

I think Ozzy Osbourne is Patient Zero. He ate a bat in 1982, probably had the rona since then, so no wonder he's so ****ed up.
LOL. My bro in Brum (our hometown & Ozzy’s too) sent his boys to private school so they wouldn’t end up like Ozzy.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
In the past 3 hours since I last posted this, more than 1,000 Americans have died

Currently in the U.S.

Coronavirus cases: 386,104

Deaths: 12,242, R.I.P.

Recovered: 21,316

Since posting this yesterday, 2,000 Americans have died. I had heard on the news that the next couple of weeks will be the worst.

Currently in the U.S.

Coronavirus cases: 418,410

Deaths: 14,240, R.I.P.

Recovered: 22,184

You ready? You look ready.
I doubt very much that any young person enters the Police Academy hoping to prove how brave he or she is by getting killed on the job.
My point was that real cops (i.e. good cops) join up to help people, and they are the ones that willingly lay their life down. Fake cops (i.e. bad cops) join up for power, position, and prestige.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

⬆️ I disagree. Nobody wants to die on the job.

Why judge police officers harshly for wanting “power, position & prestige”? Many people want this in their career.

I appreciate that this is civil and substantive, though I do think it might necessitate a new topic, if people are genuinely intent on continuing.

Re: deaths. Yeah, thousands a day now. Still nothing out of the ordinary, and a LOT of good long-term signs about this leveling off well before the worst-case scenarios. But the next week is still going to bring some grim totals. Gotta stay strong, though.

You ready? You look ready.
I'm not saying they WANT to die. I'm saying that they don't think of themselves/their safety when doing the job. Someone looking for "power, position, and prestige" is thinking about themselves/their safety and they make for ****ty cops.

And I judge them harshly because it's a public service job. It's their job to forward face with the public as a source of assistance/help/rescue. It's not their job to bully and brutalize citizens.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Good news at least for me Had to go to Wallgreens and they had wipies, which we bought and toilet paper which we didn't need so left on the shelf for someone else.

⬆️ I was surprised yesterday that Walgreen’s still had Cottonelle wipes. Tempted to buy them since they are nice to have, but I didn’t since I don’t want to add another thing that I have to buy on a regular basis.

So glad that Modly fellow has resigned. What a tool. Went flying off to Guam with a hard-on for Captain Crozier & after insulting him he left within 30 minutes. Presuming we taxpayers paid for that round trip?

Account terminated on request
I appreciate that this is civil and substantive, though I do think it might necessitate a new topic, if people are genuinely intent on continuing.
Focusing away from cops would certainly be less......flame worthy.

Back to lethality and other cheery @#$%:

The "curve flattening" thing thus far does seem to be working...I'm scared by a grossly overwhelmed healthcare system and what that would look like. NY is right on edge with that now.

BTW, CDC's number take on this:

Note, however, that they seem to be making the same mistake in supplying less-useful map numbers that some outlets are. The map is showing number of cases per state. That's not useful IMO. The map should show the number of cases per capita.

Also, be wary of "contracted" numbers. Some are including "presumptive positives" (Such as with the CDC numbers published) and some aren't.
When women have a poet, they want a cowboy.
When they have a cowboy, they want a poet.
They'll say "I don't care if he's a poet or cowboy, so long as he's a nice guy. But oh, I'm so attracted to that bad guy over there."
Understand this last part, and you'll get them all.

A system of cells interlinked
Flame broiled is the only way I cook my burgers.
I am grilling some burgers in a couple of hours...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I am grilling some burgers in a couple of hours...
Have you got your list of questions all sorted in advance?

Just noticed Greenland have gone green today ..... 11 cases - all 11 recovered.
Nice to have some positive news.

There might finally be an explanation for why India and Africa haven’t had much cases yet. Looks like all the malaria infected countries have herd immunity and hence fatality rates are lower. This is probably also the reason why chloroquine is working as a treatment. Check out the world infliction maps above for malaria and COVID - mirror image!!!!
It appears you may have been on to something early on, ashdoc.
Many are now theorizing a connection between countries where anti-malaria drugs are widely used and the lower rates of Covid19. The theory isn't so much herd immunity (although that could be part of it), but that they've been innoculated in a sense with the anti-malaria drugs that seem to help prevent or reduce symptoms of Covid19.

In Brazil, deaths have been escalating brutally. Poor countries don't have the resources to accurately measure how many people die, even rich countries like Italy and Spain had so many deaths that they cannot count (the US, for instance, is counting 2,000 deaths in the last 24 hours but I think that the real number is probably twice as big counting people who have not been tested or people who died at home). In Brazil we had 120 deaths in the last 24 hours and our statistics as highly incomplete and the epidemic started here several weeks later than in the US and Europe.

You ready? You look ready.
@Yoda - this happens to twitter links posted from mobile. Nvm when I edited off the last bit it fixed itself.

So all the data I’m seeing/reading now points to issues with the blood of the infected, which then leads to issues with the lung. Something to do with hemoglobins.

The store (ShopRite) was probably worse supply-wise today than it's been since the start of the outbreak!

In some areas, but not in all: bread was back, but there was a surprising lack of produce this time - garlic was sold out (people have obviously heard my theories).

Any packaged goods on sale were gone (sales on Stove-Top-Stuffing, salad dressing, ice cream, and Craker Barrel cheese left these shelves stripped!)

The cheaper tonic water was sold out (obviously people have caught on to the idea of the quinine in tonic).

Paper products sold out (now they had Marcal Toilet Paper by the single roll, but I didn't get any because there was no price - only $9.99 - for what? The giant cardboard box they were in? For a single roll? No info whatsoever on how much an individual roll cost on the price label, so didn't waste my time trying to find out.)

Hand Sanitizers, wipes, disenfectants, bleach, alcohol = still none.
Refrigerated juices = sold out completely.

I saw one worker taking photos of the empty shelves with his phone and telling a customer his mom was never going to believe this.