Top 5 Black Comedies


Hello Salem, my name's Winifred. What's yours
Death Becomes Her--- reminding me that Meryl Streep can also do very good comedy

and i thought black comedy meant it had a dark theme, usually jokes about death?

Hello Salem, my name's Winifred. What's yours
dracula: dead and loving it

not a film but Buffy the vampire slayer series, i dont say the film because it wasnt funny so therefore not a black comedy

Basically all Danny DeVito directed movies top the list, and I haven't seen Dr. Strangelove yet. I was watching Fight Club today with the Edward Norton/Brad Pitt/David Fincher commentary on, and they kept referring to Fight Club as a dark comedy. So I'd add that too.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
I'm afraid I must bid you adieu.
He woke up one night with a terrible fright
And found he was eating his shoe.

2wrongs's Avatar
Official Sacrifice to Holden Pike
That's funny. I actually posted a definition and then everyone is like "what does black comedy mean"
Susan posts one...
Ah well. There's one already posted and it right above Nebbit's post, okay?
I also liked Nebbit's choice of Secretary. I LOVED that movie. Sexy and romantic. James Spader proved he still has "it".
Ya got me feelin' hella good so let's just keep on dancin'

1. M A S H
2. Trainspotting
3. Arsenic and Old Lace
4. Monty Python's Life of Brian
5. The Great Dictator
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

I can only think of Fargo and Pulp Fiction. At least i think Pulp Fiction would fall under that catagory.

Put me in your pocket...

I can't believe I forgot The Monster, so I'm updating my list already.

1. Arsenic and Old Lace
2. Addicted to Love
3. A Fish Called Wanda
4. The Monster
5. Nurse Betty

Black comedies, by my understanding of the term, rating in my top 5 are -

Drowning Mona (Danny DeVito, Bette Middler)
Little Shop Of Horrors (Rick Moranis, Steve Martin)
Shaun Of The Dead (Dylan Moran, Simon Pegg)
Death Becomes Her (Bruce Willis, Meryl Streep, Goldie Hawn)
Knockin' On Heaven's Door (German - Til Schweiger, Moritz Bliebtreu with Rutger Hauer)
There you go...
"More success than most, but not as much as some.."

I love black comedies.

1. Very Bad Things
2. Heathers
3. Death Becomes Her
4. Bandits (The German one with Jasmin Tabatabai)
5. And yeah, Knockin' On Heaven's Door is a good one, too.
I'm not wearing any pants...

2wrongs's Avatar
Official Sacrifice to Holden Pike
Originally Posted by Chef Brian
I love black comedies.

2. Heathers

"It's one thing to want someone out of your life, but it's another thing to serve them a wake-up cup full of Liquid Drano. "

The People's Republic of Clogher
Dr Strangelove
Kind Hearts and Coronets
Catch 22
To Die For
The Player
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Urban Cowboy's Avatar
Bad Morther****er
1. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
2. Election
3. Barton Fink
4. American Beauty
5. Rushmore

if I were tho go top 10 the Coen's wolud absolutly dominate my list
oh well I guess I will
6. Fargo
7. The War of the Roses
8. The Big Lebowski
9. Raising Arizona
10. The Royal Tennenbaums
Justice will be served/ And the battle will rage/ This big dog will fight/ When you rattle his cage/ And you’ll be sorry that you messed with the U.S. of A./ Cause we`ll put a boot in your ass/ It`s the American way.
Courtesy Of The Red, White & Blue - Toby Keith

Cabbage Head's Avatar
Ex-Con. Ex-Cop. Explosive
Cable Guy??? (ducks, awaiting tomatoes) but I love that film.

Urban Cowboy's Avatar
Bad Morther****er
Originally Posted by Cabbage Head
Cable Guy??? (ducks, awaiting tomatoes) but I love that film.
It's not an awful choice. I can see how some people liked it. For me it was just too over the top. It lacked the delicate touch that makes well done dark comedy so good.

Fasten your seat belts...
Originally Posted by led_zeppelin
Basically all Danny DeVito directed movies top the list, and I haven't seen Dr. Strangelove yet. I was watching Fight Club today with the Edward Norton/Brad Pitt/David Fincher commentary on, and they kept referring to Fight Club as a dark comedy. So I'd add that too.
Agreed! I loved War of the Roses and Death to Smoochy. "We're gonna get you off that crack, get that monkey off your back..."


Can't say I was impressed with Duplex. I think he piked out. It just seemed like a mess and the ending I think was tacted on. I think originally the old women does die. But it looks like the back tracked. It really didn't work at all which is a shame.

Fasten your seat belts...
I've seen some excellent foreign films that are blacker than a lot of main stream USA films.

If you haven't seen these yet, they are worth getting (and get the foregin sub titled version - NOT the voiced over. Trust me!! )

The Closet - Daniel Auteiul

The Dinner Game - Thierry Lhermitte

Tais-Tois! (shut up) - Jean Reno

* All quite black but very very funny.

Man Bites Dog
American Beauty
Dr Strangelove

I don't know, this is tough.

Dr. Stranglove
Clockwork Orange
Death To Smoochy

Brain fart. I like dark comedies to. Wait....

Darkness - I know this couldn't have been a serious attempt at filmmaking. It's probably supposed to be an example of just how ridiculous some production companies are. And to prove this these writers came up with the lamest story and made a crap movie and once it was in theaters they said, "Look. See how much bullsh_t is in Hollywood? Here's our example." So it's kind of funny to me....
New jumble is two words: balesdaewrd
Previous jumble goes to, Mrs. Darcy! (gdknmoifoaneevh - Kingdom of Heaven)
The individual words are jumbled then the spaces are removed. PM the answer to me. First one with the answer wins.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
How about Ghost World? Thats a bit dark, no?
Also would anyone agree with me that O Brother Where Art Thou, The Big Lebowski, and Donnie Darko are all sort of dark?