Do Men and Women Have Different Taste in Movie?


Im not talking about the theatre Im talking about the amount of hours spent watching movies, damn I nearly said this and wish I had
Well, the other study seems more in line with your original meaning. Men have a slight lead in watching movies daily. Women have a slight lead in watching TV daily.

I said "anecdotally." I mean, do you have something other than anecdote or instinct telling you that men watch more movies than women?

I will concede that I know more men who are on the extreme end of movie consumption (like 2-3 movies per day), but by the same token I know more men who watch almost no movies, usually because they prefer sports to TV/film.

There's a BLS report about TV watching time, but it rolls film, television, and sports together. Still,

Overall, men spent more time watching TV than women did. Men averaged about 3 hours per day watching TV, and women averaged 2 hours 34 minutes per day.
A Netflix report about user demographics showed that there is a user split of 49% male/51% female.

I haven't been able to find anything that suggests a huge disparity between men and women in terms of movie consumption.

Big co-sign. The disparity on forums is very noticeable, particularly given that it's not at all reflected among actual movie watchers.

I think that disparity carries across most topics, too, so I'm inclined to think that it has more to do with the medium than it does with the topic. There's also a self-perpetuating thing where if something is a bit more dominated by one gender, that itself attracts or repels the majority and minority genders, respectively, so that it reinforces. What might start as a 60/40 split for whatever benign reason might, over time, become an 80/20 by self-reinforcing.
Agreed. IMDb is incredibly skewed, with male users outnumbering female users like 5:1.

Then again, while I know a lot of women who watch movies regularly, I think I'm the only person in my friend group who is actually registered on any movie sites.

I can tell you one thing...a lot of women love Dirty Dancing, and a lot of men hate it. I would say anecdotally that women are more inclined toward musicals than men are. There are several women in my family who put The Sound of Music in their top 5 films of all time. I don't know a single guy who likes it.

In general, I would say yes.
My Favorite Films

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I can tell you one thing...a lot of women love Dirty Dancing, and a lot of men hate it. I would say anecdotally that women are more inclined toward musicals than men are. There are several women in my family who put The Sound of Music in their top 5 films of all time. I don't know a single guy who likes it.

I would agree with that, and to add, I think Musicals are liked by women a lot more.. I don't know a single man who likes ANY Musical.

I remember when I went to see John Cameron's Mitchell first performance in the revival of Hedwig and the Angry Inch on Broadway. As I recall, the guy sitting to our right had flown up from Atlanta just to see it. He had become a fan from seeing the movie version on late night TV, and he was desperate enough to see the show that he agreed that his wife could get a dog in exchange for him flying up to NY for it. The guy in front of us was a construction worker whose daughter was a fan of the show/movie, and through her he became a bigger fan of it--he showed us the Hedwig tattoo on his arm.

Anyway, that's just a little bit of my experience with dudes and musicals.

My Darth Star is in for a service
I would agree with that, and to add, I think Musicals are liked by women a lot more.. I don't know a single man who likes ANY Musical.
Well I liked

The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Sweeney Todd the demon barber of Seville

Trouble with a capital "T"
I would agree with that, and to add, I think Musicals are liked by women a lot more.. I don't know a single man who likes ANY Musical.
I love musicals. Lots of pretty girls singing and dancing, what's not to love about that

"A lot of women like Gladiator just like a lot of men like La La Land
I disliked both.

Woman watch more soaps than men.
Never seen a soap in my life & never discussed one with a girlfriend. The only person in my circle who watches soaps is my Spanish gay friend Juan.

A better question to ask would be why men so outnumber women in online film discussion spaces or, as has so often been eloquently asked, "Y don't girls post here?"
Interesting question & I do not know the answer. I do know that women won’t stay if the site is overly macho & women are being denigrated. Men tend to post off-color remarks online without even thinking what they’re posting. Just my opinion.

I can tell you one thing...a lot of women love Dirty Dancing, and a lot of men hate it. I would say anecdotally that women are more inclined toward musicals than men are. There are several women in my family who put The Sound of Music in their top 5 films of all time.
Dislike Dirty Dancing & The Sound of Music. I detest musicals.

I would agree with that, and to add, I think Musicals are liked by women a lot more.. I don't know a single man who likes ANY Musical.
See above. Never seen a musical that I liked.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I can tell you one thing...a lot of women love Dirty Dancing, and a lot of men hate it. I would say anecdotally that women are more inclined toward musicals than men are. There are several women in my family who put The Sound of Music in their top 5 films of all time. I don't know a single guy who likes it.
Me? A name? One that I call myself?
Yes. I had a few sentences all littered with goofy puns. I changed. my. mind.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Back when IMDB had forums, there was a lengthy thread discussing, perhaps lamenting, the idea that women didn't like the same kind of movies that men did. It was more tongue-in-cheek and less ... scholarly? ... than this discussion.

One post was a long list of movies that the poster liked, that he claimed no woman did. I replied that while I didn't dispute the overall premise, every single movie on his list was one of my favorites.

He replied back: "Will you marry me?"

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Some of my women friends and gf, like to watch action movies, but I don't know any guys who like to watch romance movies much though.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Some of my women friends and gf, like to watch action movies, but I don't know any guys who like to watch romance movies much though.
I'd rather watch a good romance movie than a mindless action film.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I would too actually, but non of the guys I know seem to feel that way.

Me and my mom love romcoms and Jane Austen-esque movies. My dad wouldn't be caught dead watching them. Take that for what it is worth.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Back when IMDB had forums, there was a lengthy thread discussing, perhaps lamenting, the idea that women didn't like the same kind of movies that men did. It was more tongue-in-cheek and less ... scholarly? ... than this discussion.

One post was a long list of movies that the poster liked, that he claimed no woman did. I replied that while I didn't dispute the overall premise, every single movie on his list was one of my favorites.

He replied back: "Will you marry me?"

Did you marry him?

To answer an earlier question, I'd rather watch romance than action.

Careful, Roy C will be declaring you a man hating fat lesbian feminist who beats men up.
I doubt it seeing as how you’ve done it for him.

Strong women seem to really get under your skin for some reason.

My Darth Star is in for a service
I doubt it seeing as how you’ve done it for him.

Strong women seem to really get under your skin for some reason.
I mock Roy C and that makes me a woman hater does it?

Someone likes to make assumptions don't they!