Rate The Last Movie You Saw


The Fisher King (1991)


In my own personal life, I'm a hopeless romantic. So The Fisher King is a film I go to once in a while to realize there are people out there who enjoy the same type of sappy romance as I do. But in all seriousness, it is such a beautiful film, and perhaps my go-to when it comes to Gilliam. As a romantic movie it may be my favorite romance movie, but as a rom-com it my be my second next to Annie Hall. I highly recommend this film for people with a soft heart.
Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective, an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic, an eye which does not respond to the name of everything but which must know each object encountered in life through an adventure of perception. How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of 'Green'?

-Stan Brakhage

Snooze factor = Zzz

[Snooze Factor Ratings]:
Z = didn't nod off at all
Zz = nearly nodded off but managed to stay alert
Zzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed
Zzzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed but nodded off again at the same point and therefore needed to go back a number of times before I got through it...
Zzzzz = nodded off and missed some or the rest of the film but was not interested enough to go back over it

The Way Back (2020, Gavin O'Connor)

A somewhat decentish but ultimately underwhelming sports drama starring Ben Affleck. Some touching moments here and there (you definitely empathize with Jack Cunningham and cheer for him to succeed in his battle against addiction and as a basketball coach) but the plot is way too generic and predictable to make it stand out in any way. It's a simple and heartfelt story and can easily be enjoyed for what it is but that's about it.

The Way Back (2020, Gavin O'Connor)

A somewhat decentish but ultimately underwhelming sports drama starring Ben Affleck. Some touching moments here and there (you definitely empathize with Jack Cunningham and cheer for him to succeed in his battle against addiction and as a basketball coach) but the plot is way too generic and predictable to make it stand out in any way. It's a simple and heartfelt story and can easily be enjoyed for what it is but that's about it.
What I found most interesting was how the role Affleck played reflected so much on his own recent problems & showed his vulnerability. Otherwise, as you say, it was a decent movie.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Days of the Bagnold Summer (2019)

Enjoyed this a lot. Unassuming, quirky film about a mother and teenage son unexpectedly spending the summer together that has both humour and a quiet bittersweetness, with a lot of truth to their awkward interactions. Both Monica Dolan as the mum and Earl Cave (son of Nick Cave) as the son were spot on.

The Wave 2019

An insurance lawyer (Justin Long) goes out on the town to celebrate an upcoming promotion with his co-worker, Jeff. But their night takes a bizarre turn when Frank ingests a hallucinogen that completely alters his perception of the world.

90 minutes I wish I could have back. Makes no sense, is not interesting or entertaining in any way. Baffle by how many good reviews it has

Do you know what a roller pigeon is, Barney? They climb high and fast, then roll over and fall just as fast toward the earth. There are shallow rollers and deep rollers. You can’t breed two deep rollers, or their young will roll all the way down, hit, and die. Officer Starling is a deep roller, Barney. We should hope one of her parents was not.

Bliss (2019)


I don't think I could recommend this to many people but I thought it was pretty awesome. There was some kind of epileptic warning before it started as it's frantically loaded with color, music, and lights. It's a fun 75 minutes of drug fueled horror.

The Ruins (2008)

A rewatch of a decent horror film. It has an interesting "monster" and it's quite gruesome at times. There's nothing really wrong with it, but there's nothing to really make it special either. Definitely worth a watch if you're into horror though.


The Ruins (2008)

A rewatch of a decent horror film. It has an interesting "monster" and it's quite gruesome at times. There's nothing really wrong with it, but there's nothing to really make it special either. Definitely worth a watch if you're into horror though.

I haven't seen the film, but I highly recommend the book (of the same name) on which it is based. Genuinely suspenseful and horrifying.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.

Jailbreak (Nick Grinde, 1936)
The Slow Escape (Satvia Peterson, 1998)
6.5/10 20 min
I Was Framed (D. Ross Lederman, 1942)
+ 5/10
Personal Problems (Bill Gunn, 1980)
- 6.5/10

Everybody involved in this film does indeed have intense personal problems although they express them differently.
Only (Takashi Doscher, 2019)
+ 5/10
Yummy (Lars Damoiseaux, 2019
The Girls of Summer (John D. Hancock, 2020)
+ 5/10
Shadow Animals (Jerry Carlsson, 2017)
6.5/10 20 min

If I was a kid at this weird party in Sweden, I'd be scared out of my mind.
Breakwater (Cris Lyra, 2019)
+ 5/10 27 min
Holiday Week AKA Hindle Wakes (Arthur Crabtree, 1952)
+ 6/10
November Criminals (Sacha Gervasi, 2017)
Closure (Alex Goldberg, 2018)
+ 6/10

A wonan comes to Los Angeles to find her missing sister and is comforted by her roommate
Film Title Poem (Jennifer West, 2016)
Ophelia's Opera (Abiola Abrams, 2001)
6/10 29 min
Don't Come Back from the Moon (Bruce Thierry Cheung, 2017)
Gumnaam (Raja Nawathe, 1965)

Best part, right at the beginning, although when they're not singing and dancing, it's an Indian version of And Then There Were None.
Le coup du berger (Jacques Rivette, 1956)
5.5/10 28 min
The Pistol Shrimps (Brent Hodge, 2016)
nowhere Alaska (Cory Carroll, 2020)
+ 4.5/10
Innocent Sorcerers (Andrzej Wajda, 1960)
- 6.5/10

A friendly woman hits it off one night with a bored doctor in his flat.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page


Re-watch. The perfect rom-com. Not sappy. Men and women can both enjoy. Great dialogue. Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan in top form.
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” ~ Rocky Balboa

I went in expecting to love this movie. Honestly thought a five star was attainable and for the first 30-45 minutes it was on its way and then it lost me. The story, especially the stuff in the bombed out city, was my biggest problem along with some pretty overpowering music at times. Ending was good.

Days of the Bagnold Summer (2019)

Enjoyed this a lot. Unassuming, quirky film about a mother and teenage son unexpectedly spending the summer together that has both humour and a quiet bittersweetness, with a lot of truth to their awkward interactions. Both Monica Dolan as the mum and Earl Cave (son of Nick Cave) as the son were spot on.

Never heard about this one before, but I already want to watch it!

I haven't seen the film, but I highly recommend the book (of the same name) on which it is based. Genuinely suspenseful and horrifying.
you got there before me.. great book

Passengers 2016

I enjoyed this again a second time. Don't go in looking for sci fi, its a romance/drama in a sci fi setting and it is quite simple and the action pieces are good too, Pratt and Lawrence have a good chemistry and its a solid and entertaining movie throughout IMO