

Just watched the first episode. Gives very little away of the main plot ( there were few clues), but beyond that it seemed like an old sitcom. And the humour, though silly at times, was still well done. I found myself giggling and being nostalgic about the old series which I watched as a kid on the telly.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I didn't realize it was only six episodes so far... till I got to the end of episode six and ... poof!

I'm not big into the Marvel universe (trying to catch up to the rest of the world), but I thoroughly enjoyed this. I'm just old enough to have understood each of the decade sitcom references in the episodes, so I enjoyed this purely from that perspective as well.

I watched the first episode, and while the '50s family show parody was enjoyable, I couldn't imagine where it's going. Does the superhero aspect come into it more?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I didn't realize it was only six episodes so far... till I got to the end of episode six and ... poof!

I'm not big into the Marvel universe (trying to catch up to the rest of the world), but I thoroughly enjoyed this. I'm just old enough to have understood each of the decade sitcom references in the episodes, so I enjoyed this purely from that perspective as well.
Interesting. I was watching the sixth episode today and thinking I can't imagine this being anyone's introduction to the MCU. There are so many references to catch now. Good to know the character work is good enough to draw people in.

I'm enjoying this. Definitely has gotten me more into the character of Wanda, who I found to be a but of a wet noodle up to know. Adding the high concept to the simple story arc that is unwinding has made it super watchable.

What's up with the 7 minute credits though?

The Adventure Starts Here!
Interesting. I was watching the sixth episode today and thinking I can't imagine this being anyone's introduction to the MCU. There are so many references to catch now. Good to know the character work is good enough to draw people in.

I'm enjoying this. Definitely has gotten me more into the character of Wanda, who I found to be a but of a wet noodle up to know. Adding the high concept to the simple story arc that is unwinding has made it super watchable.

What's up with the 7 minute credits though?
I thought I was the only one noticing the long credits. I watched them all the way through for the first episode or two, just in case.

So far I'm following things just fine, without much knowledge of the Marvel world up front. (I've seen two of the Iron Man movies and The Avengers. That's about it, but I have a list of the movies I still need to see, in order, and keep meaning to get to them.)

My best guess on the credits, having actually watched parts of them because I was curious about the length, is that they spent a lot of time on international dubbing and stuff, since they seem to go on for awhile with nothing but lists of people who helped localize the show. Makes sense, given the cost and Marvel's general aim/reach for these properties.

I'm getting strong Legion vibes from the first two episodes. I'll be keeping up with it.
Yep, came here to say this.

I've watched all but the last one. It's so funny to me watching people angry about the first few episodes not being what they expected. Let the thing stand as a whole for crying out loud, then you can hate it.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Yep, came here to say this.

I've watched all but the last one. It's so funny to me watching people angry about the first few episodes not being what they expected. Let the thing stand as a whole for crying out loud, then you can hate it.

BREAKING: Yoda says WandaVision is worth "hate" after watching entire season!

(don't ban me, I'm bored and not yet sure what to do with my day and this is all I got, pre-coffee)

The Adventure Starts Here!
And no post-credits scene
That's precisely WHY I watched all the way through the credits for the first few episodes. If there was an added scene in any of the last four episodes so far, I'd appreciate someone mentioning it so I can go back and watch them all the way through.

That's precisely WHY I watched all the way through the credits for the first few episodes. If there was an added scene in any of the last four episodes so far, I'd appreciate someone mentioning it so I can go back and watch them all the way through.

There isn't lol