What do you think about The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)?


Last night, I watched The Grand Budapest Hotel with my friends and it has appeared in my mind until now. The image style of the "bizarre" director - Wes Anderson made me fascinated. Many viewers were also fascinated by the intricate details in the movie because Anderson skillfully combined between his own angle, style and color. What about you guys?

It's Only Weird If You Make It Weird
I really love watching this movie. I'm not a huge Anderson fan, I usually only watch his movies once. But this is one I've seen multiple times. I think this film is where his quirkiness is perfect
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As someone who loves quirky stories, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. I have been a fan of Anderson's works, with my favourite being Rushmore.

It's safe to say that this was Anderson's grandest film, in terms of production and sets. The pun was unintended.

I also like how he isn't afraid to add the dark elements in his stories, which includes animal torture.

If you enjoyed this movie, then I would recommend Barry Sonnenfeld's works or even a movie like Submarine.

BearSkinBathRobe's Avatar
"That may be, but I've got the Falcon."
I thought it was funny, watched it get good reception at the Oscars that year, so I bought the blu ray. Enjoyed it thoroughly. Quirky, good stuff. Kudos on the production design and musical score. Probably a 7/10. I've only watched it that one time, though.
"They knew and they let it happen! To kids!"-Spotlight

I love it, Wes Anderson's movies are like s therapy for idealists.
My mama always said, Life was like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get.’—Tom Hanks as in Forrest Gump

Hated it. I can't stand most of Wes Anderson's work. The movies look great, but the characters pretty much always feel incomplete to me and I get bored because I don't care what happens to them.

The only Anderson movie I've liked is Isle of Dogs.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Loved the concept and look of The Grand Budapest Hotel...the actual hotel. But then we have to go and leave that world of that hotel for other places and that's where the film losses me.

Loved every bit of it.
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Welcome to the human race...
As with the bulk of Wes Anderson movies, I found it pretty good but without any strong desire to revisit it.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I still haven't finished it but need to sometime, to see. It's one of those movies you have to in a certain mood for for sure.

I have a thought on the movie. When it flashbacks to the old days, the movie goes to 4:3 to give that feel of old classic movies, before widescreen was invented. However, how come the sound mix doesn't switch from surround sound to mono, to give that feel as well, since there was no surround sound back then?

I love it. It's really looks pleasing to my eyes.

Last night, I watched The Grand Budapest Hotel with my friends and it has appeared in my mind until now. The image style of the "bizarre" director - Wes Anderson made me fascinated. Many viewers were also fascinated by the intricate details in the movie because Anderson skillfully combined between his own angle, style and color. What about you guys?
# 137 on my fav list, love it; https://www.movieforums.com/communit...12#post2026812

Last night, I watched The Grand Budapest Hotel with my friends and it has appeared in my mind until now. The image style of the "bizarre" director - Wes Anderson made me fascinated. Many viewers were also fascinated by the intricate details in the movie because Anderson skillfully combined between his own angle, style and color. What about you guys?
I haven't seen it and it doesn't attract me sadly. It's one of those films or series I just think of as a good payday for some actors I like .