Movie Forums Top 100 of the 2010s - Preliminary Thread

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Trouble with a capital "T"
Another Earth is really good. I watched Sound of My Voice today and really liked it. Very interesting story and Brit Marling is wonderful in both films.
Did you ever see Brit Marling inI Origins (2014) if so what did you think of it?

Did you ever see Brit Marling inI Origins (2014) if so what did you think of it?
I haven’t seen that one yet. Sounds interesting though. Maybe I’ll watch it later today.

Social criticism delivered through a crazy psychological crime thriller cult horror story. After going through a couple reviews and analysis videos I noticed this went over a lot of viewers' heads. Also saw an interview with director Wheatly where he says he expected this beforehand and is fine with it. Overall a pretty crazy thought provoking experience. I’m going to watch something really light and fluffy now to wash this down.

I don't know your taste that well and I see that you're biased against it. You probably won't like it, given your bias, but I find it to be the most entertaining of the movies I've seen from your list. DiCaprio really shines and proves that he's really funny and can do physical comedy well. It's pretty much a lock for my ballot, but it's a long movie and going into it with your mindset isn't going to work.
See people, this is how you sell a movie. A little advertisement, a little reverse psychology . . .

While the 2000s was his stronger decade, don't forget about Lars Von Trier for this list

Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Movies that won't make this list but were good:

Beautiful Boy
Guardians of the Galaxy
Abducted in Plain Sight

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Of course, don't forget about Lathimos. I'll be voting for the one that I think is least popular of the three

Didn't care for The Lobster all too much. The Favourite is great however.

While the 2000s was his stronger decade, don't forget about Lars Von Trier for this list

I don't know that I like any of his 2010-era films enough for them to make my ballot (I might consider Melancholia though), but if I had seen Dancer in the Dark and Dogville during the 2000's countdown, they both would've surely made my ballot.

Did you ever see Brit Marling inI Origins (2014) if so what did you think of it?
I just finished watching I Origins. Although it is not as good as some of Marling's other films, I Origins is an interesting, well made film. I would rate it a 7/10. Definitely worth watching.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I just finished watching I Origins. Although it is not as good as some of Marling's other films, I Origins is an interesting, well made film. I would rate it a 7/10. Definitely worth watching.
I'm glad you liked it. I didn't care for it as much as you did but I would still like to check out more films from the director as I loved Another Earth.

I just thought of an idea for this countdown, but I figured I'd post about it here first to see if anyone is interested in it:

My idea is to start a separate group watch thread for this countdown. The host will nominate a film from the 2010s, the participants will have about 3-4 days to watch it, and to state that they watched the film in the thread. You're not required to review the film though. I mean, you can if you want to, but simply writing something like "I just watched XX and really enjoyed it" should suffice. Afterwards, the host would use a random number generator to pick the next person to nominate a film (provided the person watched your nomination and hasn't nominated a film yet) and the process would repeat. This would last till the deadline for this thread (or close to it).

In short, it's similar to a Hall of Fame, except it requires far less effort.

I'm sure many of us will be voting for some obscure films which not many MoFos have seen, so participating in that thread might be a good way to increase the likelihood of your film making the countdown.

But of course, I'm aware that many of us already have watchlists to get through before the deadline, so I don't know how many people would be willing to participate. I'll see what you all think though.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I just thought of an idea for this countdown, but I figured I'd post about it here first to see if anyone is interested in it:

My idea is to start a separate group watch thread for this countdown. The host will nominate a film from the 2010s, the participants will have about 3-4 days to watch it, and to state that they watched the film in the thread. You're not required to review the film though. I mean, you can if you want to, but simply writing something like "I just watched XX and really enjoyed it" should suffice. Afterwards, the host would use a random number generator to pick the next person to nominate a film (provided the person watched your nomination and hasn't nominated a film yet) and the process would repeat. This would last till the deadline for this thread (or close to it).

In short, it's similar to a Hall of Fame, except it requires far less effort.

I'm sure many of us will be voting for some obscure films which not many MoFos have seen, so participating in that thread might be a good way to increase the likelihood of your film making the countdown.

But of course, I'm aware that many of us already have watchlists to get through before the deadline, so I don't know how many people would be willing to participate. I'll see what you all think though.

This is an interesting idea. I have a very long watchlist already, but depending on the movies that are nominated, I would participate when possible, as long as I wouldn't have to guarantee that I would watch every movie that's nominated.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I'm facepalming hard over here because I just realized that a 2010s movie from my top 100 wasn't on my shortlist:

There's just nothing about this that suggests that I would even like it - I don't give a crap about the cast or the subject - but damn I love this movie. I went into it expecting to be bored but was immediately sucked into this tale of camaraderie and competition. I've seen it many times since and it's a strong contender for my ballot.

Excellent idea @SpelingError

See how many people are there. And every person can nominate only one or two flicks.

It will only help to diversify the list. There's adequate time left as well.

I am in.

I just thought of an idea for this countdown, but I figured I'd post about it here first to see if anyone is interested in it:

My idea is to start a separate group watch thread for this countdown. The host will nominate a film from the 2010s, the participants will have about 3-4 days to watch it, and to state that they watched the film in the thread. You're not required to review the film though. I mean, you can if you want to, but simply writing something like "I just watched XX and really enjoyed it" should suffice. Afterwards, the host would use a random number generator to pick the next person to nominate a film (provided the person watched your nomination and hasn't nominated a film yet) and the process would repeat. This would last till the deadline for this thread (or close to it).

In short, it's similar to a Hall of Fame, except it requires far less effort.

I'm sure many of us will be voting for some obscure films which not many MoFos have seen, so participating in that thread might be a good way to increase the likelihood of your film making the countdown.

But of course, I'm aware that many of us already have watchlists to get through before the deadline, so I don't know how many people would be willing to participate. I'll see what you all think though.
Nice idea, I would join, only thing is I don't have time for re-watches..