

Trouble with a capital "T"
Just found out today that my son and his two housemates all have the covid.

Stay tuned...
Fingers crossed and positive thoughts. I'm sure it will be OK. Keep us updated please.

Amusing letter in the New York Times yesterday.

I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.


1/4 of my class is now in quarantine for the next 8-20 days.

If it weren't for our county's mask mandate, the number of children who would have had to quarantine would have been over half of my class, several students from the bus, and possibly several children from other classrooms.

Now I just have to figure out how to keep these kiddos at pace with the other students.


1/4 of my class is now in quarantine for the next 8-20 days.

If it weren't for our county's mask mandate, the number of children who would have had to quarantine would have been over half of my class, several students from the bus, and possibly several children from other classrooms.

Now I just have to figure out how to keep these kiddos at pace with the other students.

I see that 65+ Pfizer people can now get a 3rd dose so long as 2nd vaxx was 6 months ago. Seems reasonable.


I see that 65+ Pfizer people can now get a 3rd dose so long as 2nd vaxx was 6 months ago. Seems reasonable.
My mom got a booster about two weeks ago. She's now debating whether or not to get her flu shot this year. The last time she got one she had a really, really bad reaction to it.

My mom got a booster about two weeks ago. She's now debating whether or not to get her flu shot this year. The last time she got one she had a really, really bad reaction to it.
I get a flu shot every year. And even though the pneumonia shot is supposed to be for a lifetime, turns out they tinker with it & I usually get that too. Never had a shot reaction.

Annual physical is December so I think I’ll wait for my flu shot until then. Never had the flu since we started wearing masks. Even with a shot I got it badly every year.

I get a flu shot every year. And even though the pneumonia shot is supposed to be for a lifetime, turns out they tinker with it & I usually get that too. Never had a shot reaction.

Annual physical is December so I think I’ll wait for my flu shot until then. Never had the flu since we started wearing masks. Even with a shot I got it badly every year.
I never knew this, but learned it with all the talk about Covid... that the flu shots are only about 33% effective! (That's far less than the ratings given the various Covid vaccines)!

Makes me glad I never get it. I do get the flu... every 30 years... get it really bad, then I'm good for about 3 decades with the antibodies. Had it 2 years ago (after sitting in the hospital with my mom when she went in for a problem)... had a temp for 4 days (chills, delirium, no appetite, etc.) then took about 2 weeks to recover (and 2 months to get back to full lung capacity).

I'm curious to see what happens once the NBA season starts. There are some big name players who have not gotten the shot, and at least a couple of them play in cities where you need the shot just to enter the arena. Do they give in and get vaccinated or do they miss at least half of their team's games?

At least according to the San Fran Department of Public Health, there are no exemptions.
I find this kind of confusing:

However, the Knicks, Nets and Warriors face stricter rules because of local regulations, which the NBA has told teams do not apply to clubs visiting them.
That seems to suggest that visiting players can be unvaccinated? Even though that violates local regulations?

I find this kind of confusing:

That seems to suggest that visiting players can be unvaccinated? Even though that violates local regulations?
Yea I'm not sure what that means since apparently the league would have no authority over the DPH. As a Boston fan I'm interested in what happens opening night when they visit NY to play the Knicks. Supposedly the Knicks are fully vaccinated but Boston is not.

I never knew this, but learned it with all the talk about Covid... that the flu shots are only about 33% effective! (That's far less than the ratings given the various Covid vaccines)!
I did not know this.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I did not know this.
The flu is a serious illness. When the viruses in the vaccine are a good match with what’s circulating, the vaccine can reduce your risk of having the flu by 40%-60%.
and different studies also said if someone has had the flu vaccine and still gets the flu it will in many case be less severe and less deadly.


and different studies also said if someone has had the flu vaccine and still gets the flu it will in many case be less severe and less deadly.
Yeah, it’s weird. My flu episodes (after having had a shot) were extreme. About a week & would have to drag my poor self to the doc’s office for a script. As I said, didn’t get the flu the last two winters because I now wear a mask.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yeah, it’s weird. My flu episodes (after having had a shot) were extreme. About a week & would have to drag my poor self to the doc’s office for a script. As I said, didn’t get the flu the last two winters because I now wear a mask.
I haven't had the flu or a cold, not at all since wearing a mask. Which is nice!

Since I've generally had good luck with the flu vaccine (at most a slightly sore arm), I always get mine. Even if it is only 30-something percent effective, a reduction in risk is a reduction in risk (and a reduction of risk to other more vulnerable people who cannot get the vaccine).

Yeah, it’s weird. My flu episodes (after having had a shot) were extreme. About a week & would have to drag my poor self to the doc’s office for a script. As I said, didn’t get the flu the last two winters because I now wear a mask.
When my dad was alive, he used to get sick for a few days after every flu shot!

When my dad was alive, he used to get sick for a few days after every flu shot!
@Takoma11 posted here that her mother had a horrid reaction to the flu shot. Never had a bad reaction to a shot, thank God.