The 2018 MoFies - Prep Thread


Change to the Nicest MoFo?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Even better looking with the background and border added.........Now if we could just find someone to host, maybe this could happen

Who wants to host? or maybe co-host? Come on don't be shy it's just a fun little event And I have some ideas for streamlining the awards and making it faster & easier. And the easier something is to do the more likely people will join in.

I really wish I had more excitement to offer the forum. I wish I could explain why the forum isn’t the same these days. Unfortunately, David Lynch seems to be in the director’s chair and has been since 2017. I thought I had a good handle on the forum, and it seems I don’t anymore. It’s in God’s hands. I guess it’s no longer the Devil’s Playground (though, to me, it seems like Satan’s been busier than ever here).

I’m here as God allows it. He gives and takes as he chooses. If the forum is in a slump, well, what doesn’t fall to pieces eventually? Makeup can only hide so much.

I do very much miss pre-2017 MoFo. But, some people get a kick out of the new style. For some, maybe there was no change. Or maybe we’ve all been cataclysmically affected by the axis of Donald Trump’s influence. It’s pretty powerful stuff.

If you say there’s a difference now, I see it, and I’ve lived it. Again, I wish I could bring the spark back. Again, it’s not up to me, and never was. I say blame God. That might be the wisdom of the Devil, but it makes a lot of sense to me.


Finalised the design
Just need @Citizen Rules to let me know exactly what categories we're using and I can make templates

Not feeling this this year. Sorry to be the Debbie downer.
Droopy moping old generation members certainly doesn't make the place better.

The new MacGuffin idea seems to have gone down well this year as a concept... might use a MacGuffin every year from now on rather than the trophy style.

Thinking for the future... a Maltese Falcon, Davy Jones' Chest, a Pulp Fiction Briefcase... any others?