Western Hall of Fame II


Women will be your undoing, Pépé

okay, I'm going to double post this in both the Hall of Fame Thread and the Westerns II Thread.
Due Date for Western Countdown Lists is May 15, 2020, giving an easy spread of just under 3 months aka 12 Weeks to do a final Westerns III Hall of Fame.
As I've stated previously, I would like to make this coincides with that Last Minute Scenario and suggest that we all go with a nomination that is one that you really wanted to see before finalizing your List of 25, or, even a Blind Grab that has caught your interest but has not fit into your viewing schedule.
This isn't mandatory, just a suggestion for Nomination Consideration. I'm sure a lot of us have already gone through the "Big Name" Westerns and are now in search of those gems in the rough to fill in the gaps of a Voting List.
Now, of course, should a Big Name STILL remain unseen and a true need to see, that'll work as well.
We had done this when I hosted the 30's II HoF with a quick draw that brought out a lot of great unknowns worthy of the Countdown that did show up ON the Countdown. So I'd like to repeat that.

Also, in advance, I'd like to suggest doing the reveal of Nominations about a half week from opening the Thread. (say opening the thread on a Sunday and doing the initial Reveal on a Wednesday or Thursday as an example) And then leaving it open for last-minute joining for those who want to see what's being nominated before deciding on joining in for. . . a week at the most.
The reason for this is this that those of us already looking to join, already have our noms ready to go and it'll give more time to knock this puppy out.

My Question to everyone is:

Should we slap leather and get this pony a-ridin, or take a week pause before getting it started. Or somewhere around there?
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly...rewatch.
I liked what Ed said about the movie, I think it shows that he's reflected a lot on it for decades and many watches.

The Great Silence...rewatch.
Also, there are actually three endings. There is one where the good guys win, one where the bad guys win, and one that is ambiguous.
Very kind, THANK YOU, Zotis! I have.

I've seen the two where the Bad Guy and the Good Guy wins. I have not seen the ambiguous one, though.
I did go with the original Italian version that has the Bad Guy win. A far better impact of ending for me. I think.
IF I remember correctly, the version of the Good Guy winning was done to get a showing in the States who were still insisting on Good Guys ALWAYS win at the time of its release.

Good job everyone, I was surprised how many people put The Shooting low on their lists. I think the biggest surprise was Ed because the way he talked about it made me think he was going to rate it pretty high.

I had fun for the most part. I wish Wyldesyde hadn't been so hostile. No idea where that came from, but I'll be steering clear of that guy from now on. Hope you guys have fun with the next HoF. I'll probably poke my head in at some point to say hello.

Trouble with a capital "T"
My Question to everyone is:

Should we slap leather and get this pony a-ridin, or take a week pause before getting it started. Or somewhere around there?
I'd think to start it sooner than later. A week pause might seems to log to me, but tonight Sunday eve seems too soon and other stuff is going on. Maybe do it on the next free day you have. Either way I'm in

The trick is not minding
Good job everyone, I was surprised how many people put The Shooting low on their lists. I think the biggest surprise was Ed because the way he talked about it made me think he was going to rate it pretty high.

I had fun for the most part. I wish Wyldesyde hadn't been so hostile. No idea where that came from, but I'll be steering clear of that guy from now on. Hope you guys have fun with the next HoF. I'll probably poke my head in at some point to say hello.
I wish you weren’t so condescending 😏
Oh well, wish you would get the help you so desperately need.
Please stay clear of me, and I’ll do the same of you. In fact. Don’t mention me. At all. I know you have difficulty doing so. It’s like you’re obsessed with me. Sorry, I’m not interested.
It’ll be easier for both of us and everyone else of course. That includes future HOF. We should avoid each other there. If this means you won’t join as a result, then so be it. I may be hailed as a hero by some here. 😏
Do some deep soul searching. Or some therapy perhaps. I’m sure there’s some decent person there somewhere. Maybe. Perhaps.

The trick is not minding
My Question to everyone is:

Should we slap leather and get this pony a-ridin, or take a week pause before getting it started. Or somewhere around there?
I'd think to start it sooner than later. A week pause might seems to log to me, but tonight Sunday eve seems too soon and other stuff is going on. Maybe do it on the next free day you have. Either way I'm in
I’m in!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Good job everyone, I was surprised how many people put The Shooting low on their lists. I think the biggest surprise was Ed because the way he talked about it made me think he was going to rate it pretty high.
On another list, it most likely would have but had a hard time with the other films presented.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I'd think to start it sooner than later. A week pause might seems to log to me, but tonight Sunday eve seems too soon and other stuff is going on. Maybe do it on the next free day you have. Either way I'm in
That'll work, perhaps in the next day or two, I'll get it together.

On another list, it most likely would have but had a hard time with the other films presented.
Well, I think people either lean towards the Hollywood classics like Rio Bravo or the more artistic films like The Shooting. I think more people here tend to lean towards Hollywood movies.

My ballot:

1. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
2. The Shooting
3. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
4. The Ox-Bow Incident
5. The Cowboys
6. Rio Bravo
7. The Great Silence
8. The Salvation

The only one I'll probably watch again is The Great Silence since I think it has the most potential to jump up a couple spots before the countdown. Wasn't disappointed with any of them.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Question for the members about The Great Silence...I'm just curious if you watched it in English or Italian with subs? I watched in English and Wyldesyde said he did too

I have a theory that watching it in original Italian with subs makes for a better viewing experience, I just wonder if that is true or not?
@ahwell @edarsenal @KeyserCorleone @Hey Fredrick @Zotis @Siddon

I hope doing the @mention thing is OK

English and I was happy with it.

1. Rio Bravo
2. The Great Silence
3. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
4. The Salvation
5. The Ox-Bow Incident
6. The Shooting
7. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
8. The Cowboys

Trouble with a capital "T"
Has anyone ever watched The Great Silence in both English dub and Italian with subs?

I've not watched it in Italian, but every time I've switched languages back and forth on a foreign film, the English dub sounded almost comical to me. Just wondering how well it would've done if seen in Italian.

Question for the members about The Great Silence...I'm just curious if you watched it in English or Italian with subs? I watched in English and Wyldesyde said he did too

I have a theory that watching it in original Italian with subs makes for a better viewing experience, I just wonder if that is true or not?
I watched the Italian with subs, and in my opinion it's a much better viewing experience than the English dub. I sampled the English dub years ago and my impression was that it was considerably campier.