Things that annoy you...


I don’t think I have ever seen a restaurant where the chef (let alone the line cooks) wear gloves. They’re all handling hot pans - what kind of gloves could they wear?
They make gloves specifically for this purpose. Any pan that is too hot to be handled with gloves is too hot to be handled bare handed anyway.

They make gloves specifically for this purpose. Any pan that is too hot to be handled with gloves is too hot to be handled bare handed anyway.
I stand by my comment.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I don’t think I have ever seen a restaurant where the chef (let alone the line cooks) wear gloves. They’re all handling hot pans - what kind of gloves could they wear?
This is a good point. I worked in a restaurant for over 10 years (in the 80's-90's) and no one ever wore gloves. I made salads with my bare hands and didn't wear gloves - of course constant hand washing was mandatory in between tasks and of course after using the bathroom. Cooks didn't even use oven mitts - just a bunched up towel as a potholder. The closest thing you'd see to a glove on a cook's hand was a large piece of ice duct-taped over a spot where they burned themselves.

After that I got a job in a cafeteria where I had to wear cotton gloves with rubber ones on top - the rubber ones made contact with my wrists and I developed a terrible rash (allergy to latex or the powder they put in rubber gloves?). I had to start cutting my rubber gloves everyday with a knife or scissors before I put them on so the wrist portion didn't extend past the cotton ones (but still had to wear them).

@Citizen Rules, I remember in one of the late Anthony Bourdain’s books him relating how, eventually, his hands had been burned so often & gotten so calloused that he (and others) could pick up any kind of hot pan barehanded.

Trouble with a capital "T"
@Citizen Rules, I remember in one of the late Anthony Bourdain’s books him relating how, eventually, his hands had been burned so often & gotten so calloused that he (and others) could pick up any kind of hot pan barehanded.
Did I post about Bourdain? I don't remember what the convo was if I did. He seemed like an interesting guy, but I don't think I've really ever seen his show. I did run into Andrew Zimmerman once on a cruise ship, but that's about my only connection to the cooking gurus...that I know of?

Worked in many restaurants over the years and was a food safety trainer/manager.
In most places the preppers/assemblers are required either by state or company policy to wear gloves and the cooks chefs are not. However there is a strict handwashing policy to include washing to elbows and scrubbing nails. Belive it or not more contamination comes from those wearing gloves because the appereance of cleanliness (by wearing gloves) lends weight to laziness. A person wearing gloves can scratch their head, nose, butt, etc... and unless they wash hands AND change gloves they are just as dirty as someone without them.

I hate when i see people handle cash with gloves on then they go prepare food.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

I hate when i see people handle cash with gloves on then they go prepare food.
Right. Occasionally at Subway (where I buy a sambie after church each week), the counterperson will make change for someone & then start to make my order. Or they put someone’s meat sambie in the microwave & start to make my veggie sambie, which I hate since I am a vegetarian. In both instances, I ask them to change their gloves.

It’s a nice treat sometimes, but the cost can add up at least here in America. You have your service fee, your delivery fee, your tip (mandatory), plus the actual cost of the stuff, plus tax. Last time I used Instakart here was because they gave me a $45 coupon, which was rather good. I guess I’m cheap & prefer to go to the supermarket myself.
Tip? waa, we don't pay the supermarket food delivery drivers a tip here in the UK. No no.

It's not expensive here in the UK anyway for a big food shop online, we have the cost of the food that is around the same in the supermarkets and then delivery. I don't drive so for a big shop the delivery is more or less around the same price as the travel costs there and back and if you choose a 'green' time delivery(a time slot where there are more orders in your area at that time and it's more environmentally friendly apparently) it's even cheaper.

Similar to my local shop, one of the cashiers always seems to be coughing her head off, one of those wet rattling chest infection coughs, when she gets a carrier bag for customers she licks her fingers to separate them, so her spit is all over your carrier bag and food! I take my own carrier bag and avoid her like the plague, which she may well have!!

Yes! own bags are definitely a must.

Tip? waa, we don't pay the supermarket food delivery drivers a tip here in the UK. No no.

It's not expensive here in the UK anyway for a big food shop online, we have the cost of the food that is around the same in the supermarkets and then delivery. I don't drive so for a big shop the delivery is more or less around the same price as the travel costs there and back and if you choose a 'green' time delivery(a time slot where there are more orders in your area at that time and it's more environmentally friendly apparently)
Kinda like the mandatory tip - it’s only a few dollars. Used to hate having to figure out whether I should tip &, if so, how much. This way is much better. My last delivery person was an old lady who looked to be in her nineties (!) so I don’t mind tipping.

I don’t drive either, but it’s super-easy to walk to market & take a 2-stop bus back.

Don’t think we have the green delivery thing, which totally makes sense though I’ve never heard of it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I hate tipping! That's one reason I never go to a sit down restaurant, unless someone has invited me and is paying. If I'm traveling I will walk even if it's miles, instead of using a taxi. Of course if I do use a taxi I do tip, though the last one I was in, I shouldn't even have freakin paid him at all!

I hate taking a cab. Will do anything to avoid it. Especially in NYC.

What we used to do in NYC back in the day if we were dissatisfied with the service was to leave the door open when we exited the cab. Nothing a cab driver hates more. Not sure whether this would work today.

Run a chip shop in the UK. Worst thing I've seen is a black pudding that someone brought back with a big piece of metal wire inside it. Wasn't our fault, we didn't manufacture it and you couldn't see the wire from the outside. The customers were livid, they got in touch with the food company rep and probably got compensation.
I love my local chippy, worst thing I've found in my food is a hair 😨 had the meal replaced though so all good.

The animal rescues in my area who can't be bothered to respond to my messages.

I'm trying to adopt a cat. I work a short shift today and don't work again until Monday so I thought this weekend would be a good time to get the kitty. With that I mind, I went on Petfinder last weekend and sent inquiries about at least nine different cats (possibly more, I looked at so many cats my head was spinning, but I can name nine that I asked about.)

George: His foster replied to my email - and said she was in Texas. His profile came up in a search for cats within 100 miles of where I live. In California.
Milton: Got an automated response on June 16 saying that I would be contacted by someone in 24-48 hours. Nothing since.
Mew Mew: No response.
Blonde Boy: Got an email back saying that the rescue is at capacity and I should try contacting another organization. I replied and explained, again, that I was looking to adopt a cat, not surrender one. No response.
Tiger: No response.
Colby: His foster mom contacted me back right away. He's not going to be a good match. However, she has suggested another cat in the rescue she works with. This other cat seems like a good match and I may end up getting him.
Linus: No response at first to my email inquiry, but I tried messaging them on Facebook and got a reply. Unfortunately his personality is not a match.
Butterfinger: His foster mom replied but when I asked if he liked being held she responded by saying "most cats don't like being held." Um, what? I've had cats all my life and most of them enjoyed it. The few that didn't like it still calmly tolerated it, as any well socialized pet should.
Stanley: This is the one I'm most interested in. The description in his bio sounds like he'd be absolutely perfect. Unfortunately, he's with the same rescue as Milton and - despite contacting them through Petfinder, sending a direct email to the rescue, and sending a Facebook message, nobody has gotten back to me.

I am reminded of the last time I tried to adopt a cat from a rescue and got rejected by one organization and ignored by the others. At which point I said **** it and went to the county shelter instead. A friend of mine also tried to adopt a kitten through a local rescue around that same time and was rejected. The reason they gave for rejecting him? He's a veterinarian. Yes, I'm completely serious.

I get that these organizations are run by unpaid volunteers who have lives of their own, but if they're truly serious about placing these cats they need to actually reply to potential adopters.

So frustrating.

Oof. Hard enough finding homes for these pets without ignoring people inquiring. Though I dunno, maybe most inquiries are bunk and they get overwhelmed, though that certainly can't explain all of the apparent incompetence. That sucks.

The more I hear from you and others here, the more I realize Pittsburgh might have exceptional animal rescue facilities. I know a guy in California who tells similar stories. Wonder if the need feels less urgent to people in warmer climates or something.

Very frustrating Miss Vicky and it seems adopting a cat should be a lot easier than this. Usually people are begging other people to 'take this cat, please' Unpaid volunteers or not, people should take their duties more seriously.

And I don't get rejecting a potential owner who's a vet! Makes NO SENSE at all.

Perhaps it may be best to look in a shelter. Or in the newspaper or weeklies. Well, keep trying. At any rate, I am sure that soon enough you will be sharing your home with a furry fuzzy friend who's just perfect for you.

Perhaps it may be best to look in a shelter. Or in the newspaper or weeklies.
If I was just looking for a friend for me or if I wanted a kitten, I'd absolutely go to the shelter. However, I want an adult cat and I need one that's going to want to make friends with my other cat, who I think would really appreciate a playmate. Which is why I wanted to go through a rescue - those cats are living in foster homes and interacting regularly with people and other animals, rather than just being stuck in a cage with limited interactions. Their foster parents will have much better knowledge of how they behave in a home with other cats than a shelter worker would.

Makes sense @Miss Vicky so I guess you'll have to continue your challenging search.

Cats are not the 'solitary ' creatures that some people think - and since your cat just lost his best buddy, you'll want a socialized cat.

Good luck and let us know how it works out. Are you partial to another orange one?

Makes sense @Miss Vicky so I guess you'll have to continue your challenging search.

Cats are not the 'solitary ' creatures that some people think - and since your cat just lost his best buddy, you'll want a socialized cat.

Good luck and let us know how it works out. Are you partial to another orange one?
Yeah, except for Blonde Boy (who is cream/buff), every cat on that list is orange.
I definitely have a type.

I'll give the rescue with Stanley another day or two, but if they continue to insist on ignoring me then I'll probably end up adopting the other cat that Colby's foster mom has suggested. This other cat, named Copper, is cream colored and a little more timid than I'd like, but I think he'll work out. The only issue is that it'll be a 1.5-2 hour drive each way to get him - though picking up Stanley would mean about an hour of driving each way too.

ETA: I thought of another cat that I sent an inquiry about and got no response. His name is Skipper. So that makes ten cats I've asked about.

You ready? You look ready.


"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza