2018 Mofo Film Awards


Trouble with a capital "T"
A combination of extremely formulaic "musician biopic" storytelling that jars with the band saying they want to avoid making formulaic music (and frequently disregards historical accuracy just for the sake of conforming to said formula), a problematic treatment of Freddie Mercury's sexuality that's borderline character assassination, poor technical quality (especially the supposedly Oscar-worthy editing that got memed to death), and the fact that it practically exists as a singalong nostalgia trip about one of the most popular rock bands ever (climaxing with a 1:1 recreation of their Live Aid performance) rather than being a solid movie in its own right. And I say this as someone who actually likes Queen.
OK thanks for that. I'll make an effort to write up my thought on Bohemian Rhapsody on the RTLMYS thread. First though I've gotta get it from Netflix.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I love doing this but maybe it’s time for some fresh blood to take it over? Maybe they can mix up some categories, change the vote system and get more people interested?

The Bohemian Rhapsody hate is in FULL SWING and the film wins Worst Film Of The Year. Is it warranted? It earned 6 votes while the ski/fi disappointment Cloverfield Paradox came in second with 3. Someone voted for Griswold too.

Worst of the year? Thanks for the laugh.
You talkin' to me?

Welcome to the human race...
As someone who did watch all of the nominees and voted for it, I do wonder how many of its votes were by default because the rest of the nominees look so easy to avoid in comparison to the Oscar-winning box office smash about one of the most popular rock bands of all-time (and who knows how many people abstained completely from voting in that category anyway). Slightly surprised it didn't take Overrated as well but people really had it out for Black Panther for some reason.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Horrible or not, that's ok. But worst of the year? LOL
Hehe, yeah I don't really agree either. I was actually ready to really, really hate the film, but ended up just really disliking it but not wholeheartedly being able to hate it. But that's mostly because it's so glossy and cute that even if you truly dislike that it's not awful all-around. At least not in my opinion.

I voted for Fantastic Beasts 2 myself, but also thought a movie like The Predator was worse than Bohemian Rhapsody...

Bohemian Rhapsody should've gotten the most overrated award imo.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
It was a toss up between Black Panther and Bohemian Rhapsody for most overrated for me. Black Panther is a better movie, but I still think it's probably more overrated as a lot of people do seem to recognise that Bohemian Rhapsody is a bit rubbish. I agree that Bohemian Rhapsody probably isn't the worst film. I didn't vote in that category because I thought some of the ones I chose not to see were probably much worse than the mediocre ones I had seen.