24th Hall of Fame


Just rewatched A Man from Nowhere and it was as good as I remembered.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I guarantee there are people that rep posts without reading them. I would much rather someone reply to something I wrote and then engage in a conversation than a green number beside the post.

I'm bad at both though, so there's that...
Annnnd rep

. . . . . . . .
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Barry Lyndon

I'd only seen this once before, probably back for the 70's countdown, and I believe I feel the same way. I normally struggle with historical costume drama but I would say that this is about the best I've seen.

I think it's easy to state the obvious, that the cinematography, score, costumes, and all of the little details are superb. Together it's all as good as it gets. Ryan O'Neal always seemed to me to be an odd choice to play the lead but he hits a home run.

I think this movie is practically flawless but it's not a personal favorite and I wouldn't even say that I love it. My favorite movies at this time are those that affect me emotionally. The content in this movie has that ability, but it doesn't quite get me there and I'm not sure why. It's 3 hours long but I never feel bored, and I quite enjoy everything about it. Maybe it's my fault that I feel just enough detachment to not be affected, but then I think this is a common comment about the film. It's a great film regardless.

I normally struggle with historical costume drama but I would say that this is about the best I've seen.
Apparently, I need to send you a historical drama list!

saw that on Netflix. Rather enjoyed that. Beautifully shot.
I recommended it to @Citizen Rules and as I remember, he really liked it.

True dat, I liked it quite well.
If I like it and it's a normal drama, action or comedy (which is rare), I figure you would like it.. I just know not to suggest horror or extreme to you.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

On the surface there is a good film to be found here. And really it's overall decent and I really thought the soundtrack was good. I didn't think Selena was as bad as she's made out to be either so there's that.

I didn't care for the performance or character of Quentin though, and since he was the second biggest character it affects the film for me quite a bit. Just felt it to be a wooden performance. I also really disliked the fact that Josh was found out later to be the shooter although I'm not really sure why. I felt the connection between father and son didn't feel as heartfelt as I would have liked, just my opinion of course.

I think the framework to a good film was there but I just couldn't overlook the flaws enough to be something I really liked. However, it's not as if it was terrible either. It still is worth a decent grade.

Trouble with a capital "T"
If I like it and it's a normal drama, action or comedy (which is rare), I figure you would like it.. I just know not to suggest horror or extreme to you.
That's true and you have given me some really good movie suggestions too. As far as the extreme stuff I don't like it of course and won't watch it. Fine if other people do, I just don't want to.

Also just checking in to make sure @AgrippinaX and @Takoma11 are still with us.

I have my spreadsheet. Things are color coded.

I'm working on a category for the 2021 Film Challenge and when I'm done with that this thread will know the horrific beauty of my OCD attention.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Man From Nowhere: Well done thriller. Definitely put me in mind of Man On Fire. Denzel would have got it an extra star. There are some real cool sequences here. Fun watch but nothing really special here.