Rioting in the U.S.


mmm, Kay-kay *swoons*

Damn it. I hate seeing this chick and she is inescapable now. She looks just like a girl I was seeing at the end of last year I was semi-serious with. I mean it's sort of uncanny. Didn't end well. Now I am reminded of her everytime she is on tv
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

Damn it. I hate seeing this chick and she is inescapable now. She looks just like a girl I was seeing at the end of last year I was semi-serious with. I mean it's sort of uncanny. Didn't end well. Now I am reminded of her everytime she is on tv
Dang. I've never had a relationship (serious or semi-serious) with any girl who ever looked anything like that. But you did...


Dang. I've never had a relationship (serious or semi-serious) with any girl who ever looked anything like that. But you did...


lol I'd post a side to side pic to prove it, but I don't think that would be to cool to her. But man it's crazy. I was set to move up to NY to stay with her sometime in Jan/Feb and it fell apart around Xmas. Which turned out to be a good thing because it saved me from the NYC cesspool of Covid and being around the riots. Funny way of working out ha.

All this looting means that the anti gun lobby in US has been given a permanent blow from which it may never recover . More and more people will continue to buy guns to protect themselves.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
All this looting means that the anti gun lobby in US has been given a permanent blow from which it may never recover . More and more people will continue to buy guns to protect themselves.

Could be true, but to be honest here in the southeast people will panic buy weapons and ammunition if the breeze changes directions.

Trouble with a capital "T"
This guy needs to be a future leader in this country

That could be me who made that video, practically everything that was said, I'd said in this thread earlier. Who knows maybe I have a youtube channel!

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Dang. I've never had a relationship (serious or semi-serious) with any girl
who ever looked anything like that.

What do you guys think about the autonomous zone in Seattle?
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.


What do you guys think about the autonomous zone in Seattle?
The whole of USA will become an autonomous zone if Trump's supporters don't produce more children. If their homes and shops are being looted with impunity now when they are still in majority imagine what will happen when they are outnumbered

The whole of USA will become an autonomous zone if Trump's supporters don't produce more children. If their homes and shops are being looted with impunity now when they are still in majority imagine what will happen when they are outnumbered
After the last few weeks, I've come to the conclusion that there is a major parenting problem in the U.S. that is much more serious and widespread than I'd originally suspected.

That could be me who made that video, practically everything that was said, I'd said in this thread earlier. Who knows maybe I have a youtube channel!
When an intelligent person of color says these things, of which there are many, the self righteous phony do-gooders just ignore it. If you or I say the same things, they get outraged and judge us.

What do you guys think about the autonomous zone in Seattle?
It's a group of misfits and criminals, not close to the finest of what the human race has to offer. What I want to know is how are the simpletons in local government going to get away with letting them get away with it.

Due to the conflicts currently happening in the US recently, during our team meeting at work, we had to watch this video.

The trick is not minding
It's a group of misfits and criminals, not close to the finest of what the human race has to offer. What I want to know is how are the simpletons in local government going to get away with letting them get away with it.
The same thing they did when a crowd armed with ar-15 Rifles Protested against the lockdown. Look the other way.

The trick is not minding
When an intelligent person of color says these things, of which there are many, the self righteous phony do-gooders just ignore it. If you or I say the same things, they get outraged and judge us.
I wanted to comment on this in particular about self righteous phony do gooders and point out many are coming at this from a point of view that they should feel guilty over past treatment of people of color. The problem with this is they are making it about themselves and it undermines the point of BLM. I’ve seen too many of my friends make this mistake. There was a conversation recently where it boiled down to me and a few others disagreeing with this girls point of view and her and her friend responding “well you’re white soooo.....”
Then it proceeded to turn into a “this is just your inner white supremacist speaking” where I just had to check out. Disagreement Isn’t the same thing as holding a racist view necessarily.
And the whole discussion was calling her out for treating the protests as if she was a a tourist looking for credibility with social justice.
Comment something along the line of wanting to experience being tear gassed. She was rightly called out for it.
And I say this as a supporter of BLM but I won’t feel guilty nor made to feel guilty over something I had no part in from the past.

I wanted to comment on this in particular about self righteous phony do gooders and point out many are coming at this from a point of view that they should feel guilty over past treatment of people of color. The problem with this is they are making it about themselves and it undermines the point of BLM. I’ve seen too many of my friends make this mistake. There was a conversation recently where it boiled down to me and a few others disagreeing with this girls point of view and her and her friend responding “well you’re white soooo.....”
Then it proceeded to turn into a “this is just your inner white supremacist speaking” where I just had to check out. Disagreement Isn’t the same thing as holding a racist view necessarily.
And the whole discussion was calling her out for treating the protests as if she was a a tourist looking for credibility with social justice.
Comment something along the line of wanting to experience being tear gassed. She was rightly called out for it.
And I say this as a supporter of BLM but I won’t feel guilty nor made to feel guilty over something I had no part in from the past.
Good way to view it. People seem to believe there is a black or white way to think, when the way of thinking has nothing to do with color. It's baffling to me how these hypocrites are the ones who show racist tendencies.

You ready? You look ready.
Just because white privilege is a sorry excuse for the complexity of the issue and was made up it doesn’t change the fact that this world ain’t equal or just. And America is so diverse and young that some places don’t have to deal with the complexities because of demographics.

The trick is not minding
Yes. The guy in the video is stating his own experiences which isn’t necessarily representative of the world at large.
I think people are confused when it comes to “white privilege” in general and it’s meaning, Which, while well meaning, has morphed from its original point which was to point out the difference society has treated people of color in similar situations to a catch all phrase to explain inherent racism.

You ready? You look ready.
And let’s not forget:


Yes. The guy in the video is stating his own experiences which isn’t necessarily representative of the world at large.
I think people are confused when it comes to “white privilege” in general and it’s meaning, Which, while well meaning, has morphed from its original point which was to point out the difference society has treated people of color in similar situations to a catch all phrase to explain inherent racism.
That's an interesting way to see it. I have a hard time seeing a black man debunking white privilege being chalked up to personal experience. I'd be more interested in what you specifically disagree with him about. Society has most definitely treated black people not as well, but can we really say it means white people are privileged? What happens if we achieve true equality, are black people now privileged as well? I would simply say that white people are more or less treated fairly, and that we all need to build up the black community. And really examine all of the examples you see of "while privilege". Are they really privileges, and if so couldn't they be chalked up to economic or majority privilege? Never mind that judging by skin color is supposed to be the exact thing that we're fighting against. It's a very dangerous thing, and going back in world history it's the kind of ideology that has resulted in the death of millions, and it's the type of thing that could start a race war. On the other hand, what is the potential positive in pushing the white privilege narrative? The BLM thing is similar, and you can't blame people for thinking they're a racist organization when they hold a big meeting but don't allow white people. To me that's the definition of racism. How about we just leave skin color, which I'd call meaningless, out of the equation entirely, except when there's evidence of it being a factor? Things are getting worse, not better, and I believe that continues so long as we continue to make skin color such a huge factor. Police brutality against blacks should not be a social justice issue. Police brutality and racism should be 2 separate issues. They can be connected, but then you could connect racism to any other issue. These are not problems that can be solved by making them one and the same.