
Trouble with a capital "T"

Anyone here believes extraterrestrials are keeping a watch on us ?
Me? I say no, ETs are not watching us. Though conceivably they might be listing to us...Somewhere in the universe they might be able to pick up our electronic transmissions. If they could intercept internet transmissions they might believe a race of earthlings called 'westerns' are on the verge of extinction.

I believe it's possible, but what hurts the odds is the size of space itself and the distance between planets and stars. Even what we think of as a local stellar neighborhood within our galaxy (which may look small on charts) is so vast that the distances are almost beyond human imagination.

We know that a means of travel that defies everything understood about physics would be required, but even if a vehicle could travel as fast as light, it's still not fast enough to traverse the galaxy by any feasible means just for the purpose of exploration (of course there could be long range ships that travel for eons with suspended animation for the crew, or "generation ships" that can travel indefinitely, or unoccupied probes sent out millions of years ago just as we have sent probes out beyond our solar system.)

The odds that anyone other than the known inhabitants of the planet are keeping an eye on us lean toward the idea that they are not extraterrestrial aliens, but are as yet unknown entities that live here (or are based very nearby like on a place like the moon).

The odds that anyone other than the known inhabitants of the planet are keeping an eye on us lean toward the idea that they are not extraterrestrial aliens, but are as yet unknown entities that live here (or are based very nearby like on a place like the moon).
Why do they not make contact with us ? And most UFO stories come from USA . Why do only US pilots see UFOs ? The same planes have been sold to other countries but stories from those countries about UFOs are not many .

Trouble with a capital "T"
Why do they not make contact with us ? And most UFO stories come from USA . Why do only US pilots see UFOs ? The same planes have been sold to other countries but stories from those countries about UFOs are not many .
I have the answer for that. In fact it's the answer that explains how urban myths, social beliefs and even religion often come into existences.

Read the 1st post and 18th post on this thread:

I swear this is the most eye opening thing I've ever read on a discussion board.

Why do they not make contact with us ? And most UFO stories come from USA . Why do only US pilots see UFOs ? The same planes have been sold to other countries but stories from those countries about UFOs are not many .
A lot of theories involving the "advent" of UFO sightings after WWII revolve around the Cold War (and they go both ways)...

Some feel that UFO's were a distraction from the reality of the Cold War which also ushered in the satellite age and the "Space Race" along with lots of experimental aircraft.

As more and more things filled the sky from a variety of nations all determined to spy on each other, the more sightings of unidentified flying objects. This was a largely USA-centric thing as the USA was the west's primary mover in the Cold War and leader in aircraft & weapons development, while the USSR was the super power of the eastern communist block. The U.S. has also always been a leader in pulp magazines, comic books, sci-fi stories and Hollywood blockbuster movies, all of which fostered tales of flying saucers and visitors from space. Whether our entertainment outlets' focus on aliens & flying saucers was intentionally designed to distract or influence the public in regards to the momentum of the Cold War is a subject for debate.

Part of this theory is that the US government would rather have people focused on imaginary flying saucers than delving into the reality of other nation's intercontinental capabilities to launch nuclear Armageddon or our own top secret weapons.

The way this theory goes both ways is that some others theorize all the Cold War stuff was a distraction from actual alien space ships (with the excuse that they're all just unidentified weather balloons, satellites, Soviet aircraft or our own experimental, top secret aircraft being designed to defeat Communism).

Two more related theories:

Those who fall somewhere in the middle of the opposing distraction theories simply feel our era of UFO mania was a result of entertainment and our new interest in science and science fiction with the advent of the Atomic Age. Our sci-fi stories and movies of the 50's & 60's were usually a collection of metaphors for the Cold War or warnings against science going beyond our control (as science fiction is usually a vehicle for metaphors). These in turn stimulated people's imaginations in the west which resulted in more and more alleged UFO sightings.

While those who truly believe UFO's are alien vehicles theorized that our entrance into the Nuclear Age (with the atomic bombing of Japan as the culmination of WWII) alerted aliens that it was now time to keep a closer eye on us (especially us as in U.S.), thus many more of their vehicles were dispatched as they now viewed us as a world that needed some vigilant observation, study and perhaps even experimentation.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Channel 4 in the UK did this great documentary years ago about UFO's. The basic conclusion was that the US govt have been flying advanced craft out of Area 51, since the late 1940s, with saucer shaped craft taken from the Nazi's (Roswell crash 1947), to the more modern Aurora aircraft capable of reaching incredible speeds. Area 51 has been acknowledged in recent years and you can apply to work as security there.

The whole Aliens thing was probably someone's idea of a good cover story, and continues to produce endless Alien conspiracy theories.


I strongly believe aliens exist.

However, the likelihood of them being like us is rare. Conditions that created life-force on Earth were achieved through a complex process and a fair degree of luck. Despite the vastness of the universe, I doubt whether similar situations can be met. But there is a very good possibility that life has been created and sustained in conditions that would not be inhabitable for us, but good for them.

We have discovered life forms existing in lava. So as the great Jeff said, "Life finds a way."

Our understanding of life forms is still limited. Our understanding of the universe is lower than that. There could very well be life forms on other planets or moons, but they could very well be simple organisms or complex in their ways, but far from being technologically competent to keep an eye on us.

PS: If this topic interests you, do read about the exoplanets discovered by Kepler, and what kind of life can be present on them. You will also find the changes needed for us to make or challenges that we might face, if we ever visit those planets. It's quite fascinating.

I believe it's possible, but what hurts the odds is the size of space itself and the distance between planets and stars. Even what we think of as a local stellar neighborhood within our galaxy (which may look small on charts) is so vast that the distances are almost beyond human imagination.

We know that a means of travel that defies everything understood about physics would be required, but even if a vehicle could travel as fast as light, it's still not fast enough to traverse the galaxy by any feasible means just for the purpose of exploration (of course there could be long range ships that travel for eons with suspended animation for the crew, or "generation ships" that can travel indefinitely, or unoccupied probes sent out millions of years ago just as we have sent probes out beyond our solar system.)

The odds that anyone other than the known inhabitants of the planet are keeping an eye on us lean toward the idea that they are not extraterrestrial aliens, but are as yet unknown entities that live here (or are based very nearby like on a place like the moon).
My feeling is that there is no limit to physics. It's simply that we are limited by the natural progression of discovery. Recently they have discovered that there's probably something faster than the speed of light: https://www.livescience.com/16207-fa...me-travel.html There are many other references as well.

I also recall reading somewhere that some astrophysicists hypothesize that travellers might eventually be able to "leap frog" the speed of light, enabling travel to other galaxies.

At any rate if we are to presume that there are other civilizations in the universe, then some may be at the point where Earth was just forming, whereas others might be so far advanced from us that we could't begin to understand the level at which they are. If so, then it stands to reason that we have been visited, or at least observed.

It's impossible to imagine where technology will take us in 100, 1000, 10,000 years. Could our own primitive humans ever have imagined the incredible scientific discoveries and commerce that we today take for granted?


Trouble with a capital "T"
There's a hypothesis that intelligent life everywhere in the universe would develop along the same patterns and at a certain point as their technology grew, these extraterrestrials would end up destroying themselves. Humans are all cocky about our supremacy on Earth, but as far as species goes we haven't been on the planet all that long. No species last forever, will maybe cyanobacteria, but other than that everything that evolves goes extinct. We think we're safe because the cold war is over, but the threat of nuclear destruction is even greater than it was back when the Soviet Union existed. Not to mention we're destroying Earth's ecosystem at an alarming rate. Maybe the jump from sentient life to self aware godliness is harder than ever imaged.

Forget it , I deleted my post .

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
lol. I read CR's post as the television westerns going extinct. Not westerners. ;P
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

I thought I saw a UFO a few years ago, I do believe in them and was fascinated, I'd been working late and when I finished it was dark as it was winter here, anyway I'm driving home and I see a bright light moving slowly in the sky, it was roundish, i pulled over and took a few pics on my fone then rang my mate, i told him what I could see in the sky, I just heard him burst out laughing then he said 'there should be more than one because a new Chinese restaurant is setting Chinese lanterns off this evening'!
I've never lived it down! 😂

There's a theory about all this and I can't remember what it's called.

The probability of life being out there, is extremely high...

However... the probability of advanced intelligent life being out there, right now... at this exact moment... and also being able to make contact with us... is so astronomically low, it's almost impossible.

A technically advanced civilisation, for instance ours... has been around for what? 100 years? If that? And we've already had 2 full blown world wars, plus countless others, and we're on the verge of a 3rd.
Before that we had some civilisations that lasted a couple hundred years, then were either wiped out, died out, or just vanished.

In the universe's 14 billion years, advanced civilisations, that we know of, have lasted... erm... 200-300 years max... and only on the most recent 4000-5000 years.

The chanced of having us, and another advanced species, living within contact distance, at the same time... is almost impossible.

There's definitely life out there, but it's either bacterial, or primordial... or has the mental and technological capacity of a dolphin.
If there are/were actual advanced aliens out there... they're either dead, or so far away, that radio and light signals would take so long to reach them, one of us would be dead millennia before they were even received.

The universe is big, and also very old.

I thought I saw a UFO a few years ago, I do believe in them and was fascinated, I'd been working late and when I finished it was dark as it was winter here, anyway I'm driving home and I see a bright light moving slowly in the sky, it was roundish, i pulled over and took a few pics on my fone then rang my mate, i told him what I could see in the sky, I just heard him burst out laughing then he said 'there should be more than one because a new Chinese restaurant is setting Chinese lanterns off this evening'!
I've never lived it down! 😂
I got fooled by flaming lanterns just last year. I remember calling out to my brother and saying the object almost looked like it was on fire (it was). Then another came up and we realized it was some kind of floating, flaming balloon. Still don't know where it came from or who set it off.

I thought I saw a UFO a few years ago, I do believe in them and was fascinated, I'd been working late and when I finished it was dark as it was winter here, anyway I'm driving home and I see a bright light moving slowly in the sky, it was roundish, i pulled over and took a few pics on my fone then rang my mate, i told him what I could see in the sky, I just heard him burst out laughing then he said 'there should be more than one because a new Chinese restaurant is setting Chinese lanterns off this evening'!
I've never lived it down! 😂
I got fooled by flaming lanterns just last year. I remember calling out to my brother and saying the object almost looked like it was on fire (it was). Then another came up and we realized it was some kind of floating, flaming balloon. Still don't know where it came from or who set it off.
I'd love to see a UFO, the first thing I'd do is try to take pics, it would be frustrating to see one and have nobody believe it.

My true UFO story (I was going to spoil it, but now people will have to read to the end...)

It was in 2008 (because I was living in my then new and since lost rented house).

I was taking the trash out, it was a clear night (no clouds at all) when I spotted something in the sky that was very weird which didn't look like any of the stars or planes visible in the distance.

It looked like a star that was shaped like a triangle (reminded me of the pointer on a computer screen, but without the little "tail"). I knew it wasn't a star by the size relative to the other little dots of light, its shape and its brightness.

For a moment I considered on-coming plane lights, but it was almost directly overhead and didn't move or change. It also had a glowing halo around it which I thought could be some kind of light effect diffusing through clouds, but there were no clouds.

Then scary things started to go through my mind since I couldn't identify this thing: a supernova - the image of which was just now reaching Earth, some kind of missile or nuclear weapon that was detonating, but whose effects hadn't reached the ground yet, an alien space craft, etc.

I ran inside to get my binoculars and when I got back outside the light in the center of the halo was now gone, but the halo remained for several minutes.

The next day at work I began typing on the computer about my sighting (probably on an eBay discussion board).
Soon I found out I wasn't the only one who saw this - the sighting was being reported by many people along the North Eastern seaboard since it seemed to defy anything normally seen in the night sky.

Finally, someone linked an article about the phenomenon - turned out it was a NASA rocket being tested that was launched from a base in Virginia and was visible on such a clear night by several states north of VA.

So my true UFO story turned into a true IFO story!


Anyone here believes extraterrestrials are keeping a watch on us ?
I think WE are the ETs. If you look across the landscape of humanity as it continuously emerges the idea is unavoidable. Check out Michael Cremo's Forbidden Archaeology for examples of the inaccuracy of our widely accepted timeline(s). It's a long, dry read so you could just look at the very existence of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey if you don't feel like investing the time. Once you can accept that we (currently) are only another iteration vs 'The Pinnacle' of all that lies in the past it's an easier task to connect the dots.