Spam my 2010s Countdown ballot! recommendations needed


Trouble with a capital "T"

Snowden (2016)

Last night I watched another of @John-Connor recommendations, Snowden directed by Oliver Stone. I went into this not knowing much about Edward Snowden only that he had worked for the NSA and blew the whistle on illegal surveillance activities being done on telecommunications & the internet. But Snowden's name has come up on many online privacy articles I've read. Just a few days ago I bought my wife a smartphone, something I loath to have as it's a literal leakmachine for privacy, so I decided to root the phone and replace the stock android operating system with GrapheneOS which is the most private and secure custom OS you can put onto an Android phone...while I was doing research I found a quote attributed to Ed Snowden where he said if he had a phone it would run GrapheneOS, so yeah, I know I made a good choice! And that wasn't the first time his name came up, I also seen him referenced when I was looking for encrypted email, even here on MoFo we had a convo about Snowden and his choice of Linux Cubes as his computer OS.

To cut to the chance, I was pre-primed to like this movie and I did enjoy watching it. So much so that I'm going to watch the documentary about Snowden Citizenfour. I think my very positive reaction to the movie is hearing a message that I already believed in as I've spent a lot of time researching online privacy and I'm deeply concerned by the erosion of our online rights by the three-letter agencies and the big telecommunications companies.

Good choice for me!

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
The more ballots a movie makes, the better chance it has of making the MoFo 2010s Countdown!
This is a list of everything I watched in the 2010s.....

A Better Life (2011)
All Is Lost (2013)
Amour (2012)
At Eternity's Gate (2018)
Blue Jasmine (2013)
Boyhood (2014)
Cafe Society (2016)
Ida (2013)
I Daniel Blake (2016)
Maudie (2017)
Midnight in Paris (2011)
Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
Nebraska (2013)
Phantom Thread (2017)
Shoplifters (2018)
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018)
The Book Thief (2013)
The Florida Project (2017)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
The Invisible Guest (2016)
The King's Speech (2010)
Wild Tales (2014)
Wonder Wheel (2017)
You say "The more ballots a movie makes, the better chance..."
So, out of your watched list, these are the possible overlap with my ballot.
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

Snowden (2016)
To cut to the chance, I was pre-primed to like this movie and I did enjoy watching it. So much so that I'm going to watch the documentary about Snowden Citizenfour. I think my very positive reaction to the movie is hearing a message that I already believed in as I've spent a lot of time researching online privacy and I'm deeply concerned by the erosion of our online rights by the three-letter agencies and the big telecommunications companies.

Good choice for me!
Glad you enjoyed it CR, my guess is you will like Citizenfour just as much and perhaps even more than this one. I'm still contemplating if I'm going to include documentaries on my ballot or not.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Glad you enjoyed it CR, my guess is you will like Citizenfour just as much and perhaps even more than this one. I'm still contemplating if I'm going to include documentaries on my ballot or not.
I seen Citizenfour a couple of nights ago, and the timing was quite ironic...if you follow the news at all you know what I mean.

CR if you are cool with foreign recommendations
Twisted romantic movie that will make my list

Thriller that will also make my list

Another thriller
I just put Marshland and The Silence on my watchlist a few days ago while looking for stuff to watch. Now I'll make sure to get to them before submitting my ballot.

I’m on phone so it’s hard to direct-compare when also writing the list. So some of these you may have watched already…

The Hunt
Marriage Story
Phantom Thread
Manchester by the Sea
Crazy Stupid Love
Ford v Ferrari

Trouble with a capital "T"
I’m on phone so it’s hard to direct-compare when also writing the list. So some of these you may have watched already…

The Hunt
Marriage Story
Phantom Thread
Manchester by the Sea
Crazy Stupid Love
Ford v Ferrari
thanks MM. I've seen and liked The Hunt, Phantom Thread, Manchester by the Sea & Ford v Ferrai. I'm considering watching some of the others.

Trouble with a capital "T"
CitizenFour (2014)

The night after I watched Oliver Stone's Snowden, I watched the Laura Poitras' documentary on Edward Snowden - CitizenFour. While I didn't find the technical film making aspects of CitizenFour all that amazing I did find the subject matter illuminating and damn scary. So much so that this film gave me bad dreams of being chased by an omni-powerful secret organization. Sometimes I wonder if ignorance isn't bliss.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Contagion (2011)

Yikes, those people look horrible...And if you hate Gwyneth Paltrow and I know some of you do, then this movie is for you!

Directed by Steven Soderbergh some years before the Covid pandemic hit. Contagion is about a viral outbreak that sweeps the world causing people to wear mask, isolate, get sick & die...while nut cases believe in a miracle cure that has no basis in science and accuse the CDC of a cover up, sound familiar? Contagion is a lot like what happened in the recent Covid pandemic. If you didn't know this was made in 2011 you might think it was indeed about Covid.

What I liked here is that the movie is pretty darn factual and accurate without Hollywood style bombastic thrills and CG crap. This is an intelligent movie, not a fun amusement park ride flick...It ain't 28 Days Later, it's not World War Z and yeah both of those were fun, but Contagion is more procedural, semi documentary in style.

One of the better films I've seen so far from the 2010s.

The trick is not minding
Holy Camp!
A musical out of Spain about a girl in a religious summer camp having visions of God singing to her the songs of Whitney Houston. I liked this one

The Assassin
Hsiao-Hsien, one of my favorite directors out of Taiwan, tale of an assassin who starts to question her mission. At times slow, but contemplative, definitely not for everyone.

The American
George Clooney as an assassin being hunted by other assassins, who’s hired for one last job.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Holy Camp!
A musical out of Spain about a girl in a religious summer camp having visions of God singing to her the songs of Whitney Houston. I liked this one

The Assassin
Hsiao-Hsien, one of my favorite directors out of Taiwan, tale of an assassin who starts to question her mission. At times slow, but contemplative, definitely not for everyone.

The American
George Clooney as an assassin being hunted by other assassins, who’s hired for one last job.
Thanks Wylde...I need to get back to watching some 2010s movies. So far I haven't seen as many as planned, to busy watching old Jane Russell movies

Trouble with a capital "T"

10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)

"A young woman is held in an underground bunker by a man who insists that a hostile event has left the surface of the Earth uninhabitable."

I read that above synopsis at IMDB and seen the movie was tagged Drama,Horror,Mystery...and decided it wasn't what I wanted to watch as I don't like hostage movies especially ones with a horror twist.

BUT because it was also tagged Sci-Fi, I then went to Wiki and read the plot outline so I would know just how the movie ended. I don't normally do that in fact this was the first time I did. For many that would ruin the movie as they love a mystery but for me that made the movie better as I knew what the truth was and what awaited outside of the underground bunker. That then made watching the actions of John Goodman all the more interesting as I knew what the young woman being held captive didn't know.

Overall I found the film entertaining enough and I never got bored. But it wasn't a really tight script as there were a few scenes where the 'victims' easily could've prevailed and escaped but instead made the same hapless mistakes most horror movie victims do. Which is just why I find most modern horror films a bore. But I did dig the underground bunker and I liked the actors so this one was OK.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I liked that but I'm surprised you watched it.
Yeah not my type of movie but I watched it because I have 3 weeks left on a Paramount+Roku channel subscription and that was about the only movie I could find worth watching. There's just not many good movies on that channel. Though I did find Tootsie which I had never seen and really liked.

I did see Cube and really liked it.

i have one for you! It is called Puzzle (2018) and it stars Kelly MacDonald. It is about two people in jigsaw puzzle contests of all things. I don't remember the specifics of it but it was very sweet. It is on STARZ.

Trouble with a capital "T"
i have one for you! It is called Puzzle (2018) and it stars Kelly MacDonald. It is about two people in jigsaw puzzle contests of all things. I don't remember the specifics of it but it was very sweet. It is on STARZ.
Thanks I'll add that to my list. I swear I'll get back to watching some 2010's movies It's just that I have 3 weeks left on a streaming subscription so I'm trying to watch everything good that they have, which ain't much

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Thanks I'll add that to my list. I swear I'll get back to watching some 2010's movies It's just that I have 3 weeks left on a streaming subscription so I'm trying to watch everything good that they have, which ain't much

What streaming subscription did you get that seems to have such a poor selection of movies?
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
What streaming subscription did you get that seems to have such a poor selection of movies?
I got a Roku device for the TV and first I went with a subscription to the Paramount+Roku channel which has both Paramount content and Roku premium commercial free content. I did that so I could watch the original The Love Boat.

Only I found out that the Paramount+Roku channel was missing some episodes of The Love Boat. So I signed up for just the Paramount+ channel which has all of the The Love Boat episodes...But I still have three weeks on the Paramount+Roku channel. There's a few movies I want to watch there but not many. I seen Tootsie which I really liked, last night I watched Desperately Seeking Susan which was OK and tonight at Captain Steel's request I watched Mean Girls which I thought was a blast!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I got a Roku device for the TV and first I went with a subscription to the Paramount+Roku channel which has both Paramount content and Roku premium commercial free content. I did that so I could watch the original The Love Boat.

Only I found out that the Paramount+Roku channel was missing some episodes of The Love Boat. So I signed up for just the Paramount+ channel which has all of the The Love Boat episodes...But I still have three weeks on the Paramount+Roku channel. There's a few movies I want to watch there but not many. I seen Tootsie which I really liked, last night I watched Desperately Seeking Susan which was OK and tonight at Captain Steel's request I watched Mean Girls which I thought was a blast!

I think there are a few Star Trek shows on the Paramount+ channel. You might want to watch them before your time is up.

I rewatched Tootsie recently too. I hadn't watched it in years, and I forgot how funny it was.