I need some 2000s movie recommendations that I will actually watch!

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Yikes. I'm afraid if I watch this Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon will be ruined for me.
It won't be if David Alan Grier or Michael Shannon come up.
But seriously, it's tastefully done and the bad things he did are implied, but never shown.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Just kidding. I hope you enjoy at least one of my recs, which precede Keyser's.
Nope, I'm just multi-tasking and working too. I will get to all the recs as soon as I can. I did see your post and some good stuff there! Thanks!

Have you seen Ike: Countdown to D-Day CR? It's a Made-4-TV movie so maybe @Thief might need to verify as to whether or not it would be eligible?

Have you seen Ike: Countdown to D-Day CR? It's a Made-4-TV movie so maybe @Thief might need to verify as to whether or not it would be eligible?
The general rule is that as long as it is listed on IMDb as a 2000-2009 release, and it's not a TV show or mini-series, it's eligible.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I see a couple recs I second so maybe I will do okay here. You have probably seen some of these too...
Ah, thanks Sean, nice choices. It doesn't even matter if I've seen it before as I have a very short memory. I'd seen Conspiracy before but had forgotten about it, so re-watches are good!

You Can Count On Me
....I'm considering this.
Last Train Home (doc)....Seen this in the Doc HoF, good film!
Shotgun Stories...maybe, I do like the rural setting as it puts me in a place I otherwise wouldn't have been.
Old Joy....I'm Kelly Reichardt's number fan! I seen this and it's a good choice. You know the road they drive on is in Oregon and I've been down that road on a road trip, so weird seeing it in a movie.
Letters From Iwo Jima...I think I must have seen this but I did just acquire it, so I have plans on watching it sometime.
Master And Commander...Love this film! and I need to rewatch before the countdown.
Road To Perdition...Good choice too, I've seen it twice.
All Or Nothing (not sure how much Leigh you have watched, but this is a gem and doesn’t seem to be mentioned much)...I'll consider it, so far Mike Leigh hasn't warmed up to me
Nobody Knows...sounds good too.

But I'm going to be predictable and rewatch Master and Commander. I'm pretty sure it's a lock for my ballot but we'll see what happens on a second viewing.

I wasn't mad or anything. I just speak that way sometimes when I'm neutral. Besides, everybody's gotta watch it at least twice.

So, Zodiac is a bust, huh? Shame. It's part of the reason I love Fincher.

Citizen made us watch Schindlers List last year but Zodiac Lake scene was just way too much for him.

Tower (2016) is going to be a very interesting watch for him

Trouble with a capital "T"
Sounds like you're a Pride and Prejudice type on man. I hear it's one of the best Jane Austen adaptations, better than Sense and Sensibility (1995), which was quite a realistic romantic experience. I'm gonna second The Wrestler and assume you've already seen Eternal Sunshine.

Pretty thought provoking thriller: Mystic River
In the Mood for Love is a Chinese essential.
Zodiac is a very thought-provoking mystery thriller.
A Bautiful Mind is the best four bucks I ever spent.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a very unique comedy with the same kind of weirdness that the books and other adaptations have shown.
Gran Torino is a very good Clint Eastwood drama.
Moulin Rouge is a very visual musical with great acting and lots of style.
And don't forget: BIG FISH. Definitely Big Fish.

Gonna throw in the first Narnia, since I think it's better than the book.
I have Mystic River but not seen it ever. So I'll go with that one.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Here are some of my favorite 2000's movies that I think you'll enjoy:

Anvil: The Story of Anvil - a documentary about Anvil, a Canadian metal band that never made it big, but they're still keeping the dream alive. I'd describe it as a real life Spinal Tap. You don't have to be a metalhead to enjoy it.

Far from Heaven - Todd Haynes' take on Douglas Sirk's 1950's in a story about a lonely housewife (Julianne Moore) who scandalously bonds with a black groundskeeper (Dennis Haysbert). There are career-best performances from pretty much everyone in the cast.

Goodbye Solo - A bittersweet tale about an optimistic African immigrant and taxi driver (Souleymane Sy Savane) who bonds with a suicidal old man (Red West). If you've ever wanted to empathize with immigrants, this is the movie for you.

King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters - A documentary about the battle to retain the high score on Donkey Kong, which takes place between longtime record holder Billy Mitchell, who you'll love to hate, and Steve Wiebe, a high-school teacher, lifelong underdog and all-around nice guy.

My Winnipeg - Guy Maddin's half-honest, half-fanciful story about his relationship with his hometown. It's sometimes funny, sometimes sad, sometimes shocking and always strange, but in a good way.

The Best of Youth - The story of two very different Italian brothers that spans the '60s to the early '00s that also tells the story of how much the country changed during that period. It's very long at 6 hours, but it's so worth it. It was originally conceived as a miniseries, so I see no fault in watching it over multiple days if you have to.

The Fall (Takoma beat me to it, but the more, the merrier, right?) - Tarsem's hypervisual and stylized fantasy about an injured stuntman who spins an unbelievable yarn to a young lady who's also stuck at his hospital. It wasn't a financial success and it's not streaming, so it may be hard to find, but it's worth the effort.

The Woodsman - Kevin Bacon is very good in this movie as a child molester who tries to start over. It's touchy subject material, obviously, but the movie handles it maturely.
Thanks Torgo! I appreciate the extra info on the movies that you posted I also checked them out at IMDB....I'm sure those are solidly good movies, but most aren't probably going to be to my taste.

I'll go with Far from Heaven. I need a rewatch anyway as it's been a long time since the one and only viewing but I remember liking it.

@ Thief ...Damn that was a big list! Took awhile to check through it all. Many interesting choices too and some I've even seen. I'll watch:

The Exploding Girl (2009) I like Zoe Kazan and some reviewers said nothing happened in the movie, good! that's the kind of films I like.

From your list I've seen these:
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003) a 5 star movie for me! I encourage everyone to watch this and then vote for it

The Lives of Others (1980s Germany, drama)...Seen this in an HoF

Hotel Rwanda
(Rwandan genocide, drama) Another must see 5 star movie as everyone should know what happened when race hate runs amok.

The Pianist (World War 2, drama)....Good movie, I don't remember it well but remember liking it.

Valkyrie (World War 2, thriller, drama)....Liked this one too.

(1977, drama)...I really liked this and I'm sure I even reviewed it.

(1972, drama, thriller)...a powerful true story, I still think about the scene where the Danish women is executed.

The Man Who Wasn't There
(Coen dark humor, but mostly drama) One of my favorites.

Y Tu Mama Tambien (romance, road trip)...seen this I didn't find it romantic, but it was wonderful shot.

Moulin Rouge!
(musical, visually impressive)...I should love this, I mean Nicole Kidman is smokin hot in this (well not at the end) but the modern music to a period pieces puts me off. I've tried watching this twice and gave up each time.

The Road
(could be put on scifi, post-apocalyptic drama)...damn cold and fine movie, not one I care to revisit, but yeah solid.

(weird, fun, a bit mind****-like)I liked it mostly except for the ending, but I bet if I watched it now I'd like it even more.

Moon (thought-provoking also)...this one rocked!
I had missed this response, but judging from your reaction to most of them, seems like I nailed them... except that you had already seen them

Trouble with a capital "T"
I had missed this response, but judging from your reaction to most of them, since like I nailed them... except that you had already seen them
Of the ones I seen, I really liked the majority of them.

... I've already seen a race hate movie: Corman's The Intruder. Great film, and incredibly hard to swallow. I can't even bring myself to watch Judas and the Black Messiah or The Pianist. Race hate really pisses me off, so I have a problem seeing it in film too.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
These are a few movies that I haven't seen mentioned yet:

Man in the Chair (2007)
Finding Neverland (2004)
Frequency (2000)
Marilyn Hotchkiss' Ballroom Dancing & Charm School (2005)
Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009)
Grace Is Gone (2007)
The Greatest (2009)
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
These are a few movies that I haven't seen mentioned yet:

Man in the Chair (2007)
Finding Neverland (2004)
Frequency (2000)
Marilyn Hotchkiss' Ballroom Dancing & Charm School (2005)
Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009)
Grace Is Gone (2007)
The Greatest (2009)
Thanks GBG for the 2000s movie recommendations. I plan on watching a whole bunch of them before the countdown is out. To me watching films in prep for my countdown voting ballot is half the fun...actually more than half the fun!

Some good choices there, I've seen Finding Neverland good film. I'll watch Frequency...that sounds pretty interesting.

I haven't seen it in ages, but I remember Frequency being quite interesting.

I saw Hachi: A Dog's Tale a couple of years ago and I just can't see why that film is held in such high regard. It would've been a pretty decent and touching short film, but 90 minutes for this story was too much, and you can feel the strain in the story.

I'll watch Frequency...that sounds pretty interesting.
I think you'll really like Frequency--it's thrilling and sentimental. I think it's good but not great, which is why I haven't listed it. But it's very watchable and fun.

I've only skimmed over this thread. I've seen In the Mood for Love recommended twice now, but I didn't see a response saying if you've already seen it. Which, if you haven't, that seems like some pretty essential 00's viewing.

From what I've seen in your responses, I think our tastes don't align on a lot of things (though 8 1/2 is a top 10 film for me, so they presumably don't misalign on everything), but ItMfL is a pretty widely praised movie and does look like it would have with what you've been liking so far.

I guess my one sentence pitch is, lyrically paced movie about repressed longing and coming to terms with the emotional pain of letting go.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I think you'll really like Frequency--it's thrilling and sentimental. I think it's good but not great, which is why I haven't listed it. But it's very watchable and fun.
Fun but not great works for me I'll of course post my thoughts on it when I get it watched.

I've only skimmed over this thread. I've seen In the Mood for Love recommended twice now, but I didn't see a response saying if you've already seen it. Which, if you haven't, that seems like some pretty essential 00's viewing.

From what I've seen in your responses, I think our tastes don't align on a lot of things (though 8 1/2 is a top 10 film for me, so they presumably don't misalign on everything), but ItMfL is a pretty widely praised movie and does look like it would have with what you've been liking so far.

I guess my one sentence pitch is, lyrically paced movie about repressed longing and coming to terms with the emotional pain of letting go.
I don't think we've talked before...thanks for stopping by my thread In the Mood for Love is a real good choice! I did see it before and wrote what I think is a rather nice review. Hopefully somebody will read it: My Review of In the Mood for Love

Trouble with a capital "T"
@Gideon58 Thanks for the movie recommendations. They're good ones! I've seen them all except Hairspray, so I'll watch that one, then I'll have to watch the original John Waters Hairspray. I've also been wanting to see Chicago again.