MoFo Movie Roulette


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I was thinking of posting this and see if anyone is interested.

Simple game. Each week we pair up two people and they recommend a movie for each other to watch. They give the film a rating out of
and then the next week the partners are shuffled and the whole thing starts over.

One week to watch one movie, seems easy and lax enough. After we've partnered up with everyone the person who has the most "popcorns" gets first place and a nice pat on the back.

So if I were to recommend a film to @cricket and he gave it a
I would have 3 points for that week.

The next week I recommend a film to @Citizen Rules and they give the film a
then my score goes up to 8.

Since there is no "prize" there should be no incentive to give every film a bad rating in the hopes you win. This is just a fun and friendly game to see if we can recommend films to people that they might not normally see.

It could be interesting to see how we perceive other people's tastes in films or you want them to see something that you love and want to share with more people. Whatever the reason for your rec it's totally up to you.

I know HoF's are popular and I love participating in them too, I feel like this could be a nice addition to the forums.


The person must not have seen the film.

You have one week to watch one movie...everyone should be able to manage that.

Post a little blurb about it here with the rating and I will keep a log of everyone's points.


Jiraffejustin - 17
John Dumbear - Shoplifters - 4
Citizen Rules - Shoplifters– 4.5
Edarsenal - I, Tonya - 4
Allaby - The Cranes are Flying - 4.5

Citizen Rules - 16.5
Suspect - I Love You To Death - 4
Jiraffejustin - Black Orpheus – 4.5
Allaby - A Night to Remember - 4
Cricket - Day of Wine and Roses - 4

Allaby - 15
Cricket – Sundays and Cybele - 4.5
Edarsenal - Breaker Morant - 4
Citizen Rules - The Naked Island - 4.5
Jiraffejustin - Sophie's Palace - 2

Cricket - 9
Allaby - Les Misérables - 4
Suspect - The Elephant Man - 4
PahaK - Boys Don't Cry - 1

PahaK - 11
Edarsenal - The Nightingale - 4
John Dumbear - Let The Right One In - 4
Cricket - The Slayer - 3

Suspect - 13
Citizen Rules - Sing Street - 4
Cricket – The Guilty – 3.5
John Dumbear - After Hours - 3
PahaK - Green Room - 2.5

Edarsenal - 10.5
PahaK – Sunset Blvd - 3.5
Allaby – Lockout - 3.5
Jiraffejustin - La Dolce Vita - 3.5

John Dumbear - 11
Jiraffejustin - Dancer in the Dark. – 4.5
PahaK - The Other - 3.5
Suspect - The Hospital - 3

Is anyone interested?
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

The trick is not minding
I like this idea, but with the PR2 and 24th HOF I’m afraid to take on an extra challenge until I burn a few more of them out. However, I do want to join in at a later date if it’s possible

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
I've always been reticent to join the HoFs for fear of being unable to keep up with the demands but this does sound kinda fun

I think I might stick with the 24th HoF, but good thread idea! If we do another one of these in the future, I may participate. That way, I can force you all to watch Mall Cop.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I'll join, should we get one more to even the number out.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

You have one week to watch one movie...everyone should be able to manage that.
So, presumably, one has to find the movie online?

What if one needs to drop out later? Will people be upset? I remember I was once supposed to watch a movie here & totally forgot. One person here was rather hostile about it. (Don’t remember who so don’t ask.)
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
So, presumably, one has to find the movie online?

What if one needs to drop out later? Will people be upset? I remember I was once supposed to watch a movie here & totally forgot. One person here was rather hostile about it. (Don’t remember who so don’t ask.)
If someone doesn't watch their movie within the week, there is always the opportunity for catch up. I also wouldn't be opposed to someone doubling up if they were willing.

If people drop out, then they drop out. I'm not going to force people to do something they don't want to do.

Hmm... this seems a little like the Personal Rec HoF but without the issues that I had with it. I'll give it a go (even though I don't know people's tastes except for CR and cricket to some degree).

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Round 1

@John Dumbear
@Citizen Rules

Simply tag the person when you recommend them a movie so they know it's been recommended. If it's easier to put up a few movies and let them pick one, that might be able to speed the process up.

I leave that up to you and your partner.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't know JayDee or his movie taste, but he's been a member here for a long time. So I will do some MoFo research and come up with a movie that I hope he will love! I'll try to post the movie soon (I'm working right now).