The Hall of Infamy


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

Not gonna lie...I'm kind of surprised this is nominated. There is a certain level of charm in the cheapness of this film that I couldn't help but vibe with it. The mask and costume are first-rate cheese and I couldn't help but giggle every so often, with pleasure, not disdain.

In Ryan Murphy's recent miniseries Feud: Bette and Joan, the filming of Trog was presented as a tragedy in Crawford's life, a film she made because she was desperate to work. It was, according to Murphy, a humiliating experience for her

Maybe because I watch dumb stuff like this on the regular, but I enjoyed myself with Trog and dare I say it....would watch it again?
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

The only joke in American Flatulators I found legitimately clever was the marine yelling at the girl scouts. I've heard Ben Dover far too many times from my friends to laugh at it at this point. It's one of those overused puns which you hope will die out.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Not gonna lie...I'm kind of surprised this is nominated. There is a certain level of charm in the cheapness of this film that I couldn't help but vibe with it. The mask and costume are first-rate cheese and I couldn't help but giggle every so often, with pleasure, not disdain.

In Ryan Murphy's recent miniseries Feud: Bette and Joan, the filming of Trog was presented as a tragedy in Crawford's life, a film she made because she was desperate to work. It was, according to Murphy, a humiliating experience for her...
I haven't seen that miniseries but I have seen Trog and Joan always gave a 100% performance. Luckily for whoever nominated Trog I didn't join as it would be my favorite movie so it would end up last on my list.

Ironically, I found Ben Dover to be the best of those flat jokes.
Maybe because it was stolen from "Dazed & Confused" two years earlier. Wiley Wiggens friend uttered this to him before the baseball game.

I am such a nerd...

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Is this still going on?

How does this work? Do you send a top (or rather bottom) 25 list like in regular showdowns, or is it shorter? What if you've already seen one of the movies that's been revealed since it would make your own list?

Is this still going on?

How does this work? Do you send a top (or rather bottom) 25 list like in regular showdowns, or is it shorter? What if you've already seen one of the movies that's been revealed since it would make your own list?
Yeah, it's still going on. It works just like an ordinary Hall of Fame where the participants nominate one film, everyone watches and reviews the nominations, and sends in their ballots (your least favorite film will be #1 on your ballot though).

I've never participated in a Hall Of Fame before, that's why I'm asking so many questions.
I explain most of the rules in the first post of this thread, so this should hopefully answer your questions:

I've never participated in a Hall Of Fame before, that's why I'm asking so many questions.
You should join one sometime. It's fun. Each member nominates one film and everyone watches and reviews the films and then sends a private message to the host with their ranking of the films. The final order of the films is announced at the end based on everyone's ranking.


I was not looking forward to this; but I have Speliing Error to thank for not having to pay to see It. He sent me a link.
The movie is as boring as I remember it being which was why I hated it. I saw it in a Creature Double Feature or something like that on a Saturday night in the Seventies and have resented it wasting my valuable teenage time ever since. It is certainly not as bad as some of these other stinkers; so I do not believe my choice will win.

The script is terribly stupid. I imagine there was zero research put into this. But hey, back then you would have had to put some effort into research. Like going to a library or opening a book. Now all you have to do is Google to find out that Trog would not have been alive during the time of the dinosaurs. Maybe that is a silly quibble to have with such a cheese fest but I think it goes along with leaden dialogue in this movie.

Everyone seems enamored of Trog's costume. I admire the nimbleness of the actor who played Trog. I imagine he was a wrestler, spinning folks over his head, doing neat little somersaults over obstructions and his final dive to the bottom of the pit was quite graceful..
God bless Joan Crawford. She was in a lot of turkeys in her later years but as Citizen Rules said she always gave 100%.
This is my last film for this hall and probably my last Hall of Infamy. The thread was fun but watching these movies was torture.

Trouble with a capital "T"

I was not looking forward to this; but I have Speliing Error to thank for not having to pay to see It. He sent me a link.
The movie is as boring as I remember it being which was why I hated it. I saw it in a Creature Double Feature or something like that on a Saturday night in the Seventies and have resented it wasting my valuable teenage time ever since. It is certainly not as bad as some of these other stinkers; so I do not believe my choice will win.

The script is terribly stupid. I imagine there was zero research put into this. But hey, back then you would have had to put some effort into research. Like going to a library or opening a book. Now all you have to do is Google to find out that Trog would not have been alive during the time of the dinosaurs. Maybe that is a silly quibble to have with such a cheese fest but I think it goes along with leaden dialogue in this movie.

Everyone seems enamored of Trog's costume. I admire the nimbleness of the actor who played Trog. I imagine he was a wrestler, spinning folks over his head, doing neat little somersaults over obstructions and his final dive to the bottom of the pit was quite graceful..
God bless Joan Crawford. She was in a lot of turkeys in her later years but as Citizen Rules said she always gave 100%.
This is my last film for this hall and probably my last Hall of Infamy. The thread was fun but watching these movies was torture.
Have you seen Joan Crawford in Berserk? It's wacked out fun, not a great movie, but damn entertaining much more so than Trog.

I wasn't in this HoF but I'm glad you joined and I can understand not wanting to suffer through a bunch more bad films but good for you for trying it! Maybe you might consider joining the 30th HoF, where I'm sure there will be a bunch of excellent movies. Love to see you join another HoF or the upcoming Personal Recommendation HoF...You seem pretty cool to me and I haven't seen you posting much besides this thread. Oh I use to watch those late night creature features too back in the 70s, that is when I didn't fall asleep first...they were on so late!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've never participated in a Hall Of Fame before, that's why I'm asking so many questions.
Didn't I PM you in the past about joining an HoF? If not, then now is the time to say, yes you should!

I hated Trog's costume. It made me wanna clean my eyes out. Lots of frozen man or caveman costumes suck. Examples: Yeti and Eegah.

This is my last film for this hall and probably my last Hall of Infamy. The thread was fun but watching these movies was torture.
Sorry to hear that you won't be joining a follow up thread for this. However, it was still fun having you in this Hall and I hope to see you in some future Halls as well.

I forgot the opening line.
I admire the nimbleness of the actor who played Trog. I imagine he was a wrestler, spinning folks over his head, doing neat little somersaults over obstructions and his final dive to the bottom of the pit was quite graceful..
You're spot on. The guy they got to play Trog was actually a pro wrestler. He does some classic wrestling moves as Trog in the movie.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

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Fun fact: I just bought one of the movies on blu ray that was mentioned in this thread. Hint: it is not one of the nominated films. Any guesses?

Fun fact: I just bought one of the movies on blu ray that was mentioned in this thread. Hint: it is not one of the nominated films. Any guesses?