I need a recommendation regarding a particular type of teenage movie.


A month ago, I was assigned to make a global analysis of teen movies regarding the clique phenomena. While watching these kind of movies, I realized that in noone of these films the "mean girl" ever wins (as far as I know).
I am suppose to make an analysis on the clique phenomena as a whole. Most of the cliques dies (or morph into something similar but with different parts) and the movies always follow just one part of the phenomena:

"Good girl with values confronts evil girl. Good girl is tempted but, then, she has a revelation and manage to destroy the clique and the balance is restore".

That sometimes happens in reality but there is another face to the phenomena and, ideally, the movie that I want should have this structure:

"Good girl with values confronts evil girl. Good girl is tempted, she has the revelation but in some weak manner. Tries to destroy the clique but she cannot manage to do it. Evil girl manipulates, do mean things, whatever and, finally and slowly, the good girl loses her identity and becomes part of the clique, succumbing to the mean girl". That happens a lot and I want to emphasize that. But I think it was never been done before like that.

That is a name that came up in casual conversation. The issue, to my understanding (feel free to correct if it is wrong), is that Grease it's not completely about the Clique phenomena. There is a clique, yes, but there is a romance and some other distractions. Ideally, the movie should be girl vs girl.

Mean Girl is your typical Clique movie but the issue is that, in the end, Regina lose or is "reformed" so to speak. What I am searching is a movie where Regina wins, a movie where values are lost and integrity destroy.


Heathers has some of this.

There just aren't many teen films where the villains win. It would make for an unsatisfactory narrative.


Heathers has some of this.

There just aren't many teen films where the villains win. It would make for an unsatisfactory narrative.
Seen Heathers. Heathers has some of it but it focus on other issue.
And regarding the unsatisfactory narrative, I used to agree with you but it really depends on how you execute the idea.
The things with clique in real life is that, some of them, really win and the psychological manifestations of that victory are quite harsh. The loss of identity or the destruction of integrity are topics that you can explore in a movie where the "mean girl" wins. There are so many questions that the victory of a "mean girl" can pose. Questions that can explore the nature of identity and social binding and, of course, the need of integrity.
I think the movie exist but we didn't hear about it yet. Is not a revolutionary idea, it is quite simple, actually.

Seen Heathers. Heathers has some of it but it focus on other issue.
And regarding the unsatisfactory narrative, I used to agree with you but it really depends on how you execute the idea.
The things with clique in real life is that, some of them, really win and the psychological manifestations of that victory are quite harsh. The loss of identity or the destruction of integrity are topics that you can explore in a movie where the "mean girl" wins. There are so many questions that the victory of a "mean girl" can pose. Questions that can explore the nature of identity and social binding and, of course, the need of integrity.
I think the movie exist but we didn't hear about it yet. Is not a revolutionary idea, it is quite simple, actually.

Never Been Kissed
has some high school clique scenes.

Perhaps you can get something from that.

Seen Heathers. Heathers has some of it but it focus on other issue.
And regarding the unsatisfactory narrative, I used to agree with you but it really depends on how you execute the idea.
The things with clique in real life is that, some of them, really win and the psychological manifestations of that victory are quite harsh. The loss of identity or the destruction of integrity are topics that you can explore in a movie where the "mean girl" wins. There are so many questions that the victory of a "mean girl" can pose. Questions that can explore the nature of identity and social binding and, of course, the need of integrity.
I think the movie exist but we didn't hear about it yet. Is not a revolutionary idea, it is quite simple, actually.
I mean, there are teen movies where the main character realizes that they don't want to be part of the main clique and go their own way.

I agree with you that a "mean girl" managing to keep hold of her clique and continue to dominate is more realistic and might be thematically interesting. But from a narrative point of view, watching a teenager join a clique, realize they are all jerks, and then just become one of the sheep isn't satisfying.

What you're describing would be a drama. And the problem there is that the "mean girl running a clique" is a movie cliche. So asking for a more realistic outcome and a cliche might explain why what you're looking for either doesn't exist or isn't that well known. More realistic dramas tend to focus on the more usual experiences of teens, like Eighth Grade.

The closest thing that I can think of is The Fits, which is not so much about a "mean girl" group as it is about someone willing to become "one of them" to belong.

And while it deals more with boys than girls, you might check out the 2014 film The Tribe about the very messed up social dynamics at a school for the deaf.

I mean, there are teen movies where the main character realizes that they don't want to be part of the main clique and go their own way.

I agree with you that a "mean girl" managing to keep hold of her clique and continue to dominate is more realistic and might be thematically interesting. But from a narrative point of view, watching a teenager join a clique, realize they are all jerks, and then just become one of the sheep isn't satisfying.

What you're describing would be a drama. And the problem there is that the "mean girl running a clique" is a movie cliche. So asking for a more realistic outcome and a cliche might explain why what you're looking for either doesn't exist or isn't that well known. More realistic dramas tend to focus on the more usual experiences of teens, like Eighth Grade.

The closest thing that I can think of is The Fits, which is not so much about a "mean girl" group as it is about someone willing to become "one of them" to belong.

And while it deals more with boys than girls, you might check out the 2014 film The Tribe about the very messed up social dynamics at a school for the deaf.
I think the main issue is pointed out when you say: it would be a drama. The problem with the mean girl clique is that it belongs in "comedy" to make it light, to make it a chance to preach something about integrity and so on.
Just to be specific, the narration i would convey to this movie would be as straightforward as main protagonist joins clique, realize they are all jerks and becomes. It would more of a brainwash situation where psychological violence, humiliation and manipulation from the leader of the clique to the protagonist will break, eventually, against her own will her identity. But that is just asking TOO much from the genre and it would be too dark.

I will check, for the moment, The Fits and maybe Grease if the reply is satisfactory. But, right now, I just need girl vs girl. Boy vs boy is another issue altogether.

If it doesn't have to be a girl, The Last American Virgin may be a fit.
I am sorry. Thanks for your reply but it HAS to be Girl vs Girl.

This is a cool topic for analysis! Good luck.

Wild Things (1998) is not exactly about cliques, but I’d argue both female leads are queen bees, and
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one of them (she is mean) does win in the end - even gets one up on the cops.
There is definitely a girl vs girl element mid-narrative.

Cruel Intentions (1999) - the good girl even
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. The evil girl does get into a bit more trouble than above, though.

"Born Innocent" with Linda Blair. It takes place in a reform school rather than a regular high school, but from what I remember, there's a seriously mean clique of girls and
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after a lot of stuff happens, Linda's character winds up becoming one of them by the end.

"Born Innocent" with Linda Blair.
Of all the recommendations, I think this has the most elements of what I am searching. This week I will watch the movie and post a reply if it is what I want.

Thanks a lot.

This is a cool topic for analysis! Good luck.
I will check out Wild Things later on, after Grease. Cruel Intentions does have some elements of identity perversion but, in the end, the movie is about another thing. I have to rewatch it though, since I saw it two times only and when I was very young. I remembered I loved the villain.

I will check out Wild Things later on, after Grease. Cruel Intentions does have some elements of identity perversion but, in the end, the movie is about another thing. I have to rewatch it though, since I saw it two times only and when I was very young. I remembered I loved the villain.
I agree, but I couldn’t think of anything about identity perversion in the context you wanted - I assume Bergman’s Persona won’t be of interest?

I agree, but I couldn’t think of anything about identity perversion in the context you wanted - I assume Bergman’s Persona won’t be of interest?
Everything that Bergman does is of interest to me. But we are talking about a whole other level. Jesus, If I keep posting in this forum I will drown in movies to watch!
From Bergman, I've seen the Seventh Seal, Wild Strawberries and Cries and Whispers. Loved them. Now I will have to watch Persona. But first, I have to concentrate on the Clique thing.

Okay, I dare you to watch this: Yulenka (2009). It’s a Russian film, so subtitles might be an issue, but I remember finding it on Amazon. There is a clique element with the evil girl seriously
WARNING: spoilers below
injuring the good girl, the male protagonist’s stepdaughter
. The evil girl wins and most other girls (or in fact other people) defend her, take her side and want to be like her, including the above good girl.


Okay, I dare you to watch this: Yulenka (2009)
Ok, I accept the challenge. Only question, it is said that the genre is Horror. Does it have supernatural elements?

PS: it's a relief that the movie is foreign. I've been seeing too much of Hollywood by trying to find this mean girly movie.

Yesterday I've seen Grease. Although It wasn't what I wanted, I can admit it was a bizarre experience. So anyone who wants to put an input about that movie, I encourage it.
Anyway, I see where you were coming. Sandy does, indeed, lose her identity and becomes a regular girl. Which is weird because it was completely unnecessary when you think about it and it really rises some questions about here. It wasn't by active social pressure or by psychological manipulation by a leader, as I wanted but by own will that she destroy what little she has of an identity. Yes, some of the girls mock them but she really does stand strong in the movie and it wasn't really an issue for Rizzo. It wasn't something Rizzo actually wants.
On the other hand, the movie portrait of teenage is cruel and cartoonishly satirical to the point of making a gross commentary (I don't think it was the intention) about the teenage priorities of the time.
In the end, I am really confuse about the purpose of the movie. It was just a big joke trying to mock every cliché? Do the directors really think that is the correct way to behave? Or it was just an excuse to make Travolta dance and sing? I don't know. I can't say I liked the movie but it was bizarre.
Any thoughts?

Ok, I accept the challenge. Only question, it is said that the genre is Horror. Does it have supernatural elements?
No, absolutely not. I understand your concern here, but it’s more like a thriller/drama, and the horror is purely psychological (not to spoil too much, it’s about the ‘mean girl’s’ experience).

PS: it's a relief that the movie is foreign. I've been seeing too much of Hollywood by trying to find this mean girly movie.
I know what you mean, it sounds like a Hollywood-heavy topic.