Do You Like Foreign Movies?


Do You Like Foriegn Movies?
56 votes
3 votes
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Welcome to the human race...
Would dubbed movies be more acceptable if they were really well dubbed, such as as good as Gert Frobe was dubbed in Goldfinger?
Nobody really seems to mind that Sergio Leone's Westerns are all dubbed, though I think they get a pass because the leads are English-speaking Americans so the sync is naturally more convincing than that of the Italian-speaking actors.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

On the whole, yes. I don't like to feel "out of the loop," however, i.e. the movie is at least partially about something in the country's history, culture, etc. that I know little or nothing about and that the movie doesn't inform you about. I don't mean to sound like an ugly American or anything. I don't expect every movie in the world to cater to me or my average countryperson's expectations. I just don't like that feeling, which is akin to arriving late to class or starting a serialized TV series halfway in and finishing it to completion.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about and/or have any examples? The most recent example of this I can think of is the Studio Ghibli movie Only Yesterday.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Well one thing I noticed is that even though American audiences seem to hate dubbing, along with people I know in Canada, hating it as well, it seems that Europeans are much more accepting of it. People I know who went to Europe said that everything is dubbed there and no subtitles, so why are Europeans more open to it, but a lot of Americans and Canadians seem to think it's amateur?

I think you'll want to try to figure out IF that's true before asking WHY it's true. You say it "seems" as if they're more accepting of it. What's that based in? If you're extrapolating from a couple of people you know, or a couple of anecdotes, I'm not sure that's sufficient.

I'm not surprised Foreign Language is winning, but I'm a little surprised at the margin. It's early, though, so it might end up winning by a more modest amount, in keeping with my expectations. We'll see!

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I'm not surprised Foreign Language is winning, but I'm a little surprised at the margin. It's early, though, so it might end up winning by a more modest amount, in keeping with my expectations. We'll see!
I was referring to this one. 39-2. I'm surprised that a poll from yesterday got 39 supporting this, and also surprised only 2 said they didn't.

I am also surprised by today's poll, especially with so many options, which makes the margin more difficult.

"The Silent Majority"

Oh, my bad.

Eh, I dunno. I think the results are hard to interpret because the poll's asking such an unusually stark question. What does it mean to "like" them? I think a ton of those "yes" votes are a little qualified. You have to really, really hate reading subtitles (and/or dubbing), or at least have just somehow not really enjoyed any of the foreign films you've seen, to vote "No."

I think if there were some nuance in the options you'd see a mix of results more befitting people's actual attitudes.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Oh, my bad.

Eh, I dunno. I think the results are hard to interpret because the poll's asking such an unusually stark question. What does it mean to "like" them? I think a ton of those "yes" votes are a little qualified. You have to really, really hate reading subtitles (and/or dubbing), or at least have just somehow not really enjoyed any of the foreign films you've seen, to vote "No."

I think if there were some nuance in the options you'd see a mix of results more befitting people's actual attitudes.

I've asked the question in real life, and a majority have said no just because of the subtitles. I had a cousin who was just over, and it reminds me of the time we were at his apartment, and him saying he wanted to see a prison movie. I described "Birdman of Alcatraz" and the more I described it, the more his eyes lit up, with vocal affirmation. Although I had the movie at home, I paid the $4 on YouTube, and then I saw the look of horror in his face as he asked, "Is this black and white?" while it was starting. He's the same guy who'll lament, "Why do people listen to this awful new music", and I made a mention of his irony, telling him movies could open a new avenue. The last time I was at his apartment he played "Pineapple Express" back to back, with no break in between, and laughed at the same stuff while I used my laptop on his table.

I was chatting with a music friend a few weeks ago, and despite his great taste in movies, he made the comment, "I don't wanna read subtitles, despite reading all this BS on here (chat room)", but those who would relent and give one of my VHS/DVD's a chance were thankful afterwards.

Some might think "apples and oranges" but I do like using the food analogy - you don't know until you try it, and then there's still a lot more.

Yeah, even putting the stark poll wording aside, we've definitely got a selection bias thing going by asking here. In day-to-day life you'll get way more "Nos" on both black and white films and subtitled films.

I like foreign films, and subtitles are a necessary evil that I've managed to turn into a subliminal skill to minimize distraction.

I don't like people who keep the captions on for everything, which has been a growing trend a of late, and maybe you've come across them or may even be one yourself. I don't know why. I don't care to ask. I think it's a sickness of the soul or something in that disease vicinity. Occasionally, you may come across one of these ****s who also refuses to watch foreign films. Flames on the side of my face. Like the worst of both worlds. I don't know why we allow these people to dress themselves.

Well one thing I noticed is that even though American audiences seem to hate dubbing, along with people I know in Canada, hating it as well, it seems that Europeans are much more accepting of it.
I'm European. I can't stand dubbing.

It's different for the likes of Leone films, as there's no alternative version with all the original audio and subtitles to match. If there is I haven't come across them but would no doubt prefer them.

I like foreign films, and subtitles are a necessary evil that I've managed to turn into a subliminal skill to minimize distraction.
I think this is the correct posture, yes. I realize a lot of people who hate subtitles are just being thoughtless ("I don't want to read," or worse, just as a cover for not wanting to venture outside their comfort zone), but I think it's important not to overcorrect for that by pretending they're great. They're necessary to enjoy great works of art in other languages, but it's not at all how the work is meant to be experienced, and it obviously detracts significantly from anyone's ability to focus on acting, cinematography, etc.

I don't like people who keep the captions on for everything, which has been a growing trend a of late, and maybe you've come across them or may even be one yourself. I don't know why. I don't care to ask.
I don't technically qualify, but I turn them on occasionally, and though you didn't ask, I'll tell you. I'm simply struck by how often it's difficult to make out what characters are saying, often when they're saying things very important to understanding the story. This is sometimes exacerbated by, say, a thick accent.

It's possible my hearing is below average, in which case I think that would be a pretty good reason for anyone to do it.

I avoid it when I can, which is most of the time. I particularly try to avoid it for things like comedies, where timing and surprise are a huge part of the appeal, but there are times when it's clearly a net loss NOT to use them, and for types of films that don't lose much as a result.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I like foreign films, and subtitles are a necessary evil that I've managed to turn into a subliminal skill to minimize distraction.

I don't like people who keep the captions on for everything, which has been a growing trend a of late, and maybe you've come across them or may even be one yourself. I don't know why. I don't care to ask. I think it's a sickness of the soul or something in that disease vicinity. Occasionally, you may come across one of these ****s who also refuses to watch foreign films. Flames on the side of my face. Like the worst of both worlds. I don't know why we allow these people to dress themselves.
You want to see people who don't like foreign movies naked? Strange fetish, but to each their own.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
You want to see people who don't like foreign movies naked? Strange fetish, but to each their own.
This is my kind of humor circa 2015. I'm about 6 years in front of all of you, guys.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
This is my kind of humor circa 2015. I'm about 6 years in front of all of you, guys.
I think you forget I am 10 years behind everybody

You want to see people who don't like foreign movies naked? Strange fetish, but to each their own.
Heh. The kind of people who don't like foreign film and insist on subtitles for everything else are, I imagine, more like those people who wear pajama bottoms to restaurants. I'm saying that a responsible guardian is needed to ensure that they make it out of the house without their shoes on backwards.

...those people who wear pajama bottoms to restaurants. I'm saying that a responsible guardian is needed to ensure that they make it out of the house without their shoes on backwards.

Suddenly this entire thread became about me.