MoFo Health Thread


This is a comparison of my biometric screening around October, versus the one I just did in February after switching to plant based food for New Years. For the record, I finished off the last Kodiak waffle my sister left behind. It didn't even cross my mind until after that fact that it had eggs and dairy. I think that is the only thing other than some fake cheese I ate, that was still somehow made with milk ingredients.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Eh. I loathe making a post in this thread because I generally hate healthiness. I'm lazy and I enjoy my country cooking too much, but life progresses with or without me and I have new slight motivation to try to help my health. Whether it's age awareness, self esteem, or whatever, I'm not sure. Probably a combination of several things. Regardless of why, I've found a subtle nagging need to start adding some form of activity to my day.

About 8 years back I started running. Hm. No, I started walking. Then trotting cut with walking. Then I started running in short bursts, followed by more walking. Then I got to where I could jog at a decent pace for a reasonably satisfying distance relative to where I started with it all. Then ... my hips started fighting me. That progression lasted approximately six months from start to finish. After a referral to a bone and joint specialist, my efforts came to a halt. We never figured what was happening, but my health insurance stopped at work about that time so that was that. I've since gained weight (more weight), became more lethargic and even more apathetic to life in general or the efforts necessary to maintain a level sense of health let alone improvement. I think depression was a huge factor there, but no need to go into those details. I'll just say several life events all played out in the span of a two year window---all to the negative. I hit a series of brick walls that I eventually gave up on trying to climb, in more ways than one.

It's been around 5 years since all that, now and it has been a slow, eking effort to get out of that mindset. I'm not sure I'm better, but maybe boredom can be a good thing.

So two weeks ago I ordered a small bench on Amazon. Nothing special. It's just a small bench with an inclining back. No bar holds or attachments. Just .... a bench. I still have my few dumbbells from before, so I thought I'd try to make use of them again. See where things go. The bench came in Monday and I've used it two nights since. I'm weak. Surprisingly so, but I am comforted knowing the first wall is probably the hardest to climb as my body adjusts and I adjust my mind to deal with it, procrastinating the procrastination. I do feed a sense of purpose and slight accomplishment for the minimal effort I've put in so far, but the fact I've bothered at all is a step in and of itself. I have no idea if I'll stick with it. If any of you have followed the few projects I've posted progress on here, then you know I rarely follow through! That's cool, I guess. My hips no longer ache the way they did. Maybe I'll go for a walk soon, as this Corona thing eases up here.

Anyhoo. There's my hat in the ring.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

⬆️ Walking is a great way to fight depression once the endorphins (serotonin) kick in. I would be completely mental if I couldn’t do my daily walk. And I am not exaggerating.

And not only that, but I am beautifully slim.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Any runners here? I started seriously, in Jan 20 with thoughts on Belfast marathon. Since then, there has been several major storms and a global pandemic that has cancelled the race twice! I'm well underway in my latest running schedule so I'm just going to do the run alone. Too much time and effort gone to waste.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
No runners then eh?
I completed my marathon alone in 3hours 33mins. Pleased with the time although I totally fell apart on my final mile. I went from a 7.50minute mile to 12.08 and ended up having to jog/walk my way to finish. A bit gutted getting to close to sub 3.30 but body completely broke down and literally felt like giving up.

I know a few, but never got into it myself. The people I know who are into it are really into it, though! Sounds like you're gettin' pretty hooked yourself.

You ready? You look ready.
I still mostly have my abs from my college years. Slowly disappearing but I mean, I got them pretty thick back in the day so even tho they are weak AF they still show.

Seriously, at one point I was just slamming my abs everyday. I was a machine.

And now I can’t access the gym at work.

I used to run often. Not that much anymore but it happens occasionally. Definitely more so in the summer because I enjoy the nature side of it and the fresh air.

Lately I’ve been so busy my time for workouts and exercises have been pretty much non-existent. But I have a 3 week vacation now so I’m trying to get back into some sort of routine...

I want to lose some weight and gain more muscle but I’m nowhere near overweight though. It’s just some of that extra belly fat and stuff here and there. But I want to get back into a really good shape again. Felt so great way back when.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
I know a few, but never got into it myself. The people I know who are into it are really into it, though! Sounds like you're gettin' pretty hooked yourself.

Yeah, you could say that Yods. Find it great for my mental health too, being able to get out alone, in the fresh air. I'm relatively new to it so its nice being able to beat my own times, much like lifting weights at the gym. Might not be so enjoyable when putting so much effort in at a later stage and not getting better records.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
I still mostly have my abs from my college years. Slowly disappearing but I mean, I got them pretty thick back in the day so even tho they are weak AF they still show.

Seriously, at one point I was just slamming my abs everyday. I was a machine.

And now I can’t access the gym at work.

Good work! Running 5 days a week for 8 months and still no sign of mine

Yeah, you could say that Yods. Find it great for my mental health too, being able to get out alone, in the fresh air. I'm relatively new to it so its nice being able to beat my own times, much like lifting weights at the gym. Might not be so enjoyable when putting so much effort in at a later stage and not getting better records.
Makes sense. I can imagine that filling the same kind of need that meditation does.

... ended up having to jog/walk my way to finish. A bit gutted getting to close to sub 3.30 but body completely broke down and literally felt like giving up.
But you didn’t give up. You finished. Jogging/walking to the finish is nothing to be ashamed of. Crossing the finishing line is all that matters.

Originally Posted by the samoan lawyer
Find it great for my mental health too, being able to get out alone, in the fresh air.
Not running, but walking every day saves my sanity. I can start out in an evil mood, but, by the time I’m done, I’ve sorted myself out & I feel somewhat better.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
But you didn’t give up. You finished. Jogging/walking to the finish is nothing to be ashamed of. Crossing the finishing line is all that matters.

Not running, but walking every day saves my sanity. I can start out in an evil mood, but, by the time I’m done, I’ve sorted myself out & I feel somewhat better.

That's true Stirchley and at the time of walking, I thought that I would have to give up. Yep, walking equally as good, If I don't run, then I walk.

If anyone was ever worried about deficiencies caused by a plant-based diet, I've got some lab results and iron levels that are too high that you can look at.

All jokes aside, I'm sure it's just a sign of an undiagnosed physiological disorder.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
If anyone was ever worried about deficiencies caused by a plant-based diet, I've got some lab results and iron levels that are too high that you can look at.

All jokes aside, I'm sure it's just a sign of an undiagnosed physiological disorder.

Plant-based myself and no issues yet!

Yep. About 4 and a half years I think. How long for you?
I am hopeless at dates. Within the last decade, for sure. Ten years maybe?

Literally woke up one morning & declared myself vegetarian. Was never too keen on meat though I ate it, but studying factory farming online made the decision for me. I am not vegan & I see no harm in an animal having a nice life & then being speedily killed for its meat (though I couldn’t do this), but I don’t want any part of animal cruelty.

Vegans are hyper-judgmental, but many farmers make a living out of raising cattle, etc. so I try to stay out of that debate.

It just occurred to me that you may be vegan?

Any runners here? I started seriously, in Jan 20 with thoughts on Belfast marathon. Since then, there has been several major storms and a global pandemic that has cancelled the race twice! I'm well underway in my latest running schedule so I'm just going to do the run alone. Too much time and effort gone to waste.
I haven't run since lockdown, but in 2018 my children started doing these 5k weekly parkruns with my wife's auntie. Soon enough I ended up going and getting right into it, lol. My first time was 29mins 29 seconds and I was almost physically sick at the end which spurred me on to get fitter.

After that I ran 2-3 times a week and got my time down to 24mins 04 seconds (official parkrun time) and 23mins 45 seconds (unofficially on a 5k non parkrun) before the lockdown was enforced.

I am hoping to get back into it when my kids go back to school.
Also congrats on a time 3 hours 33mins, that's a good time for someone who's only recently started running.