Great Movies That Were Followed Up By The Absolute Worst Sequels


I have a low tolerance for Temple of Doom. It has some pretty solid action setpieces, but Willie gets on my nerves.
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A system of cells interlinked
I have a low tolerance for Temple of Doom. It has some pretty solid action setpieces, but Willie gets on my nerves.
x 1000
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I was way into the Ghostbusters II soundtrack back in the day.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Oh, we just have to talk about...

Highlander II - The Quickening

This thing reached ridiculous lows in almost every category. In the first, they establish characters, some of which die, and set up a rich history for the Highlanders that ties into ancient legend. They also establish the clear concept that "There can be only one." By the end of the film, the story has been told, only one Highlander remains, story over...

Or so we thought...

No, dear readers, the Highlanders are actually ALIENS

Alas, they aren't cool aliens like the one's above. No, they are just swordsman from Scotland, I mean, space, and they ride on surfboards that fly and stuff. They wear sunglasses, too, even though there is no sun, because MacLeod made a shield that hides the sun (WHAT.THE.****).

That's OK, though, because luckily, the last highlander..errrr, one of the highlanders can shoot lightning out of his ass, and blow up any buildings that might come after us. The villains henchmen are busy surfing on surfboards tied to strings, and the lone highlander must stand alone against them, because Ramirez (you remember him, don't you pendceccos?) is dead, because MacLeod cut his head off. Oh wait, never mind. He's fine. You just have to yell for him.

We interrupt this film synopsis to talk about our Ozone layer. Immortals care about this. Even immortals that have gotten old, because there aren't any other immortals left, except the time traveling space immortals that haven't shown up yet. So, once all the immortals are dead, and you start getting older, you better take a long hard look at the ozone layer, and pronto.

I mean, after you have taken care of the half-dozen or so immortals on the planet, might as well plunge the entire planet into infinite darkness, because, life doesn't require sun or anything.

Anyway, this old man lurches and putters around until the surfers show up, and then he manages to cleave both of their heads off, because they are busy surfing. Luckily, this causes the old man to blow lightning out his ass and become young and immortal again. This is good, become a pretty smokin' piece of ass shows up, and he wouldn't have been able to handle her advances with the bunions and fallen arches and stuff.

But when they meet...just LOOK OUT

Louise: "Who are you?"

MacLeod: "I'm Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. I was banished from the Planet Zeist 500 years ago. I cannot die.

"I'm Louise Marcus from Flagstaff, Arizona."


Hell, I can't go on..... I am somehow laughing and crying simultaneously.

Man, I have fun shredding these piles of ****.

I guess what irked me the most last time I caught a few minutes of this, was how blatantly and poorly they aped the production design from Blade Runner, a film I consider to be the best piece of sci-fi of all time.
lol, wow. *brushes off the dust from this gem*

I do NOT remember any of that! guess I need to re-watch it soon...

A system of cells interlinked
lol, wow. *brushes off the dust from this gem*

I do NOT remember any of that! guess I need to re-watch it soon...
When I read one of my ancient posts:

I am glad to see the strong response to Highlander 2. There is a reason that the other sequels just pretend that this film doesn't exist.

Sean Connery read the script for this film and said "OK," but passed on playing Gandalf in Lord of the Rings.

"You shall not pash."
Connery had the stateliness and charm needed for the role. He could still still pull off an impish grim or bellow an imposing bark. McKellen has more gears to run through as an actor and he brought a sensitivity to the role (the. Mr. Rogers side of it) that I don't know Connery would have pulled off. I think the film would have been a huge hit either way. There may be another world where people are remarking that they cannot anyone but Connery in the role.

And do we even need mention Zardoz? You did Zardoz in a mankini and hooker-boots, but Gandalf was too out there for you? Come on, man!

Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. Pass on good roles and your career will rust.

Sean Connery read the script for [Highlander 2] and said "OK," but passed on playing Gandalf in Lord of the Rings.
Connery had the stateliness and charm needed for the role. He could still still pull off an impish grim or bellow an imposing bark. McKellen has more gears to run through as an actor and he brought a sensitivity to the role (the. Mr. Rogers side of it) that I don't know Connery would have pulled off. I think the film would have been a huge hit either way. There may be another world where people are remarking that they cannot anyone but Connery in the role.

And do we even need mention Zardoz? You did Zardoz in a mankini and hooker-boots, but Gandalf was too out there for you? Come on, man!

Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. Pass on good roles and your career will rust.
Not sequel-related, but "absolute worst"-related and Connery-related, but I always find it funny and tragic that he passed on this and The Matrix because he "didn't understand it"... and after they both became such big hits, the man signed up for The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen without reading the script, I think, and that surely wound up being a stinker. After that, he was "I'm done"

Contrast that with Jaime Lee Curtis, who was asked about her first reaction to reading the screenplay for Everything Everywhere All at Once and just said "Well, I didn't understand it," before going on to say she was able to understand the character she was asked to play, and that was enough to say yes and eventually understand the rest.

I forgot the opening line.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned An American Werewolf in London being followed by An American Werewolf in Paris - the latter is one of the absolute worst films I've ever seen in my life, and the former is pretty good. Could possibly be the worst sequel ever in my book.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

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