20th Hall of Fame


How long do these usually take to complete? I have a lot of free time coming up at the end of the month (endless days of movie watching) but wouldn't get to too many movies in this month.
Usually the length is approximately one week per film nominated.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...I have a lot of free time coming up at the end of the month (endless days of movie watching) but wouldn't get to too many movies in this month.
I'm not sure if I follow? What month will you have time to watch movies? September?

Sorry. After I hit enter I noticed how bad/confusing that looked. Was hoping nobody caught it. I'm busy through October. I can still get a few movies in during October but come November, I have weeks with nothing to do.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Sorry. After I hit enter I noticed how bad/confusing that looked. Was hoping nobody caught it. I'm busy through October. I can still get a few movies in during October but come November, I have weeks with nothing to do.
Sounds good

I went ahead and typed out the full rules and procedures for the HoF. They are on the second post of this thread. That's the same general rules we've used for awhile now.

If you have any questions? just ask! I'm always happy to help that's my job as host to help

I legitimately can't think of a film I want to nominate. I feels like it's been ages since I've seen something that I really loved, or at least appreciated enough to want to share. So if anyone thinks they know of a film that I'd like, and it's something I can easily track down and watch this weekend, feel free to send me a PM or drop it in a post comment.

I guess I could always nominate an old favourite, but I think it's a bit boring to nominate classics that everyone's probably already seen.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Everyone is welcomed to join!

Wow, this will be our 20th Hall of Fame at MoFo, I'm so glad to see the HoFs are going strong! HoFs have become a big part of what makes MoFo special. As always I'm honoured to be your host...

20th HoF Rules & Procedure:

Past Main HOF Archives......Past Specialty HOF Archives

Members Reviews:

Ahwell 8/11
Blood Simple
Cool Hand Luke
Elmer Gantry
Monsters Inc.
The Music Man
The Squid and the Whale
Rear Window

Citizen Rules 9/11
Blood Diamond
Blood Simple
Elmer Gantry
High Noon
Monsters, Inc.
Rear Window
The Music Man
The Squid and The Whale

Cricket 7/11
Blood Diamond
Blood Simple
Elmer Gantry
Ghost Busters
High Noon
Monsters, Inc.
The Music Man

Edarsenal 5/11
Blood Simple
High Noon
Monsters, Inc.
The Squid and The Whale

Frightened Inmate 2/11
High Noon
The Squid and The Whale

Hey Fredrick 6/11
Elmer Gantry
High Noon
The Squid and The Whale
Monsters, Inc.
Rear Window

John Connor 4/11
Blood Diamond
Elmer Gantry
The Squid and The Whale

Miss Vicky11/11 Ballot received
Blood Diamond
Blood Simple
Cool Hand Luke
Elmer Gantry
Ghost Busters
High Noon
Monsters, Inc.
Phantom Thread
Rear Window
The Music Man
The Squid and The Whale

Neiba 2/11
Elmer Gantry
The Squid and the Whale

Rauldc14 6/11
Blood Diamond
Blood Simple
Cool Hand Luke
High Noon
The Squid and The Whale

Siddon 1/11
Phantom Thread

Trouble with a capital "T"
I legitimately can't think of a film I want to nominate. I feels like it's been ages since I've seen something that I really loved, or at least appreciated enough to want to share. So if anyone thinks they know of a film that I'd like, and it's something I can easily track down and watch this weekend, feel free to send me a PM or drop it in a post comment.

I guess I could always nominate an old favourite, but I think it's a bit boring to nominate classics that everyone's probably already seen.
I'll rack my brain and try to think of something that seems like a Cosmic movie and message you...You know the thing but old favorites is, not everyone has probably seen them. I know I've seen a lot of movies and yet each HoF I haven't seen the majority of them or I've only seen them once and like years and years ago.

Just a thought, you could peruse the MoFo list and find some hidden gems there that not everyone has seen. I know I haven't seen much on the Roger Ebert Great Movies list and only 22% of the Cannes Winners list.

I'll rack my brain and try to think of something that seems like a Cosmic movie and message you...You know the thing but old favorites is, not everyone has probably seen them. I know I've seen a lot of movies and yet each HoF I haven't seen the majority of them or I've only seen them once and like years and years ago.

Just a thought, you could peruse the MoFo list and find some hidden gems there that not everyone has seen. I know I haven't seen much on the Roger Ebert Great Movies list and only 22% of the Cannes Winners list.
I didn't realize how few movies I'd seen until I joined this forum... just check my lists section and you'll see the sad percentages... so, Cosmic, there's a good chance anything you nominate from one of those lists I probably won't have seen.
Lists and Projects

Trouble with a capital "T"
I didn't realize how few movies I'd seen until I joined this forum... just check my lists section and you'll see the sad percentages... so, Cosmic, there's a good chance anything you nominate from one of those lists I probably won't have seen.
Ahh, the check member's list feature, I always forget about that, but it's a great way to see who's seen what...and you have some more movies to watch ahwell But that's cool as you have a lot of great films to look forward to

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
And @CosmicRunaway, you DO pick some extraordinary films I haven't seen, so even if you went with a classic, there's a good chance I may not have seen it OR one that it had been AGES since I last saw it.
So, it'll all work out.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

I guess I could always nominate an old favourite.
Nothing wrong with that.

Just about every movie I've ever nominated has been an old favorite and the few that weren't were movies that I probably wouldn't have watched if I never joined MoFo.

I actually considered re-nominating the first film I ever nominated, since many of the people who are participating now weren't participating back then (or weren't even on MoFo yet). I ended up picking something else, but I might do it at some point.

I guess I could always nominate an old favourite, but I think it's a bit boring to nominate classics that everyone's probably already seen.
Tried the 'original nomination' approach last HoF and ended up competing with The Godfather, Raging Bull and Pulp Fiction , so this HoF I went with something more 'familiar'.

Tried the 'original nomination' approach last HoF and ended up competing with The Godfather, Raging Bull and Pulp Fiction , so this HoF I went with something more 'familiar'.
I definitely went with something lesser-known this HoF, although I'd still call it really famous. I don't expect it to win, but I love it and think it would be a worthy addition.

I definitely went with something lesser-known this HoF, although I'd still call it really famous. I don't expect it to win, but I love it and think it would be a worthy addition.
I agree with most of your animated movie bracket winners, so can't wait to find out which one it is.