the main character is punished for trying to rectify a mistake, but its still the most satisfying conclusion here. The other segments start out well and then peter out at the end. The movie has great atmosphere as a whole, but it doesn't capitalize on it all that well.

Enys Men (2022)

From the director of "Bait". A basic of storyline (woman gets isolated and starts feeling strange) and I understand this was filmed during lockdown. It's not for everyone and can descend into Warhol-type navel gazing. For me it's not a step forward or even comparable to Bait which was far superior. Kudos for being different though.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

A retelling of Little Red Riding Hood in modern trailer park trash times. An early Reese Witherspoon performance and one that is probably among her best. Her not give a crap attitude and wild dialogue were a lot of fun to watch. The "Wolf" character is played by Kiefer Sutherland and he knows how to crank up the creepy and grotesque. The film is filthy, crude, and doesn't give a damn.

Freeway 2

This time around it's Natasha Lyonne as the trailer park trash lead. She plays a prostitute who befriends a mentally unstable serial killer and they escape prison. This time around, the fairy tale they are updating is Hansel and Gretel and it feels a lot more forced. It ups the grime and awfulness but doesn't have the strong performances to support it. It has a direct to dvd feel to it and above all the worst offender was that it was boring.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I watched Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey and Renfield.

I will do a proper review shortly, but they were about what you would expect of it. Winnie was bad, but it wasn't as bad as I expected (it looked nicer visually than I anticipated it would, but it was otherwise as bad as the reviews suggest - I couldn't tell you about any of the characters or any traits they had). Renfield was fun, but it wasn't as good as I expected. It started off really well, but it petered out by the end (I don't want to say it became a superhero movie, ... but that's kind of what happened. It became kind-of a generic action movie, when, at first, it really had some promising stuff). I would have loved it as a quirky, low-budget horror comedy.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Pretty Poison - 6/10
Even when Anthony Perkins' character is acting it's not convincing, but it was on his movie channel I just found, and the IMDB line intrigued me
"When a mentally-disturbed young man tells a pretty girl that he's a secret agent, she believes him; murder and mayhem ensue."
I think with another lead, and some changes in this story, it could have been great.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Pretty Poison - 6/10
Even when Anthony Perkins' character is acting it's not convincing, but it was on his movie channel I just found, and the IMDB line intrigued me
"When a mentally-disturbed young man tells a pretty girl that he's a secret agent, she believes him; murder and mayhem ensue."
I think with another lead, and some changes in this story, it could have been great.

I've been meaning to watch that for the longest time. I was impressed with Tuesday Weld's screen presences back when I watch The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis. I then sought out some of her movies probably Lord Love a Duck (1966) was the best one I've seen so far. Have you seen that one?

Wasn't expecting much, but I admit I had a few good laughs.
There has been an awekening.... have you felt it?

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I've been meaning to watch that for the longest time. I was impressed with Tuesday Weld's screen presences back when I watch The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis. I then sought out some of her movies probably Lord Love a Duck (1966) was the best one I've seen so far. Have you seen that one?

I tried watching it, because I knew someone who knew the writer, but I turned it off shortly after.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I tried watching it, because I knew someone who knew the writer, but I turned it off shortly after.
It's a very odd movie, sometimes it seems it's breaking taboos. I'm not sure how it's meant to be interpreted but it's different that's for sure.

From 1969, I really enjoyed that film. Seeing it then I had no idea that Maggie Smith would have such an illustrious career. She was great in the role (naturally). The picture even featured the great Celia Johnson of Brief Encounter (1945) fame. "Brodie" still holds up IMO, even in our decadent modern times.

I remember watching the 1970 Academy Awards and really wanting Liza Minnelli or Jane Fonda to win Best Actress, but many years later, I finally saw The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie...this was one the Academy got right.

Raven73's Avatar
Boldly going.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
It's my least favourite of the trilogy, but it's still good enough to call the trilogy a success. Rocket is my fav Guardian, and he featured prominently in this one, but the big baddie The High Evolutionary was a bit of a disappointment and so was the ending. I'd been looking forward to finally seeing Adam Warlock, and I liked his portrayal by Will Poulter - Warlock was quite awkward and clumsy, but this was excusable as he was just born yesterday... I did enjoy the movie's several heart-felt moments, some of which gave me a lump in my throat.

Boldly going.

Are You There God, It's Me Margaret, adapted from a book by Judy Blume - I have to say that I dragged to this, but I actually ended up being glad to be dragged. Girl Margaret is caught halfway between her Christian mother and Jewish father, family pressures, school pressures, and then she hits puberty. She doesn't look as alluring as the other girls yet, but it's happening anyway. She's not interested in religion, but pressure is on there too, given her mixed religious parentage. Her mother's parents opted out of any role in her life when her mother married a Jewish guy; they're completely unknown to her, flaming-hell evangelists. With all this going on, Margaret is also trying to just be an early teen kid, which is difficult in itself.

Once I got over seeing a movie like this, it really IS very good. Characters are well portrayed, conflicts are clear and, above all, you just want Margaret to come out of this OK.

Abby Fortson is Margaret, Rachael McAdams and Bennie Safdie are her parents, Kathy Bates, the father's-side grandmother.

I'm not generally a fan of that sort of movie, but this was, admittedly, very good, well worth seeing.

The trailer makes the picture very appealing, both in comedy and also the 1970s period settings and design. Will have to check it out.


The guy who starts of the song, Woof, is played by Don Dacus, who would go on to play for a couple of years with the band Chicago. He was let go after a couple of years, mainly because he had the nearly-impossible task of filling the spot formerly held by the great Terry Kath who had accidentally shot himself and died. Also, just a bit of personal trivia, Dacus was from Texas and graduated from Cleburne High School, just a couple of towns from where I grew up. From what I understand, he's semi-retired and living in Austin with his wife and kids, but shows up from time-to-time to perform, sometimes with former Chicago players. His list of credits on Wikipedia as a guitarist is impressive. Sorry, I've rambled a bit. But Hair is indeed a fun movie. Love Fiddler on the Roof as well. Good reviews, @PHOENIX74!
I, too, love both Fiddler on the Roof and Hair...I think both films have enormous re-watch appeal.