Eyes Wide Shut Discussion


Eyes Wide Shut is an extremely bad ass movie. This movie whom Kubrick was supposedly killed for for revealing the elitist satanic sexual immorality agenda.

For those that don't know....The freemasons worship the all seeing eye and egypt and are secretly luciferian worshipers. Just youtube the freemason bible and see for yourself.

The title, Eyes wide shut, is actually in reference to the book of genesis where Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit and sinning. After that their eyes were "wide opened" and they felt ashamed.

In the movie Nicole Kidman has a dream and I'm sure many people probably didn't catch it at first but the dream was about her being in a garden.....(Eden). In the garden she had sex with multiple men and laughing at her husband, Tom C.

Tom C. is seen picturing his wife being man handled throughout the movie and ultimately follows down her path to sin.... Luckily, he BARELY escapes death.

Worshiping the genitals over G-d is what the movie was all about.... The secret society that has satanic sex orgies.

Worshiping the genitals over G-d is what the movie was all about.... The secret society that has satanic sex orgies.
It's badass to worship genitals instead of God?

DAMN, and here I thought it was a sin AGAINST God.

I have never seen sex in a movie that looked less fun.

Thank you for sharing this...Eyes Wide Shut is a film that has always fascinated me, but never really understood...thanks for the insight, it clears up a lot for me.

The all seeing eye is a symbol worshiped by freemasons or in this case, the elitist of the movie. Notice kidman with her one eye open.... This is what the bible passage refers to when Eve's eye was "opened" after eating the forbidden fruit. In the bible eve also gives the apple to adam and his eyes were opened too....

But in this case, Tom cruise being adam, his eyes were opened, representing sin after going and seeing for himself the satanic orgy, and he should've been dead because of his sin but he was redeemed by a prostitute who favored him. So that's why his eyes are closed in the above picture. The title eyes wide shut is stanleys way of saying do not sin and open your eyes like adam and eve or in this case tom and kidman.

Kidman goes on to explain in her "dream" that she was in the garden and a bunch of guys ravished her and she felt ashamed.... Just as the genesis explains how adam and eve went and found fig leaves to cover their "nakedness" because they felt ashamed from sin.

Check this out: BOOM.

9/11 was a conspiracy, man.
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does anyone agree that tom cruise is miscast here? tom just fits the comedy or the action movie genre, and not this sexual family guy themed genre

I've watched this movie three times and even though I never really understood what was going on, I found the film fascinating and you might have motivated a re-watch. I should also add that I think it contains one of Nicole Kidman's best performances.

Such a sublime film
The music inside the mansion: ton tintin tun tun tintin..... tinnnn
Genius filmmaking

I know I posted this in another thread recently, but seems worth spamming a bit:

We did a podcast on this film a few years back, if you're at all interested. We get into some pretty heady/symbolic stuff, for sure.

I'll reproduce it here, as well:

Eyes Wide Shut is an extremely bad ass movie. This movie whom Kubrick was supposedly killed for for revealing the elitist satanic sexual immorality agenda.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they had Kubrick killed.*

They were afraid he would expose information about the fake moon landing and the Hollywood underground elitist sex cult.

We suspect there was further exposure of the Hollywood sex cult that were in the 24 minutes that were inexplicably cut in the final edit of the film…

24 minutes that Kubrick fought hard to keep in the film then conveniently died before the film was released…
