Note from Yoda's Wife


Trouble with a capital "T"
Yeah, I didn't make a big thing of it, and I specifically said I wasn't mad at the dog and hope it was okay, that it seemed like a nice dog, et cetera. That influences a lot of this, frankly. I don't want to take a financial hit in addition to being attacked, but I have no desire to get them in trouble or ask for anything for the pain or inconvenience, or anything. I don't want them or the dog to get in trouble.
That's very kind of you, but consider what if that dog does this again? What if next time someone loses a hand or a small child is attacked? The behavioral problems the dog showed won't go away. It's cool that you don't want to give them any grief, but I feel it's important that the neighbor's dog isn't allowed in the yard without being on a chain or with it's owners watching it. You should consider talking to your local Human Society about this and see what they say.

I don't want to take a financial hit in addition to being attacked ...
Forgive the personal question, but you have health insurance, don’t you? I sure do hope so.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
That's very kind of you, but consider what if that dog does this again?
It probably will. Unfortunately. Pit bulls have a habit of attacking people. Someone ought to put that dog to sleep.

But yeah, physical therapy is basically "you know that thing you want to do less than anything else in the world? You have to do that."
Every now and then you'll hear a retiring athlete say "The injury isn't why I'm retiring. I can still play but I'm not going through that *bleeping* rehab again." Rehab is the worst! Hope all goes well.

I've heard bad things about pit bulls attacking people. For some reason, the ASPCA denies that it's a vicious dog.
ANY breed of dog can be vicious and bite and it does a big disservice to both dogs and people to label any particular breed as vicious. I personally have never had a pitbull try to attack me. I have, on the other hand, been attacked by what I refer to as the "Disney" breeds - cocker spaniel, Saint Bernard, Dalmation, and golden retriever. I had a cocker spaniel snap at me because it was loose in my yard and I tried to check its tags. I had a golden retriever nip me in the face and draw blood when I was a kid (it belonged to a friend of my neighbor's and I asked if I could pet it and was told yes), I had a dalmation rip a chunk out of my arm when I was a teenager (it was being walked on leash and lunged out and bit me as I was walking past in the opposite direction), and had a Saint Bernard try to rip my arm off (again, on leash as I was walking in the opposite direction, thankfully it only got a hold of my sleeve). I've also had a "puggle" lunge at me because I tried to walk around it and its owner on a public path (they were walking slow). I also witnessed a neighbor's Irish Setter bite my other neighbor in the head as she tried to get him to go back in his yard (she and I had both known the dog for years).

Trouble with a capital "T"
Dying is worse. People have been mauled to death by pit bulls. They're nasty animals.
I'd say pit bulls are sometimes vicious because of the abuse their owners inflict on them, or if they've been adopted from a shelter they can be suffering from past abuse. Humans make bad dogs, not the breed....BUT...according to statistics:
A 2018 report issued by shows that over 35 dog breeds contributed to 433 deaths in a 13-year period. Pit bulls contributed to 66% of these deaths, followed by rottweilers with 10%.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I'd say pit bulls are sometimes vicious because of the abuse their owners inflict on them, or if they've been adopted from a shelter they can be suffering from past abuse. Humans make bad dogs, not the breed....BUT...according to statistics:

So, you're saying 66% of pit bull dog owners abuse their dogs?

Pit bulls get a bad rep, but usually if raised properly and are healthy they shouldn't pose a threat. Usually. In this case who knows, but good thing Yoda's hand seems to be recovering. Is it weird I wanna see a picture?

So, you're saying 66% of pit bull dog owners abuse their dogs?

Many people only get a pit bull to specifically raise them for dog fights. Pit bulls, especially pit bull terriers can be predisposed to aggression, but if raised properly there's usually nothing to worry about. But hey, sometimes things just happen. Dogs can be born with mental health issues, especially certain mixed breeds.

So, you're saying 66% of pit bull dog owners abuse their dogs?
Those stats are for deaths only, not total reported bites. I've known far more vicious chihuahuas than I've known vicious pit bulls. Obviously a dog that is as big and strong as a pit is more likely to kill someone than a smaller dog is, but that doesn't make dogs of smaller breeds any less vicious and they can do plenty of damage without killing someone. Pitbulls are also more popular than other large, powerful breeds like rottweilers, which further skews the stats against them. Lastly, I have to question the validity of that number of pitbull related deaths considering how frequently dogs of other breeds - like boxers, mastiffs, and bull terriers - are misidentified as pitbulls.

I've heard bad things about pit bulls attacking people. For some reason, the ASPCA denies that it's a vicious dog.

ANY breed of dog can be vicious and bite and it does a big disservice to both dogs and people to label any particular breed as vicious. I personally have never had a pitbull try to attack me. I have, on the other hand, been attacked by what I refer to as the "Disney" breeds - cocker spaniel, Saint Bernard, Dalmation, and golden retriever. I had a cocker spaniel snap at me because it was loose in my yard and I tried to check its tags. I had a golden retriever nip me in the face and draw blood when I was a kid (it belonged to a friend of my neighbor's and I asked if I could pet it and was told yes), I had a dalmation rip a chunk out of my arm when I was a teenager (it was being walked on leash and lunged out and bit me as I was walking past in the opposite direction), and had a Saint Bernard try to rip my arm off (again, on leash as I was walking in the opposite direction, thankfully it only got a hold of my sleeve). I've also had a "puggle" lunge at me because I tried to walk around it and its owner on a public path (they were walking slow). I also witnessed a neighbor's Irish Setter bite my other neighbor in the head as she tried to get him to go back in his yard (she and I had both known the dog for years).

Yep. Any dog can bite... sometimes it's hard to tell why though... usually down to the owner though I'm afraid.

It's easy to throw blame at a breed but I gotta say it's media bias.

I've know many Pit Bulls, Staffy Bulls etc... fantastic dogs.

I've also known lots of other dogs that were far more twitchy than any Pit or Staffy.
Dude who lives out the back of mine, has 2 Red Setters.
Hunting dogs, capable of being highly trained, and according to Wiki: "Irish Setters get along well with children, other dogs, and will enthusiastically greet visitors."

This guy's dogs though are the most horrific animals I've ever encountered.
They attack for absolutely no reason... bark at absolutely everything... and even chase the neighbourhood kids when they're out in the street simply playing.
I had to kick one of them a couple years back as it came up behind me, grabbed my leg and tried to wrench my leg out from under me.

All I was doing was standing by the back door having a smoke.

My Sister's dog was the same. Would snap at your feet for no reason and would go absolutely apesh*t if you tried to touch him.
She had to get rid of him when she had her Son simply because the dog couldn't be trusted.
Breed? Yorkshire Terrier... apparently according to Wiki: "Though small, the Yorkshire Terrier is active, very protective, curious, and fond of attention".

Any dog can be twitchy... but it's the media that would have you believe it's only Pits and Staffies because that's what they decide to report.
Only the Pit attacks.

I had a Staffy a few years back and I had absolutely no second thoughts about leaving him alone with a child because I raised him right and trained him.
Not taught tricks.
Trained him.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Many people only get a pit bull to specifically raise them for dog fights. Pit bulls, especially pit bull terriers can be predisposed to aggression, but if raised properly there's usually nothing to worry about. But hey, sometimes things just happen. Dogs can be born with mental health issues, especially certain mixed breeds.
Yeah. Maybe Yoda's neighbors abused their dog, or raised it to attack. Who knows.

I’m careful around all dogs (they are, after all, animals), but I do like pitties. A lot. Look at this beautiful face.

The trick is not minding
I’m careful around all dogs (they are, after all, animals), but I do like pitties. A lot. Look at this beautiful face.

Yoda probably saw this pic and is now curled in the fetal position.

My Sister's dog was the same. Would snap at your feet for no reason and would go absolutely apesh*t if you tried to touch him.
She had to get rid of him when she had her Son simply because the dog couldn't be trusted.
Breed? Yorkshire Terrier... apparently according to Wiki: "Though small, the Yorkshire Terrier is active, very protective, curious, and fond of attention".
I live in a predominantly Spanish city. My Spanish neighbors are very fond of what they describe as “house dogs”. These barking, squeaking little pests have no redeeming qualities IMO. They would rip off a leg if given a chance. They can’t be approached at all without going bat****. Did I mention the non-stop barking?

Yoda probably saw this pic and is now curled in the fetal position.
He’s probably thinking: why did Stirchley want to torture me with this photo.